Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 48: Another city

Al, who said that he wanted to teach Latier and Latis magic, was naturally impossible to say for nothing. She started her teaching in the early morning of the second day.

As for the teaching aspect, Belem was stunned for a moment, because the way of teaching was really good, not only practicing, but also explaining the laws of magic for the two.

Even if La Tier and La Tis didn't understand anything, Al was very patient in teaching, like a senior magic teacher.

After seeing this scene, Belen became a little curious.

"Al, you are good at teaching people."

As Latier and Latis were mobilizing their magical powers, Al turned his head to look at Belen, the pretty face still with that cold look.

"Taught many arbitrators who have practiced in the Holy See."

"Girls should laugh more. Why do you always have an expression all day long?"

After hearing these words, the magic power that Latier had just condensed suddenly dissipated, she looked at Belem with that very helpless gaze, she wanted to say something.

In this regard, Mr. Belém, you are not qualified to speak of others.

After hearing Belen's words, Al glanced at him coldly and didn't say anything. Belen saw her walk aside and turned her back to him, as if looking into the distance.

"It's always so cold, so cute when I was young."

Belen also walked aside, muttering something.

And not far away, Al's back seemed to tremble slightly, her expression seemed to change a little, and the corners of her mouth seemed to be holding on to something.

After a few days, Belem and others came to a town.

When Belen came to this town, he began to collect a bunch of ingredients, but after buying the things, he began to check his funds.

"It's been so pleasant this time, I forgot to do business."

Belen sighed after checking. His budget was a little insufficient, and he had to find some business to do. As a vagrant businessman, he still had a way to make money.

"Are you short of money?"

It seemed that he had noticed something wrong with Belen, and Al asked flatly, although he knew Belen was a wandering businessman, he didn't know what his income was.

"Not yet, but I can't keep the things in the warehouse idle."

Belen shook his head, and did not explain his current situation.

Al's eyes moved slightly. After thinking about it, she asked, "I basically can't use money. I have some funds to save. Do you need it?"

"Huh? I don't want it."

After hearing Al's words, Belen was also taken aback, and then decisively refused. How could he ask Al's money, absolutely not.

"My money, you hate it?"

Seeing Belen's decisive refusal, Al's face seemed to become colder, and there was a faint thunder in the blue and purple eyes and she seemed to be in a bad mood.

This is a bit bad!

Upon seeing this, Belen immediately realized that Al was angry, and was shocked at the moment. He hurriedly explained: "No, I mean I can't ask for your money."


The lightning in Al's eyes hadn't disappeared, and she faced Belen with a cold expression, as if the latter didn't answer well, she would be struck by thunder.

"After all, I am also a professional, and I still make money."

After saying this, Belen found that the lightning in Al’s eyes had not disappeared, and now he knew that his explanation was not good enough. He swallowed, then stretched out a hand to scratch his cheek and turned his head away. .

"Um, asking for money from childhood sweethearts...I can't do this kind of thing."

This is when the lightning in Al's eyes gradually disappeared. She blinked her beautiful eyes, looked at Belen's somewhat weird look, and then turned her head, her cold expression warmed.

"If this is the case, then forget it."

This city is not as uninhabited as that deserted city. Instead, it is full of voices and there are many people coming and going. Wandering merchants like Belém are also everywhere, and it can be said that it is a very prosperous town.

After a pub, after paying a special person for the stalled commercial vehicle, the Belém four came to the street. It was already night, and there were many people coming late, and there seemed to be something going on in the city. At the event, there were a lot of people who set up vendors and were full of laughter and laughter.

"La Tier wants to eat that!"

As soon as the little cat's eyes lit up, it instantly caught what suits her appetite, and immediately screamed happily.

Regarding Latis’ request, Belen would naturally not refuse. Although his own funds are not much left, it is still enough to meet daily needs.

After buying candy for Latis, Belen suddenly noticed that Al was looking at something. He was also looking in the same direction, and immediately noticed a black-clothed figure just passing by.


Al murmured, and then took a step, as if she wanted to find the figure in black, but at this moment, her wrist was suddenly pulled, and she turned her head to look at Belen who was holding her.

"I came to play tonight. If you can, don't shoot them."

Belen seemed to have guessed Al’s thoughts too. He spoke to the girl in a hopeful tone. It is really inappropriate to do too much on this occasion~lightnovelpub.net~ Hearing this, Al was silent for a moment. , And then nodded, behaving as promised to Belen, and her gaze swept to several directions again.

"There are many witches here."

Hearing this, Belen’s gaze swept across everyone in sight. Although he didn’t have the ability to discern witches, if, as Al said, there are a lot of witches, it’s a bit strange. , But I don’t think it’s weird.

"Perhaps this town is very lively these days, they just want to relax, after all, they live such fearful days every day."

The magical race of witches was discovered hundreds of years ago. There are even records in history that there was a huge battle between the organization of witches and the Holy See, and countless lives were lost during the period, so after the defeat, the witches It’s very difficult to live.

After El heard what Belen said, she was silent. She didn't deny what Belen said, but she didn't say anything else. She responded softly, then looked back, and ignored the witches for the time being. .

"Latier, Lattes, you can eat whatever you want tonight, I'll buy it for you, you are welcome! Al is the same, do you want to eat colorful candy?"

"Thank you Mr. Belen!"

"Big brother is great!"

"I said last time, I don't eat that thing anymore."

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!