Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 571: The identity of Laya

"Too lazy to fight with you."

The last "contest" ended with Hill's words, which in Belém's view was a confession, which gave him a sense of accomplishment after victory inexplicably.

However, the blush on Al's face on the side was still there. She shaved the white-haired man beside her fiercely. Didn't this make her situation very embarrassing?

From the corner of his eye, Belen was also taken aback when he saw Al's behavior. He cast an apologetic look at Al, thinking that his words made the latter unhappy.


Al snorted softly at the apologetic look, and then turned her head away from Belen, knowing that this idiot must not understand the situation.

Seeing the girl's appearance, Belen had no choice but to apologize later, so he didn't care about it for the time being, there was one more thing he cared about, so he set his sights on Latier and the others.

"Laiya, she has gone back, right?"

Hearing Belen brought up the matter, Latir and Hill looked at each other, then looked at the former, Latir pursed his lips, and then told Belen all the things about the day Laya left.

At noon that day, the girls who had finished their meals came to the courtyard for a walk. At this time, a guard outside announced that a dozen elves had arrived. After hearing the news, Hill asked the guard to take him. They came to the courtyard.

When the elves came to them, they explained their intentions directly to them, and bluntly said that they wanted to bring Laiya back to the Fairy Forest. At the beginning, Laiya stated that she did not want to go back, and the exchanges between the two sides also allowed the girls. Realizing that Laiya's identity is not simple.

After Laiya explicitly refused, the elves immediately planned to take Laiya away by force. When the latter strongly resisted, Illiya directly suppressed all the elves, and the elves did not think about it. The beautiful silver-haired girl is so powerful.

However, Laya later stopped Ilia, and the elves seemed to say something to Laya, causing Laya to suddenly change her attitude, so she left with them. The moment she left, she was undoubtedly reluctant.

After listening to what happened, Belen also frowned. Although she was a little concerned about how the elves found Laiya, this is no longer important. The important thing is that Laiya has been taken away. However, she Since it is returning to the forest of the spirits, there is no need to think about things that will be hurt.

What should be concerned is that the girl does not want to go back.

"Mr. Belén, Laya's... identity..." Latier looked hesitant. Judging from the events of that day, it is not difficult to detect this with their wisdom.

Belen was silent for a while, and then slightly nodded, he said: "Yes, Laya is indeed not an ordinary elves, although I have never asked her, but I can probably guess it."

"Is it an unspeakable identity?" Hill found that Belen was silent again, so he asked curiously.

"No, I think Laya won't mind her." Belen shook his head, and then calmly said to everyone: "Laya, she is the royal family of the elves."

Elf royal family!

This is an extremely shocking fact, but apart from Lumia and Al, Latier and the others have not many accidents, they have vaguely realized this.

Because at that time, the elves called Laiya, Your Highness.

There is no aristocratic class in the system of the elves like human beings. The elves only have a royal line of dictatorship, and the elders are an organization that maintains order.

A long time ago, Belén had already noticed a little bit, and after talking about Laya with Antrina, he was even more sure of this from her words, although he was not sure about Laya’s identity as a royal family. He didn't care very much, but he knew that if a royal girl ran out for so long, something like this would definitely happen in the end.

If he was there, Laya would not be taken away anyway, since she was reluctant, then he would never let her go.

Although Elia is very powerful, she will hesitate when Laiya decides to leave with her people. Belem is relatively tough and wants to take Laiya away unless she wants to go back. All coercive factors must pass his test.

"Now, Mr. Belen, Laya was convinced that you will come back when she finally left." Latier lowered her head and murmured, her hands clenched into fists.

Lattes on the side also pouted a small mouth, and she didn't want Sister Laiya to leave either. That lively and cheerful big sister was also a family that she extremely depended on.

Laya is also a member of this big family. She finally returned to her real home, but the look she showed at that time planted a seed in everyone's hearts.

Al, who was on the side, also said at this time: "I promised everyone before that I will go to the Fairy Forest. If there is anything, I will come back and tell everyone immediately."

Hearing that, Belen said: "Notify me when you are going, and I will go too."

"Okay." Al agreed.

Elf Forest must go, and Laya's situation over there also makes El very concerned. It must have been something that caused El to return to Elf Forest after so long. In that case, El couldn’t. Judge what will happen if you go alone. If (White-haired Sword Saint) is here, plus (Sword Saint) Antrina, then all the difficulties will be easily solved, right?

"We want to go too!"

At this time ~lightnovelpub.net~ Ratil and Hill yelled out in unison. They were also worried about Laiya, and they would go to see the family far away anyway.


Although he didn't know what would happen, Belen decided to take everyone there. He had already wanted to go to the Fairy Forest. With this opportunity, he just went to see it.

He doesn't know how much his time is left, but he still wants to do something meaningful to everyone before the last moment comes.

"However, there are still some things to do before this." Belen finally said like this. Now that he has appeared in front of Latier and the others, there are still things to do afterwards.

For Flotti, who has been taking care of Ilia and Latis this year, he still needs to thank him. After all, he has handed over a chore to her, even though Ilia’s status as a fugitive has been resolved. Yes, but there must be many people staring at this thing. After all, it is something that can make Flotti embarrassed, so she must be very hard.

Secondly, there is one thing that makes Belém the most headache.

That is, "natural disaster".