Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 38: Nervous Latier (2 in 1!)

At this moment, La Tier was standing there sluggishly, her eyes seemed to lose her brilliance, her whole person seemed to be petrified, and people near her could even hear her heartbreak.

"Latier, cheer up!"

Seeing this scene, Belen was shocked. He didn't expect Latise's words to have such a big blow to La Tier. She stood up and began to shake La Tier's body.

"Not tasty...not tasty..."

Ratil looks like a broken doll.

Belen looked at Latis at the moment, he was surprised to find that the little cat was still eating other dishes, he was taken aback, and then he looked at the plate of meat.

The color of the meat is undoubtedly very good, it gives a good feeling in itself, not to mention that the meat Belem has also tasted, oily but not greasy, it can be said that it is a delicious dish, but why is it latte? Don't like it?


Belen seemed to have found the key point of the matter, his gaze fixed on the dish, and finally fell on a turquoise thing.

Green pepper!

"Lattes, do you like this?" Belen picked up the chopsticks, picked up a slice of green pepper, and shook it to Lattes.

Hearing Belen's voice, Latis turned her cute little face, and the brown cat pupils blinked, and their eyes fell on the green pepper held by the chopsticks.


"No, Lattes, don't eat it!"

Lattes frowned her cute brows, pouted her small mouth, and looked at the green peppers with dissatisfaction. She was extremely cute, but obviously she hated the smell of green peppers.

"Then don't eat this, what about this?"

Putting down the green pepper, Belen picked up another potato and shook it in front of the kitten.

"To eat!"

The kitten fluttered with big cute eyes, then opened her small mouth slightly, looking at Belen like this, so cute that she couldn't help but want to touch her.

"Okay, here you are."

Hearing the soft voice, Belen only felt his heart melted. He clamped the piece of potato, and then gently put it into Latise's mouth.

The kitten was eating, and Belen was looking at Ratil who was watching this scene blankly, and he reached out and rubbed the latter's head.

"Lattes just hates green peppers, not the dishes made by Lattier."

Sure enough, just as Belen thought, children have their own unique tastes, and they refuse to eat what they don't like, although he thinks that green peppers taste good and are rich in nutrition.

"Too, great!"

La Tier put a hand on her chest, exhaled, and her tense mood suddenly relaxed. It turned out that La Tisi didn't hate her cooking, but just didn't like green peppers.

"Sit down and eat together." Belem sat down, then looked at Latier, said like this.


Hearing that, La Tier showed a touching smile, she responded, and then went to fetch a pair of tableware, and then sat down to have a meal with the three of Belém.

Gruul, who was sitting at the table opposite Belem, was the one who ate the most peacefully. He didn't even notice what happened, and was completely immersed in the world of food.

After a long time, Gruul stuffed the last piece of food on the table into his mouth, chewed it a bit, swallowed his stomach, and burped.

"Oh, thanks for the hospitality!"

Gruul suddenly found that he had made a wise decision to leave with Belen. On the way, every day, he was eating unstoppable delicacies.

This is so happy!

"Your appetite is so big."

Belen looked at Gruul and blinked, a little surprised that this wolf boy could actually eat so much, and killed several bowls of rice alone.

"Yes, you are so good to eat."

Latier on the side also commented on Gruul in the same way, but she was very happy in her heart. She was still very happy when someone liked to eat her dishes.


Hearing what the two said, Gruul smiled embarrassedly and scratched the back of his head. His appetite was indeed great, and the people in the village said the same about him.

"What a surprise, La Tier's food is so delicious." Belen cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks a bit, and then said what was in his heart.


La Tier's cheeks flushed slightly, she hesitated, but then became a little excited, the cat pupils were shining, and she looked at Belem with hope.

"After that, I will cook more meals!"

Hearing what Latier said, Belen was also startled. When he saw the light filled with those eyes, he blinked and then nodded.

"Then please."

Obviously La Tier said this because of his own will. How could Belem refuse? Besides, it would be nice to have someone help cooking.

Immediately afterwards, Gruul went to take a nap, which seemed to be his habit. And Latis was chasing butterflies everywhere, with a dull look on her face.

As for the tidying up, Belen and Latier were naturally doing it. Originally, this was done by Belen alone, but Latier insisted on coming, so it was her.

Belen was washing the dishes and chopsticks with the water he had beaten up, and his gaze turned to Ratil, who was wiping the table on the other side. He obviously had done a lot in the past with his skillful appearance.

After clearing the table, La Tier walked to Belém's side again, and saw that he was washing the dishes, and now he was holding a basin and wanted to help.

"Mr. Belen, let me help you."

"Uh, good."

Belen divided some of the bowls and chopsticks out, but just as Latier was about to do it, Belen suddenly grabbed her hand. This action made Latier startled, and then her cheeks became hot involuntarily.

"Be...Mr. Belen, this is..."

La Tier was stunned again, she found a layer of blue light on her palm. She knew that this was the magic of Mr. Belen.

"Wash it this way, or it will hurt your hands."

Belen said, then took his hand back, and continued to wash the bowls and chopsticks in the basin.


After returning to her senses, La Tier looked at her hands, the blue magical brilliance covered them, and she looked up at Belén in front of her, her heart gradually warming.

As night fell, Belen and others still did not rush to a city, so they were still in the wilderness.

Beside the earth dragon, Belen leaned there, watching the sky fade for a while, and then thinking that he should go to bed too. He got up early in the morning and went on the road early. As soon as he closed his eyes, a voice came from his ears.

"Mr. Belen."

Hearing the sound, Belen opened his eyes again and turned his head to look around. He saw La Tier standing there with his hands behind his hips, fingers interlaced in a tangled manner.

"That's right, go to sleep, what if the cold gets worse?"

Although she said so, La Tier tilted her head, her eyes didn't know where she was looking, her cheeks were a little rosy, and she looked at Belem from time to time.

In fact, Belém’s cold has been cured, so he said before that he would heal soon, thinking of rejecting, but suddenly thinking of how Latier was angry today, he couldn’t help but shudder. Frightened and responded quickly.

"Yes Yes Yes."

Latier looked at Belem with some confusion. This reaction was a little strange, but she didn't think too much. She nodded, then turned around, and walked back to the commercial vehicle.

"Man, I can't sleep with you tonight."


Earth Dragon opened those big eyes, glanced at Belem, and then closed it. There was a dull voice in his mouth, and he couldn't understand the meaning.

Immediately afterwards, Belen walked into the commercial car. He looked at Lattes who was shrinking in the bed. The kitten also flashed big eyes, looking out the window, which should be looking at the beautiful night sky.

Because there is no bed, La Tier and La Tisi sleep on the floor. They are made of several quilts stacked on top of each other. They are soft and warm, while the one covered by them is a large quilt.

I originally wanted to sleep with Gruer, but the original cargo was moved to the second carriage. There was no room left. Gruul could make room for it, or it was because he was not too big. , So Belen can't go to sleep with him.

"I'll get some bedding."

He looked around and found that there was no extra bedding. Belen said so, and then walked out of the commercial car and walked towards the second compartment.

La Tier sat there, staring at the quilt, her expression a little unnatural, her cheeks had been dyed red, as if she was about to bleed, which was very different from the usual whiteness, and her hands were tightly grasping the quilt.

Obviously it's just a normal sleep, why is she so nervous?

La Tier's heartbeat was very fast, she reached out her hand to cover her chest, panting became a lot more anxious, she bit her red lips lightly, feeling very strange.

In the second carriage, Gruul was looking at some books by candlelight, and at this moment, his ears moved suddenly, and he heard the sound of the door opening, he turned his head and looked at it.

"Belen? What's the matter?"

"I'll find some quilt."

"Didn't you have not covered the quilt two days ago? Isn't it cold today?"

Gruul felt a little puzzled. What he had cared about was Belen sleeping outside at night, but after a few days, he didn't care.

"No, La Tier let me sleep in the carriage. I thought that if I had to lie down, it would be too hard and uncomfortable, so I came to find out if there are too many quilts." Belen replied flatly.

"It turned out to be so."

Gruul nodded and withdrew his gaze, but when he had just turned half of the page, his eyes suddenly enlarged, and he suddenly turned his head to look at Belen with an expression of disbelief.

"You, you, you, what did you just say? Sister Latier, she, she, she let you sleep in the car? It's not me, right? There's nowhere to sleep!"

Seeing Gruul suddenly panicked, Belen paused his actions, then looked at Gruul suspiciously, showing inexplicable eyes.

"Of course it's not sleeping with you, and there is no place to sleep."

"You, you, are you going to sleep with sister Latier?!"

"Yes indeed."

Belen couldn't understand why Gruul was suddenly excited. He shook his head to express puzzlement, and then continued to search for his own quilt.

How can he sleep with Sister Ratil! ?

Gruul's face was full of disbelief, full of mental activity.

Seeing Belém like this, it doesn't seem to be a special thing to sleep together, can it, can it be said! ? Do they often sleep together! ?

Just when Gruul was struggling, Belen stopped, rubbed his chin, and finally shook his head and walked out of the car.

"It seems that there is no quilt."


A thunderbolt on the blue sky seemed to have struck Gruul's heart. He stared blankly at Belem who was leaving. There was no quilt. Wouldn't it be possible to cover the same quilt? !

When Belen closed the door, Gruul felt as if he had fallen into an endless abyss of darkness. His eyes were dull and he didn't recover for a long while.

After a while, La Tier's mood gradually calmed down, and she squeezed her fists, her eyes showing firmness.

She can't think too much! I just don't want to make Mr. Belén sick! Anyway, it's not sleeping in the same bed, what does it matter?

Thinking about this, Latier relaxed. She patted her cheek and exhaled. At this moment, she noticed that Belém had returned.

"Mr. Belen."

However, she did not immediately notice that although Belen had returned, he did not bring back anything.

"I found that there are not many quilts."


La Tier's expression froze suddenly, her eyes fell on Belen's hands, and she found that she was not holding anything, and her mind was short-circuited right now.

"Forget it, it's the same without a quilt."

Not seeing Latier's abnormality, Belen scratched his hair, and then didn't care too much. He turned around and closed the door of the commercial car, and then sat down next to the box.

"Just sleep here."



Belen was stunned. He looked at La Tier, who was looking at her flushed with embarrassment in his eyes and trembling lips.

"Bei, Mr. Belen, I can't help but cover up the quilt."

"But, there is no quilt."

Hearing these words, La Tier's delicate body trembled, she pursed her lips, looked at the puzzled Belen, and finally reached out and patted the quilt pad next to her.

"Then, then sleep here, there is still a big place here."

Hearing this, Belen blinked and took a look at the location La Tier had just photographed. It was true that there could be another person sleeping there. He considered it a bit.

"Will it be a bit crowded?"



Now that Latier had said so, Belen didn't say anything, he took off the extra clothes on his body, and then sat beside Latier.


Belen looked at Latier who turned his head away. He was taken aback. He seemed to have heard the sound just now, but he didn't think much about it. He reached out and tried to pull the quilt, which was long enough~lightnovelpub.net~ indeed. Can cover him.

"Huh, it's been a long time since I slept like this."

After feeling satisfied, Belen lay down, pulled the quilt, reached out his fingertips to control the magic, and extinguished the candle, leaving only the moonlight coming in from the outside of the carriage.

Latil sat for a moment, seeming to be trying to calm something down, she glanced at Belen, who closed her eyes next to her, then gathered her courage and lay down.

Mr. Belén, lying beside her!

Thump thump.

The heartbeat speed is very fast, the voice is very clear, La Tier's cheeks are scary, she is very worried that the heartbeat will be heard, it is too ashamed.

At this moment, Belen's arm suddenly touched Lattier. At this moment, Lattier's breathing stopped. She opened her eyes wide and dared not breathe.

This, how do I sleep!

Latil suddenly regretted what she had just said. She only felt she wanted to cry without tears, and she did not dare to move at all. The more area she had in contact with Mr. Belém, the more nervous she was.

I don’t know how long Belen has fallen asleep, and the gentle breathing sound fell into La Tier’s ears. She swallowed unconsciously, turned her back to the former, and hugged the sleeping one. Lattes, she was out of contact with Belen's arm.

Phew, finally, I can go to bed, it should be already, it's late.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!