Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 57: Fool

Those words deeply touched Al's heart. She looked at Belen with a slightly dull gaze, and it took a long time for her to come back to her senses.

Al looked at the night sky silently, her hands had long been contaminated with the blood of a lot of witches, no matter whether it was good or bad, she did kill a lot of people.

In the beginning, why did she join the Holy See for what?

This reason may not be important anymore, but that sentence is not wrong. The powerful force is not only used to fulfill responsibilities, but also to protect other things.

The more powerful you are, the easier it is to lose yourself, and the easier it is to think about what is the purpose of having this power.

As an arbitrator, you do have the responsibility to fight the witch, but the ultimate reason is not to protect others?

This comes from the original intention in my heart, I don't know when the dust has been covered up, and it is only now that I have gradually awakened.

Belen looked at the beautiful night sky calmly. He didn't plan to say anything, because he knew that Al would understand.

Al has been a very smart kid since she was a child, but her ambition is too strong, and perhaps there is her own reason, that makes her emotions explode at this time.

"Feel sorry."

There was a not too cold voice in his ear, Belen turned his head and looked at him, and saw Al was looking at him calmly. The blue-purple eyes were no longer as cold as usual, but with warmth.

"What can I apologize for."

Belen shook his head. He didn't think Al should apologize to him for this. He habitually raised his hand, and then put it on Al's head and rubbed the beautiful hair.

"I shouldn't kill you."

"In fact, you've been fierce to me many times since childhood."

"This time is different."

"It's nothing different."

Hearing these words, Al's eyes flickered slightly, her eyes drooping, and she didn't stop the very intimate behavior, as if she was used to it.

"How can a brother be angry with his sister for this kind of thing?"

A smile appeared at the corner of Belen's mouth. Al had always been a close friend and sister in his heart, after all, he was younger than him.

"I don't want to be your sister, but it's only a few months."

Al looked directly at Bailey's eyes, with a peculiar color in her eyes, her tone returned to coldness, and she answered indifferently.

In this regard, Belem did not refute, but in fact he thinks that, even if it is only a few months away, it is still small.

"The witch before, was very strong."

"If it weren't for my carelessness, she would definitely not be able to run away!"

Al replied very seriously, her eyes showed a chill, and it was obvious that she was very annoyed after letting the other party play once.

And Belen didn't have the slightest doubt. Although he was not very clear about Al's true strength, one thing was clear.

Al is now one of the strongest combat power of the Holy See.

"That's what I said, but you have to be careful. This is the first time I have seen a maiden with spatial attributes."

Belen frowned when he thought of the witch's methods before. He didn't even need to recite magic spells, and he could directly control the space. It was really a bit tricky.

Al nodded. Although she was absolutely sure to win the battle, she couldn't be careless. After all, the opponent was a strong one that she had to admit.

Just as Belen was thinking about Al's combat power, suddenly there was a flash in his eyes, as if he was thinking of something, and he looked at the girl right now.

"Al, is that brave man from the Holy See?"

"The brave? I don't know, I only know that the brave was found by the Pope. The reason why the brave awakened his power was also because of the help of the Holy See. Maybe it was."

Al looked at Belen with some doubts, not knowing why the latter mentioned "The Brave", his blue and purple eyes flickered slightly.

"So, who are you better than the brave?"

Belen asked a question that was curious in his heart. After all, "The Brave" was so detached from the outside world that he was naturally curious about it.

"I compare with the brave?"

Hearing this question, Al blinked, she shook her head, as if she hadn't thought about it, and she immediately came to a conclusion.

"There is no comparison, the brave is better than me."

"Is it..."

Seeing Al's surrender so decisively, Belen's eyes condensed slightly, but he still had a hesitant mentality.

"The gap, is it big?"

In this regard, Al replied very calmly: "The brave man is called the "similar to the god", the kind of guy who can already be compared with the god, what do you think? "

Hearing this, Belen became even more curious, what kind of person he is so strong that even Al, who is so competitive, is not as good as he can directly frankly say.

And you must know that Al is already terrifyingly strong today, even among all the people Belen has seen so far, Al can be ranked at the top level.

"Have you seen a brave man?"

"No, brave men don't usually come to the Holy See."

"Then do you know if the brave is a man or a woman?"

This is also something that Belem is curious about, and perhaps Al, who is in the Holy See, will know it or not.

However, hearing this question, Al's expression immediately became cold, and she looked at the big man indifferently.

"Does it matter whether it is a man or a woman has anything to do with you?"

"Uh, I just want to ask."

"What? You like strong people?"

Hearing these words, Belen blinked his eyes, not knowing what to answer, so he had to remain silent, he was simply interested in powerful people. UU reading www. uukānshu.com

"Am I not strong enough?"

Al thought Belen had acquiesced, and immediately said this sentence indifferently with a cold eye.

"What? Al, you are very strong!"

Belen thought that Al was feeling disappointed that he was not as strong as the brave, and immediately comforted him.

"Then why are you...cough cough."

In an instant, Al's cold eyes suddenly disappeared, her eyes widened, but then returned to normal, then she retracted her gaze and remained silent.

"What do I do? Al what do you want to say?"


"No, do you have something to say?"

Al's eyes became cold again. For some reason, he seemed to feel a little embarrassed, and immediately glanced at the man beside him coldly.

"I said, no!"



Seeing the flashing electric light in Al's hand, Belen immediately stopped asking, he coughed dryly, then turned his head and continued to look into the distance.

"The wind tonight is really noisy."

When the thunder and lightning disappeared, Al retracted his hand on his thigh, glanced at Belen's profile with his blue-purple eyes, then retracted his gaze, and his cherry lips opened slightly.


The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!