Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 42: Sick Latier

At this moment, La Tier and La Tisi were sitting on the stools, looking at the blue-haired beauty who was older than them.

This big sister is actually a very powerful magister!

It can be seen from the scene just now that this tavern beauty owner named Socia is a hidden master who casually let those people retreat.

"The security in this town is very bad. I have been here for several days. It's not the first time that the group of people just met. It's really unreasonable and broke my things."

Socia was making a drink while talking to Belen.

After that, I talked to Belen about the situation in this town. It turned out that there was a plague in the town here, so the original residents have gone away, and there are not many original residents who still stayed here, and she This is what we learned from the population of these families.

No wonder he didn't see anyone, Belem understood the situation.

"And now, the houses here are basically empty, but there are a lot of gangsters who live here, they don't need to pay taxes, and the imperial capital doesn't send anyone to take care of it. It's really easy."

The wine was poured into the wine glass and placed on the table. Belen took it. This time the wine was still "ice cold." This time he knew why the wine was called by this name. There was no ice in the wine, but it was Socia's magical powers are harmonized, so it will be bitterly icy.

"Do you sell wine here?"

Belén asked what he really wanted. He didn't have much inventory in his commercial vehicle, and the wine he wanted now was this "ice cold", and he would surely be able to sell it at a good price everywhere!

Socia glanced at Belem, seemed to know what the latter was thinking, and smiled slightly: "If you want to buy Binghan, then forget it. This wine is only useful if you drink it within five minutes."

"That's really a pity."

As a result, Belem bought another wine from Socia. He bought ten altars in total and packed them in his own container. After all, the capacity of the second carriage was not much.

"So, continue with the previous topic, that tattoo, can you get me one too?"

Socia previously estimated it in her heart. Even if she was, it would be difficult for her to do that. What's more, she wanted to tattoo herself. This is not to use a pen to draw, but to use magic to replace the pen. It seems simple, but only those who want to try will know how difficult it is.

Hearing Socia's words, Belen froze for a moment, then nodded. Say: "If you want it, I have no problem. Of course, you have to pay a gold coin."

This is revenge! Belem blinked.

"Hmm..." Socia whispered, as if hesitating something, he looked at Latier and Latis, and then laughed: "I'll think about it again, after all, it's carved with your magic power. On me."

Indeed, using the magic of others to engrave on one's own body, this seems like an exclusive mark, it is too ambiguous.

"What... what exclusive, imprint..."

Latil's face on the side suddenly turned red. She lowered her head in a panic, not daring to look up at the two of them, but this expression was seen by Socia, who smiled lightly.

"It is not only my magic power, but also your magic power to get a tattoo."

After Belen heard the words, he explained it. Although he didn't understand what Socia was hesitating, it was obvious that the latter did not like the magic of outsiders to stay on him.

"Are you leaving this town today?"

"I'll leave tomorrow."

"Then I will give you an answer tomorrow."

So, after chatting some more about the town, Belen left the tavern with La Tier and La Tis, and drove a commercial truck to a small alley to stop. After all, the city was sparsely populated and stopped. On the outside, it's strange.

After having dinner, night fell gradually.

"Mr. Belem, is that sister Socia a magister?"

She seemed to think of the scene where Socia was showing her power again, and Latil immediately became excited again. She admired the Magister very much.

"Huh? No, she is a witch."


La Tier was stunned, but he didn't expect to get this answer.

"It's a witch, she didn't chant a spell yet."

Seeing that Latier was puzzled, Belem explained naturally. From the moment he saw Socia using magic, he had judged that the other party was not a magister.

Most people will mistake a witch for a magister, but the two are still easy to distinguish. The magister needs to chant a spell to cast magic, but the witch doesn't need it.

The witch race is very rare, and the unique talent is that they are born with a strong affinity for magic, so their inborn advantages are far from comparable to ordinary magicians.

But there are also areas where she is not good at it. Although the witch has such a great talent that she can cast magic without chanting, she can't use magic other than her own magical attributes.

"It turned out to be like this. I didn't expect that Sister Sophia is actually a witch..."

It seemed that it was a stronger interest, so La Tier asked many questions about the witch race, and Belen was happy to answer questions for her.

After that, Belen was packing up the tableware, and Latier on the side walked slowly, picking up the cloth and helping him. For some reason, his cheeks were a little red and his eyes drooping.

"The head hurts, a little dizzy..."

La Tier shook his head, and then continued to wipe the table, wiping it, her feet were a little unsteady, her figure staggered a little, fortunately, she supported the table and almost fell.


Belen, who happened to see this scene, was startled, his expression changed suddenly, and he ran towards La Tier, who happened to look at him.

"Belen... Mr...."

The voice was very faint, and the next moment, when the world was spinning around, La Tier suddenly became unstable under her feet, and at the moment she fell, she felt that she had fallen into a warm embrace.


Belen hugged Latier with a look a little ugly. He looked at Latier's somewhat uncomfortable face, breathing very quickly, and his cheeks were slightly flushed. He reached out and put his hand on the latter's forehead.

"It's hot."

Although there is a slight difference in body temperature between sub-human races and humans, at this temperature, Belen is quite sure that La Tier has a fever, and now he is worried.

Why did La Tier suddenly get a fever?

Belen was puzzled, could it be the problem with his cooking? But when you think about it, it's impossible~lightnovelpub.net~ In a flash, his eyes widened slightly, and suddenly he remembered what Socia had said in the tavern.

"Then you have to take good care of her tonight."

It turns out that Socia has long known that this kind of thing will happen. The wine may be very strong, but the reason that caused La Tier to have a fever may be due to the magic of Socia, coupled with the potency of the wine. This allowed La Tier's body temperature to rise.

"I'm really..."

Belen suddenly regretted that he had given Latir the glass of wine at the time, and he regretted it now. He picked up Latir and walked towards the commercial cart.

After covering La Tier with the quilt, Belen looked at La Tisi who was looking at her sister in doubt, and gently rubbed La Tisi's head.

"La Tier is sick, La Tisi needs to take good care of her."

"Latis got it!"

The little cat nodded seriously, and then sat beside her sister.

Belen changed the towel for La Tier, and then noticed the sweat on La Tier's neck, he took another towel and wiped it off.

"Latis, I'll go out for a while, you have to be good."


Belen stood up, then walked out of the carriage, closed the door, and walked to the second carriage and started looking for medicine. He remembered that he still had some medicine, but not much. After all, he would not get sick.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!