Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 573: Busy Flori

After that happened yesterday morning, Belém was absent-minded, and the fascinating cherry lips kept coming up in his mind.

Bah baah baah!

That's Ilia! Is my own sister! What are you thinking about?

At this time, a little demon popped out of Belen's mind, and he said, "Isn't this the first to get the moon near the water? Anyway, it's not my sister, what does it matter?"

"What nonsense!"

A little angel jumped out again, he glanced at the little demon, then looked at Belem, he said: "A beautiful girl like Ilia, as long as she is a boy will feel it? It doesn't matter. La! Don't worry about it!"

"Ha! If you have feelings, then kiss! Anyway, there will be no less meat!" The little devil snorted again, and he put his hands on his chest with a cold expression.

"Stop it!"

Belen immediately stopped these two little guys. He shook his head, then suppressed the distracting thoughts in his heart, and controlled himself not to think about it. Forget about it for now.

After all, I'm going to see old friends next.


Belen was stuck outside the city gate again. He was sitting in the communication room looking at the woman in front of him with emotion. Isn't this the same one?

"How do you feel a little familiar to you?"

Sitting on the office chair, the woman stared curiously at the white-haired man in front of her. She always felt a little familiar, but she couldn't remember it anyway.

Belen smiled, and he tried to ask: "Could you please tell me your name? I think the two of us are very destined."

There are many communication rooms here, and Belém has only entered the communication room twice, and actually met this woman twice in these two times. I don't know why, but I feel a little bit emotional.

"Why should I tell you?"

The woman snorted, then looked at Belem carefully, and said in a subtle tone: "Well, although it's not bad for a long one, I'm not such a casual woman."

"I don't have any impure thoughts! I just want to ask!" Belen also smiled bitterly, and then explained that he was afraid that the woman in front of him might have misunderstood something.

The woman glanced at Belen, then lowered her head and started looking for documents. She calmly said: "The name is not important. I always think we won't have any intersection, so let's forget it."

"That's it..." Belen also froze for a while, then smiled slightly, he said: "That's what I said, then, please register for me."

"What do you do when you enter the Royal City."

"Look for Chief Flotti at the Special Armament Department."

Upon hearing this, the woman raised her head and glanced at him again, as if she was looking at something, her eyes narrowed slightly, and then she made an "um" voice. She seemed to have finally recalled something, Belen felt this way.

Immediately afterwards, the woman finally finished registering things. She put the documents away, and then looked at Belem. She said: "I have already registered, you can go in, but you must remember that you can't make anything in the royal city. Things that violate laws and regulations, otherwise the punishment will be very serious."

"I see."

Belen nodded slightly, then he stood up and walked towards the door at the woman's sign. Finally, he turned his head and looked at the woman, and he smiled and said.

"Thanks for your help, goodbye."

After speaking, Belen turned and walked out of the communication room, while the woman looked at the window, and she saw the white-haired figure who had left.

"So it was him."

Although the memory is very vague, the words just now are very familiar with those eyes. After all, was he also full of white hair at the beginning?

In the end, the woman shook her head and returned to her job. She was just a little curious, but she didn’t really care. As she said, she didn’t think she would have any intersection with the man in the future, so she didn’t. What are you interested in.

After entering the royal city, Belen found the special armament office following the route he remembered. He glanced inside, then walked to the guard and explained his intentions.

The guard saw Belen’s face a little familiar, one of them even made a weak voice, his voice full of uncertainty, and he said: "Are you... the chief's classmate?"

Belen was also a little surprised to see that there were people who recognized him. He thought that no one except acquaintances would remember his current changes.

"There are still people who recognize me."

The guard smiled awkwardly, and said, "I remember your eyes."

"That's it." Belen responded with a smile. Before entering, he asked: "By the way, is your chief in there now?"

"The chief seems to be very busy these days, so I haven't been out much." The guard responded like this.

Belen frowned, and it seemed that Flotti's recent work was not easy to do.

After being released easily, Belen walked to the second floor office of the castle. He stood in front of the office, raised his hand and knocked, and then a familiar voice came out.

"Come in."

So, Belen opened the door and walked in. However, he found that the surroundings were full of manuscripts, and the woman sitting at the desk was reviewing the documents. There were many documents on the desk, and her forehead was still there. With eye bands for sleeping, I haven't left this office for a few days.

"What's the matter."

Flotti did not look up but directly asked questions, while Belen, who walked into the office, closed the door first, always feeling that it was not good for him to disturb people's work like this.

Because Belen was silent for a while, and Flotti, who didn't hear a reply, also raised his head at this moment. When he saw the white-haired man standing there, there was a look of surprise in those beautiful eyes.

"Bei, Belen?"

Hearing Flotti’s voice ~lightnovelpub.net~ Belem also raised his head, then smiled and raised his hand to say hello. He said, "Long time no see, but it seems that you are not doing well now. ."

"You're not dead, and I'm not dead yet. It's better than anything." Flotti smiled and stood up, then stretched out, making a very lazy voice, watching her look a little embarrassed. Wearing a more revealing dress makes it easy for a lover to be tempted, but she doesn't care about Belen's presence at all, and then she looks at the man again and smiles slightly.

"These days, but it is so busy with me, are you interested in helping me?"

Hearing what she said, Belen frowned slightly. He knew Flotti’s temperament. He didn’t expect that she would ask for help from himself. Although it looked like a joke, he knew it was not a joke, so his heart sank slightly. .

"You need help, I will definitely help."

Giving such a promise also made Flotti's smile softer. She turned and looked at the sunlight outside. She blinked and then exhaled.

"If there are no accidents, there will be another **** storm after a while."