Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 523: What are you going to say?

These days, because of his mood, Belen has nothing to do. He hasn't been out in the hotel much, and Al hasn't come back in the past few days.

But fortunately, Lumia and Zera, and the people of Silver Bird will come to see him from time to time. They also noticed that Belen is a bit strange. If it weren’t for Belen’s strong refusal, probably both Lumia and Zera would come to him. Come on the room.

Forget it, it's time to go for a walk.

So, after a few days, Belen finally walked out of the hotel, but he didn't know where to go, otherwise, go to Socia's.

When he arrived in Socia's tavern, Belen was puzzled that the Silverbirds were not here, so he looked at the blue-haired woman who was wiping the cup.

"Socia, do you know where they went?"

Hearing Belém's voice, Socia also looked in surprise, and then curiously said: "Why are you still here? They have already set off."

"Go?" Belen was startled.

Socia said: "The army has already set off for a day, and they have also left the city. They should not go to the front line. As for Al and the others, they are probably on the front line too."

"What, what!?"

Hearing Socia's words, Belen also widened his eyes. I didn't expect those guys to set off without notifying him. This is too much!

Obviously he is the main force!

"Socia, thank you!"

After saying thank you, Belén immediately ran out of the tavern and ran out of the city. The war was about to start. He had to get there as soon as possible. After all, the main reason he came to Sadomali was to protect Gruul. and...


That figure appeared in Belém's mind. He still couldn't calm down. He felt that he should see a psychiatrist. Isn't his possessiveness too strong?

It's her freedom to know who El likes, and she doesn't like El, right? So it was his fault. He shouldn't express his dissatisfaction in front of her. Everyone has the right to choose, right?

This is probably a disease, it needs to be cured!

Go over there, apologize to Al first.

He wanted to drive the commercial car to find everyone, but he found that the commercial car was gone. He thought it was driven away by Lu Mia. This girl, she must talk about her when she turns around, but she didn't call herself!

Although the army had set off for a day, their speed was not as fast as that of Belém alone, so it didn't take him a day to get there.

On the front line of the border.

Sadomali’s army has come here. They are stationed in some better terrain, but the Silver Bird Adventure Group and others are not here. They are just an adventure group, not soldiers, and they have no intention of letting themselves fall into it. In that kind of crisis.

On the edge of a cliff, a girl in a priest's uniform is sitting on it, not afraid of this height, her legs hanging in the air outside the cliff, her gaze is far away, that is the direction of the Demon King's army, and there will be a big battle next. , And their duty of the Holy See is not to fight the Demon King’s Army. Their Holy See is here for the "natural disaster".

That space maiden must be preparing something in the dark.

But even if the battle is imminent, there is still something in Al's heart that he cares about very much. That figure appeared in her mind, and her heart trembled slightly.

"Al? What are you doing here?"

A voice came from behind, and Al also turned around and saw that the person who came was actually Lu Mia. She glanced back subconsciously, but did not see the familiar figure.

"I'm here to see." Al responded, then pursed his lips, hesitated for a while, and then asked, "Where is Belem?"

Lumia smiled and said: "He seems to be unwell, so we didn't notify him that we have set off, maybe we are on the way now."

"Physical discomfort?"

Hearing this, Al also frowned slightly. Could it be that Belém's injury has returned? If this is the case, it is better not to force yourself to come to the front.

Immediately afterwards, Lumia stood beside Al, and then smiled and asked: "By the way, the meteor shower was seen on the mountain that day, isn't it beautiful?"

"Of course, unforgettable in a lifetime."

Recalling that scene, Al also smiled slightly, but the next moment Lumia said something that made Al's smile froze, and his heartbeat stopped for a moment.

"That day, I saw Belen also go to the mountain behind Sadomali, did he and Kayère have no argument?"

Lumia happened to see the direction Belen was going on the edge of the city that day, and she realized this when she thought of what Zella said in the tavern.

"He, he went to the mountain behind Sadomali?" Al's expression was a little dull, could it be said, what did Belem hear when Kayel said that?

That's why...

How could this be? Isn't he going to see the lake view? How come...

The army began to move, moving a distance of ten kilometers forward and stopping again. Because of the terrain, it would not be threatened by accidental avalanches.

On a rock, Al stood there looking into the distance, feeling very complicated, and at this moment, a figure came out from behind, it was Zela.

"Al, I've made the tea, do you want to try it? It's Sadomali's special tea."

Al came back to her senses, and then responded. She was a little upset and didn't know what to say. It would be nice to go drink tea and calm down. When she meets Belém again, she wants to make it clear to him. All puzzles are solved.

When Al came to Zela’s tent ~lightnovelpub.net~ the temperature inside was very mild, but when she entered the tent, the girl suddenly widened her eyes, a figure with white hair came into view, and two lines of sight Meet.

At this moment, Belen was sitting inside the tent, and he was holding warm tea in his hands. He looked at the girl who opened the curtain of the tent, and his heart trembled slightly.

He hurried for more than a long time and finally caught up with everyone, and the first person he met was Zela, who was invited by the latter to come here to drink tea. He felt that he also needed good tea. Let your mind calm down.

However, at this moment, the two men's moods once again experienced violent ups and downs.

"Al, sit down."

Zela took a look at the two of them, then took a futon and placed it on the ground, calling out in her mouth, pulling the somewhat absent-minded girl to sit down, and then began to serve tea.

Al blankly took the tea that was handed over. She looked at the dark green tea with steaming steam, and her mood began to be disturbed. She didn't know what to do for a while.

By the way, she, what is she going to make clear?