Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 480: Maybe you are right

The three were walking together on the street. At this moment, Al had already got the information she reasoned out last night from Lumia's explanation, and she seemed to be serious?

"Illya is my favorite..."

Al’s gaze was plain but with a little bit of resentment. Of course she remembered the little silver-haired girl, who she later turned into is really beautiful. Even the same girl has to admit this, she is really beautiful. Too much.

Hearing Al's whisper, Belen felt very helpless. Why is this really serious? Obviously, it was Lu Mia alone.

"Illya is just my sister, not as exaggerated as I thought!"

"The favorites are La Tier and Laya..."

Hearing this sentence, Belen also helplessly explained: "My favorite is Lattes, everyone I like it very much, there is no difference!"

Belen suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly added: "I still like Al you!"

Hearing this, Al turned her head to look at Belen. There was a trace of resentment in those blue-purple eyes. She said with dissatisfaction: "Why don't I feel moved at all when I hear this?"

So, why do you want to be moved?

Belen sighed for a long time. He raised his head and glanced at the snowy sky. He felt a little complicated. If he was asked to think about the relationship between men and women, maybe...

Maybe Lumia was right?

Belen shook his head. He really didn't care about these things very much, or that he didn't have time to think about these things. Everyone intentionally or not, he might have to ignore them.

"Al, do you have a place to live now?"

Al said, "No, I plan to find a hotel here. Do you have any suggestions?"

"Otherwise, come to our house, which is also a hotel." Belen said like this.

So Al adopted Belen’s suggestion. She recently needed to search for the space maiden in Futantis. It was impossible for that guy to go to the border. She couldn’t think of anything to do when she went to the border. At most Doing some tricks in Futantis, now it must be hidden in the dark.

Al found that they had arrived at the gate of the city, so he asked curiously: "Where are you going now?"

"Go to see a friend of mine. He is helping the townspeople build houses. I want to see if I can help." Belen seemed to have thought of something. He turned to look at the two girls, and said: " Or let Lumia take you to the hotel? I won't be back until the evening."

"It's okay, go see your friends with you, I have nothing to do anyway." Al shook her head, she glanced at Belen, then put her hands around her chest, and said calmly: "I just want to go shopping. ."

"Oh well."

Belem nodded slightly.

Ever since, the three of them walked out of Futantis and walked towards the town where Gruul was. Along the way, Lumia had been chatting with Al over the past six months.

In addition, Al was also curious about where Latier and the others were, and Belen told the truth. When Al learned that Belen left them in Aloranya, she was also taken aback. She did not expect Belen. Will make such a decision.

But since it was Belem's decision, Al didn't say anything. She believed that the former had her own considerations, and she couldn't say anything.

After the atmosphere was silent for a while, Belen asked curiously: "By the way, didn't your two students come with you?"

"They have other tasks to do." El glanced at Belen and responded calmly. She didn't mention Kayel's name. She knew Belen and Kayel were not right.

"That's it." Belen was thoughtful, and he asked after thinking about it: "How is the progress between that guy and you?"

"That guy? Do you mean Kayel?" Al looked at Belem weirdly, and then asked with some confusion: "By the way, don't you hate him anymore?"

"Of course I hate it!" Belen responded without hesitation, and then he noticed Al's regretful expression and quickly replied: "But, that guy is not bad, at least he is not a timid person. Ability, it’s just that I simply don’t like him. Well, there is no reason."

Belen didn't lie, after Kayel made such a sincere declaration in front of him, he had a certain change in Kayel.

Hearing Belem's words, Al glanced at him, then retracted her gaze and looked forward. She calmly said, "Nothing is going on, you think too much."

"That's it."

Belem blinked.

Lumia on the side snorted when she heard what the two said, as if she had overturned the jealous jar, and said very dissatisfied: "Belen is just afraid that you will take it away."

"Lu Mia! I said, can't you just take out your theory, it's too shameful!" Belen stretched out his hand helplessly and rubbed the girl's head vigorously.

"I know, I know!"

Lumia hurriedly pulled Belen's hand away, and then tidyed up her hair. The mess made her very dissatisfied.

Al, who was on the side, took a look at Belen. She pressed her thin lips and hooked her mouth without a trace, making the beautiful and flawless face even more moving.

It would be great if it was real.

Soon, the three of Belém came to the town. According to yesterday’s memory, Belén took the two daughters to the place where they reunited with Gruul yesterday. As expected, they could see helping in the house. Cemented wolf boy.


Hearing someone calling ~lightnovelpub.net~ Wolf Boy also stopped. He turned his head and lowered his head to look. He also smiled when he saw Belen, his teeth were exposed, and he looked very sunny.

Immediately afterwards, Gruul released the rope. He untied the tool, then waved his hands and said hello: "Belen, you really are here!"

"Of course, I said I would come to help!" Belen also walked up.

Gruul looked at the two girls behind Belen. He couldn't help but widen his eyes, then his throat rolled slightly, and then asked a little shyly: "Belen, are they?"

So Belen introduced the next two girls, and Gruul was also a little surprised. He didn't expect Lumia and Al to be so beautiful, so his look was also a little unnatural. He smiled shyly and said, "That , Hello, my name is Gruul."

Seeing Gruul's shy look, Belen also smiled. He couldn't help but remember that when he first met Gruul, this young man looked like this after seeing Latier. He didn't expect to go there. After more than a year, this aspect is still as immature.