Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 41: Socia

Hearing what the woman said, Belem looked at her suspiciously, but the woman just smiled at him and didn't explain anything.

"It's so ice! No, it's so spicy, so spicy!"

La Tier suddenly exploded, and the wine glass was placed on the table, and she suddenly jumped up, her face flushed rapidly, and she kept flapping her tongue and breathing hard.

"Latier... are you okay?"

Seeing La Tier's appearance, Belen was also shocked. The wine was indeed strong, but he didn't feel much. He didn't expect La Tier's reaction to be so big.

"Bei, Mr. Belen!"

La Tier's brown cat pupils are beginning to fog, she is at a loss at this moment, with an expression of crying, trying to ask Belen for help.

Seeing La Tier's call for help, Belen also reacted immediately. He turned his head and looked at the calm blue-haired woman: "Is there warm water? Is there warm water?"

"Yes, one gold coin."


Belen didn't hesitate to put a gold coin on the table. He didn't have much expression on his face, but his heart was convulsing crazily. This woman is definitely squandering money!

Soon, warm water worth one gold coin arrived, and Belem hurriedly passed it to Latier, who drank the warm water, which was much better.

"So wine, is it such a spicy thing?"

La Tier looked at Belem with a pitiful expression, but Belem wanted to say that not all wines are so spicy, but at this moment I don't say anything, it is estimated that there is already a shadow in La Tier's heart.

"A cup of warm water is a gold coin. No wonder you have no guests." Belen looked at the blue-haired woman again, his expression was very calm, but he was "retaliating" on his lips.

The blue-haired woman just chuckled. Just when she was about to say something, her eyes suddenly caught Latier's arm, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

"beautiful flowers."

La Tier was startled when she heard the words and turned her head to look at her arm. The clothes she was wearing today had a bare opening on the arm, so she could see the carved blue Luo Orchid.


Seeing her blue Luo Orchid, La Tier showed a sweet and pleasant smile. She recalled the past again, and now looked at Belem with grateful eyes.

As if he could feel the meaning in La Tier's eyes, Belen stretched out his hand and rubbed the former's head. He understood what the cat was thinking.

"How did this flower get up?"

The blue-haired woman didn't care about those, but looked at the blue Luo Orchid with interest. She seemed to like it very much.

"This is Mr. Belém's masterpiece! It's called a tattoo!"

"Mr. Belen?"

The blue-haired woman looked at Belém on the side, and then showed a moving smile: "So your name is Belén, hello, my name is Socia, did you paint that flower?"

"It can't be regarded as painted. I carved it with magic, and I have to use a little tool."

Belen explained it calmly.

"The magic is engraved on it?"

Socia was stunned when she heard these words, her eyes flashed with a strange light, and she looked at the person in front of her again.

"Are you a magister?"

"No, but I still have some experience in the use of magic power."

Socia stared at the person in front of her for a while, thinking in her heart that if she painted that blue Luo Orchid, she had to be very careful, after all, it would take a lot of tricks to draw it wrong.

"If the magic is engraved, can it be eliminated?"

"I can't get rid of it, but I can control the magic to get rid of the tattoo."

Belen shook his head. After he finished tattooing with magic power, he could no longer control those magic powers, so only he could do the elimination.

"You can't eliminate it?"

After hearing what he said, Socia showed a surprised look, and she looked at the blue Luo Lanhua on La Tier's arm again, feeling a little surprised.

There are many intricacies in that blue Luo Orchid. If it is portrayed by magic, it is not just as simple as careful, if it is portrayed by magic, it also has to be very capable of magic control.



Just when Socia wanted to ask something, she suddenly stopped. She looked out the door and saw a few people rushing in and kicking the chair away.

"Hahaha, there is actually a tavern here! Oh my god, it's pretty cool, brothers, let's have a good drink today!"


A group of tall men walked in. Then, they all looked at Belen and the others. In the end, they ignored the only man Belen and the child Latis, and their eyes fell on both. The girl.

"Oh, it's so happy to have such a beautiful girl here!"


The eyes of the group of people suddenly became bright, and they were unkind at first sight, and they didn't care about anything wrong, and went straight to the counter.

Seeing these people, Belen's eyes drooped, and he pulled Latil, whose expression gradually became scared, behind him, and calmly stared at these people in front of him.

"Mr. Belen..."


After a comforting sentence, Belen glanced at Socia again, and he found that the latter did not show any nervous look, but the same as before, with a gentle smile.

"Are you here to drink or to make trouble?"

"Uh, hahaha, we are here to drink, but we are also here to make trouble, girl, do you want to drink with us? Isn't it tired to stand here?"

The man in the head was startled when he heard it, and then laughed loudly, and as he said, he stretched out his big hand and was about to squeeze it towards Socia's chin.

Just as everyone laughed and saw that hand was about to touch Socia, the next moment, the laughter in the tavern stopped abruptly.


An extremely cold air suddenly emerged, and the hand was frozen in an instant. Not only that, the frost began to cover the palm of the hand until it reached the arm ~lightnovelpub.net~The man Started to panic.

"No, no no no! What the hell!?"

All those who followed the man in were at a loss, while Belen looked at Socia, whose ponytail was gently swinging, her hair floating, and her body exuding a cold air. , The magic is surging around.

"She, she, she is the magister!"

Everyone's eyes were focused on Socia's body, the latter's smile had long since disappeared, replaced by a cold and indifferent look, her body was enveloped by magic and swept the entire tavern.

"Quick! Take me away!"

The person closest to the man reacted immediately, picked up the man's waist and ran outside. The owner of this tavern was actually a magician!

Seeing them fled in a panic, the magic on Socia also disappeared, and the whole person recovered calm. She glanced at the broken stools and sighed.

"Really, I have to pay for repairs again, and it's so troublesome."

Immediately afterwards, Socia looked at Belem again, and re-exposed that glamorous smile, which was completely different from the indifference before.


After hearing the words, Belen nodded. He was indeed a little surprised. Although Socia had long felt that it was not easy, he did not expect to have such a strong magical power.

"Just apologize and give you a glass of wine."

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!