Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 579: What does this girl want to do! ,

.., a wonderful trip to another world

In the past few days, Belém has also met Grand Duke Giovanni. The two chatted about interesting things that happened this year. Belém also expressed his gratitude at the end, but the Grand Duke was Smiled and shook his head.

"I have treated them as my own daughters a long time ago."

When she was a child, Hill's mother passed away, and her sister had long since disappeared. Not only did she receive education in the school, but the education of her father Giovanni was also extremely important.

That gentle personality is so similar.

Because of the many official duties in recent days, Giovanni just came back to visit everyone in a hurry. After seeing Belém, he was also very surprised. He hurried back to work in the city that night.

Outside the castle, Belen and Hill stood at the gate, and the two watched the carriage that gradually went away.

"Your father is really a very powerful man."

As the Grand Duke of the Florentine Empire, Giovanni has many responsibilities, and since that incident a year ago, his responsibilities are even heavier now. He has no spare time to have fun, but he Still willing to take a break from his busy schedule to visit his family, this is a very good person no matter what.

"of course."

Hill also showed a proud smile after hearing Belen's words. It was her father, a person who would guard her morally even if she was extremely lonely after her mother passed away.

Seeing the smile on that pretty face, Belen also smiled slightly, he smiled: "It's a pretty good smile."


Hearing what he said, Hill froze for a moment, then turned around with a snorted, walked into the castle without saying a word and ignored Belen, his cheeks seemed a little ruddy.

"This character is really cute."

Belen looked at the figure of the leaving girl, he shrugged, and then walked in.

In the evening, Belen went all out to make a delicious meal after a long time, and even the chefs have not experienced the real delicacy for a long time.


At the dining table, Latisi was looking at the food on the plate with bright eyes, the pair of fluffy cat ears were swinging happily, and the tail was constantly shaking.

Belen was standing outside the long dining table. He smiled as he watched Lattes being intoxicated by the food, and he felt a sigh of emotion when he looked at the grown-up girl.

When she first met La Tier and La Tisi, La Tisi was only nine years old. At that time, she was really so small, but now she is almost thirteen years old.

Although she loves to eat, Lattes doesn't seem to get fat easily. Now Lattes is also a slim and beautiful girl.

Seeing the changes in Latis, Belen also felt a sense of accomplishment. Is this the feeling of watching her daughter grow up? That's not bad.

Although Illya was like a little girl before, her change really happened overnight, which made Belem lack this feeling.

When Belen remembered what happened to Elia, the scene that happened that morning came to mind again. He swallowed, and subconsciously looked in the direction where Elia was. At this moment, both Dao's eyes met in the air.

The black eyes with silver light patterns and the deep blue sea-like eyes looked at each other, as if an electric arc touched Belen's heart, his complexion instantly turned red, and then he looked away.

Elia sat in the position, she looked at the white-haired man who turned aside her gaze. After a while, she withdrew her gaze, and then continued to eat the food on the plate.

Belen couldn't help but glanced at the silver-haired girl again, and he was relieved when he saw that the latter did not continue to look at him. He put one hand on his chest and could vaguely feel the powerful heartbeat.

Can not do it! Now once I see each other, I will...

Belen sighed and was completely confused by what happened that morning. It was obviously a prank by Ilia, but he cared so much.

But ah, this is not something that can be ignored if you want to, after all, this is the kiss of a super beautiful girl! Although it was a prank.

That's right, that's Yiliya's prank.

Belen has already thought so from the bottom of his heart, he is the elder brother of Ilia, and only such a close relationship can make such a prank, right?

But ah, can Illya do pranks?

However, this aspect is not in Belém's scope of thinking, because he subconsciously blocked this problem.

After finishing the meal, Belen came to the hot spring room after a long absence. This time, he put a sign that someone was outside the hot spring, because the girls would definitely come together if they wanted to take a bath, so ah, since you know it is inside If someone has someone, then you can definitely guess that it is yourself.

Take a bath with peace of mind!

The hot spring water did not cover his shoulders, and Belen was enjoying it comfortably. The whole body covered by the hot spring water was warm, and he slowly closed his eyes.


Hearing a slight voice, Belen opened his eyes again, and the moment he opened it, his whole body was frozen in the hot spring, his eyes dull.

What, what! ?

At the open wooden door, there was a beautiful girl with silver hair standing in front of her with only a bath towel wrapped in her body. The scattered silver hair was so similar to the fog that made the dusty girl look a little confusing.

Yiyiyi, Yiliya! ?

Belen’s pupils gradually widened, and the two sights collided together in the fog, and this also made Belen instantly awake, but at this moment, the bath towel in his sight was slowly falling, and he subconsciously Turned around.

"Illya! I, I am here!"

Hearing Belen’s anxious and flustered voice, Illya had a calm face. She said flatly, “I’ll just soak my brother.” With that said, before entering the hot spring room, Illya walked away. When I arrived at the bathing area, I sat on a small bench, tied my hair on the top of my head, and then began to wash my body.

When Belem heard the sound of flushing, UU read www.uukanshu. com, his whole person is suddenly bad, maybe because of the hot spring, he is hot now, even to the point of boiling hot!

No, no, how can this be soaked! ?

What the **** is this girl doing!

Belen felt aroused and shouted in a flustered manner: "Illya! Girls can't come in when my brother is in the bath! Didn't the teacher teach you?"

"I don't know, the teacher hasn't taught it."

Illiya's flat voice came into Belen's ears, and his whole person was like a boiling hot pot, and smoke started to appear above his head. This was a very, very unfavorable situation!

"Illya, brother is ready, how about you come in again?"

Upon hearing Belen’s words, Ilia turned her head and saw the figure behind her back. She calmly said, “Obviously, my brother didn’t do what he promised me that day. Now I can’t even take a bath. ?"
