Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 568: Now, how could it be possible to leave

When the girls were puzzled, Lumia and Al suddenly remembered something, suddenly turned their heads to look at each other, and then glanced in the direction of the small forest.

Could it be that...

The two suddenly realized that if it were the kid, maybe they could find Belen who was observing in the dark in the woods, but now, maybe they have found the latter?

Lumia immediately thought of a reason, and she quickly smiled and said, "Ah! Illia might have gone to get some food, right?"

"Really?" Latier was also startled.

Al, who was on the side, also said to help: "Well, it should be correct."

In that small wood, under a tree, Belen was standing there, he was looking at Latier and the others, and when Ilia disappeared, he immediately felt it.

It was like a game of hide-and-seek, Belem subconsciously fled, until he quietly ran to the lake, he stopped, not because he could not run, but because he was found and the game ended.

On the lake, a silver-haired girl in a white dress is floating there, with a little silver light all over her body, her long silver hair fluttering in the wind, her beautiful face may not even be depicted by the fantasy of a top painter, just like The banished immortal descended from the heavens, beautiful and moving, without the fireworks of the world.

Those obsidian-like eyes were shimmering. Compared to before, there is now a round of silver patterns on the pupils of those eyes, which makes her look more beautiful. At this moment, these eyes are staring at Belém. , The longing contained in the pupils made no secret of it.

"elder brother."

These two words were slowly uttered from under the charming pink lips, which had the charm to move the soul, because it contained all the concerns that had been brewing in the heart of the girl this year.

Seeing the extremely beautiful girl, Belen's mind was also in a trance. Hearing this familiar name, his heart trembled violently. Finally, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing that the cold wind of the world warmed up. His smile opened his mouth slightly, calling out the name of a girl.


The silver-haired **** the lake met the white-haired man on the shore. At that moment, all emotions surged in her chest like a surging river, as if about to explode.

"I miss you."

The girl finally converged a thousand words and countless emotions into these four words. The slightly silvery black eyes had faint ripples, which seemed to be a little moist, making those eyes more watery and more inspiring. Feeling pitiful.

The silver-haired girl slowly floated to the shore, and came to the white-haired man with a small but anxious step. She slightly raised her head and looked up at the man who was taller than she is now.

Belen raised the hands that were trembling slightly, then bit his lower lip lightly, stretched out his hand to embrace the girl, and gently stroked the girl's head with his right hand.

"Me too."

Two people who were once lonely, each gradually found a reason to be no longer lonely one day, and each other became dependent on each other, whether it was Ilia or Belen, or Latier and the others, between him and them Has been intentionally connected into an invisible chain that cannot be divided.

I really want to cry out loud.

Belen hugged the girl so tightly. He gritted his teeth tightly so that his choking sound was not so obvious. The emotion surging in his heart made water mist in his eye sockets, and finally turned into tears and flowed down his face.

It was very uncomfortable just to watch secretly under the tree. He suppressed the thought of rushing out, but never expected that at this moment, in any case, he could not suppress the emotion that was about to explode. His The control is the best in the world!

If he never meets again, maybe he will go crazy, right? It was only a year, but I made my heart so moved when I met again.


Belen held the girl in his arms hard, as if he wanted to bind himself and the girl together forever, and never separate again. That mood is indescribable.

Elia didn't care about the strength of the boy at all. She just buried her face in Belen's chest, clutching his shirt tightly with both hands, and didn't want to loosen it anyway, so she held it tightly.

The moonlight hung high above the starry sky, and the bright brilliance fell on the surface of the lake, exuding sparkling waves, as if they were cheering for the reunion of the two.

After embracing each other for a long, long time, Belen slowly dissipated his strength. He was still choking, but he was much better. This looks really not very decent in front of his sister.

"Okay, okay, my clothes are all wet." Belen felt the girl holding her arms tighter, so he whispered softly, patted Ilia's back gently, and comforted her.

After a while, Illiya also let go of her hand, she stood in front of Belen in this way, and the black jewel-like eyes that seemed watery at the moment stared at the latter.

"Are you leaving?"

Hearing what the girl said, Belen took a deep breath and then slowly exhaled. He looked down at the girl, and then smiled bitterly, feeling a little helpless.

"Now, how could it be possible to leave?"

It doesn't matter if Ilia found out, but it is what he wants to avoid to trigger this mood. However, what he wants to avoid has already happened. If this is the case, what else to hide?

Hearing these words, Illiya reached out her hand and grabbed Belen's skirt again, her beautiful little face showed a very serious expression, making the latter also a moment of loss, too beautiful.

"Brother, even if you want to leave this time, I will follow to the end."

Ilia, who said this sentence, was more serious than ever. Her first life has passed away, and her second life has only been three years ago. She will never allow this life to miss the most important piece.

That time she didn't leave with him because she promised him to protect everyone. The time with everyone was very happy, but also lonely, because there was one less person in the family. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"I see." Belen rubbed the girl's head gently.

Ilia looked at Belem, her eyes flickering, and she said: "Sister Laiya said when she left, you will definitely come back, I didn't expect it to be so soon."

"Laya..." Belen was also taken aback after hearing the words, and then was silent for a while. He looked up at the bright moon and sighed.

Laya, she has already left, has she returned to the Fairy Forest? That is her real home.

Immediately afterwards, Belen condensed his mind. He smiled and took the girl's hand, and then said: "Then don't hide, let's go, I miss everyone too."


The silver-haired girl took the white-haired man's hand, and let the latter lead him obediently. A very sweet smile appeared on Qiao's face, which had rarely changed in the past year.

What's your mood?

In short, I am very happy.