Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 353: Serious injury


After Sisia completely recovered, she opened her eyes wide. She saw that her Demon Slasher had penetrated Belen's shoulder blades, and she immediately retracted the Demon Sword into her own space.

Without the erosion of Demon Slayer Taito, Belen was also relieved. He fell to the back, the blue brilliance on his body turned into a firefly, and his pupils gradually returned to black, but his head was full of white hair. Still gray hair.

"Xiaomu! Come out!"

Seeing Belen this way, Sisya was also terrified, she immediately realized how bad she had done, she actually fell into that **** illusion!

No matter how anxious Sisiah shouted, the wood elves still hadn’t appeared. She felt that there was a seal blessed by the elves in her body, probably to protect her from falling while being controlled, and at this moment the elves were already trapped. Sleepy.

"Belen! How are you?"

Sisiya immediately took out the medical supplies to help Belen stop the bleeding. Her current mood is simply terrible. If Belen died here, she would be ashamed for a lifetime!

Seeing Sisia's panic, Belem's pale face pulled the corner of his mouth, and he said weakly, "You can't die, don't panic."

In fact, Belen also knew that his situation was very bad. After retiring from that state, his body was extremely weak, his head was a little groggy, and his vision gradually began to blur.

Sisya looked around anxiously, but all she saw was the site destroyed because of the two of them fighting. There was no one else except her and him.

It was late at night now.

Although there are a lot of things that Sisya hasn't cleared up, and she cares about a lot of things, but at the moment she puts Belén to the teaching building first.

His current situation is very dangerous!

The blood flow didn't stop, even after the treatment, it only slowed the bleeding speed. Her Demon Slayer Taidao contained a curse that could severely injure the enemy, and the self-healing ability did not play any role at all.

However, just when Sisya was about to carry Belem, a few sword lights suddenly shot towards her, forcing her to retreat to the side, and then countless metal wings shot towards her again and again. Withdrew dozens of steps.

Sisiya's Demon Slayer once again appeared in her hand, her heart shook, and then she wanted to protect Belen, but she suddenly stopped because there were several people standing in front of Belen at the moment.


After seeing Belen's blood and white hair, Zona also screamed in shock, and then hurried to Belen's side, but the latter had passed out in a coma at the moment.

The people who came here were Zona and others from the eastern region, but the rest of the sword house members except Zona were Aarons and Eber, and the other two were joined by Putin to help those who were still fighting. Sha Xiang waited.

Morpheus helped Kai Le to come to Belem's side. Both of them frowned when they saw the latter's appearance. It was obvious at a glance that Belem's situation was very bad now.

At this moment, Aaron and Eber are already angry, Jian Ju Er, Belen, is their best friend in the school days, but it is such a scene when they meet again, how can they not be angry.

Aaron looked murderously at the red-haired girl in the distance. Before he came, he knew who Belen would fight again. Probably this red-haired girl was the legendary "brave", but even so, he Still raised the sword in his hand.

"Do you know what you did? "Brave"! "

Seeing the look of the other party and the others, Sisya knew that they were not enemies. Demon Slayer disappeared in her hand. After hearing what Aaron said, Sisya couldn't help but want to explain. But she didn't say anything, she pursed her lips, her beautiful face was full of guilt at this moment.


"I'm sorry?" Eber suddenly said, he looked at Sisya sarcastically, and said in a cold voice: "As a "brave" like a savior, he was controlled by the enemy. Doing such a thing, your world The strongest is really incredible. "

Hearing his words, Sisya clenched her fists, and she was extremely ashamed of her arrogant temper. As a "brave," she was praised by the world as "the strongest in the world" and "the one who resembles a god." It actually helped the enemy to make an act of hurting others, even if it was controlled as a last resort, it was also by her hand.

"Stop talking! Now we have to send Belém to heal his injuries!"

Zona yelled to stop Aaron Yu Eber, then hugged Belen, glanced at Sisia, and he said something after a moment of silence.

"You should be together."

Although Belen was seriously injured, Zona could see that Sisya was definitely injured, and it must not have been her own intention to be able to do such a thing. Although he was also very annoyed, the matter was over.

Aaron looked at the red-haired girl, his expression was very gloomy, he squeezed the sword in his hand, and then the movement of his feet turned into sword light and disappeared in place.

"Aarons! Don't!"

Seeing this scene, Morpheus also exclaimed. He didn't expect that Aaron would still act on "The Brave", and he was really angry.


Aaron’s sword stopped in front of Sisiya’s eyebrows, and he stared at the latter firmly, and said in a deep voice, “I’m very angry, even if you are a “brave”, I can’t wait to give you a sword. . "

After saying this, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Aarens put the sword away and turned away. If the opponent had made a defensive move just now, he would fight to the death even if he could not beat this "brave". .

But facing his sword, the other party did not evade the defense at all. Facts have proved that this young brave man is indeed guilty of his heart, and his anger has disappeared a lot at this moment, although he is still very angry.

Although it was late at night that the dark clouds were invisible, at this moment it was raining gradually and getting bigger and bigger, and in the process, Sisya stood still and did not move half a step.


The rain wet the bright red hair, and her bangs covered her eyes. At this moment, Sisia seemed to be baptized again, wanting to clear her sins.

Her fists were clenched, and there was nowhere to release the anger in the girl's heart. She took a deep breath and suppressed the anger, then raised her head and looked at the sky.


There was lightning and thunder in the sky, and after an unknown amount of time, Sisia finally took a step, and she walked in the direction where Zona and the others had left.