Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 58: Is that jealous?

The next day came soon, and Belen and Al were the first two to get up, but the first thing was not to cook breakfast, but to leave here in a commercial car.

Yesterday's movement was a bit big, so it made the residents of the city panic. The custodian of this city, who can also be called the lord of the city, gave an explanation this morning.

According to the city lord's statement, it was a magister from outside that was causing trouble last night, and then he sent some magisters to settle the matter.

Many residents in the city believed the explanation of the city lord. After all, those scenes and movements yesterday were obviously made by magic.

After hearing about this, Belen didn't have any thoughts. After all, under normal circumstances, people would never see a witch. It was normal to attribute the movement caused by magic to the Magister.

However, there is one thing he cares about.

That is, why are there so many witches in this city? Could it be that this is the base area of ​​a certain shrine organization?

At noon, Belen and others stopped on the lawn outside the city. There was no one to charge here, but it saved a little money.

You know, the recent expenses are really a bit big, it can be said that they are several times the expenses of Belém alone in the past.


Al called out.

"What's wrong?"

At this moment, Belen was cutting the ingredients in his hands, preparing for today's lunch, and when he heard Al calling him, he turned his head and looked at Al.

"Since there are so many witches here, maybe they would choose to evacuate when they knew I was here yesterday, but I will stay before they are sure."


"If you want to go, go first."

Hearing what Al said, the knife in Belen's hand paused slightly, and then he continued to cut up the ingredients. He blinked.

"There is nothing wrong with it for the time being, it doesn't hurt to stay in this city for a while."

"Come with me?"

"Well, it's been a long time after all."

Hearing that, in Al's blue and purple eyes, there was a sparkle flashing, her eyes softened, and she seemed to be in a good mood.



"I want to eat carp grilled."


La Tier on the side was washing the ingredients quietly, listening to Belen and Al in her ears, she couldn't help but feel a little strange in her heart.

The brown cat eyes looked at Belem from time to time. La Tier was washing an ingredient, washing all the skins without noticing it.

"Latier, take a look at the things in your hands."

Belen on the side noticed it, and reminded him now.

"Huh? Ah! Yes, I'm sorry!"

Only then did La Tier react, and suddenly panicked, and quickly took out the water in his hand and put it aside.

"It's all right, Latier, didn't you sleep well last night?"

"I...no, I'm just a little...well, hungry."

In the end, La Tier's explanation made herself a little helpless, and she didn't know what she cared about, so she had to say so now.

Al, who was on the side, glanced at La Tier, and La Tier happened to look at him. The two eyes met in the air.

However, the winner came out in an instant, Al looked at him calmly, and Latil withdrew his gaze after an excitement in his heart.

Latier put a hand on her chest, don't know why, now she doesn't dare to meet Al, and feels a little upset.

"Bei...Mr. Belen, I want to take a break."

"Well, let's go, we'll have dinner later."

At this moment, Laya just came out of the carriage. She was playing with Latis before. The latter has very tight hair and eyes, so Laya is very close to this cute kitten. .


Laya stretched her waist so that the perfect curve was drawn out. After she stretched her waist, the whole person was much more relaxed. At this moment, she noticed La Tier who was sitting on the lawn next to her. He walked over with a smile.

"That... are you in a daze?"

Hearing the sound, La Tier also looked up and found a beautiful blond girl standing in front of her, and then slowly squatted down.

"I'm just thinking about something."

The two had known each other last night, after all, it was a night together, and La Tier also had a very good impression of this beautiful girl of the elven race, so they soon became friends.

"Are there any troubles? You can tell me! Maybe I can do it!"

It seemed that he was aware of the melancholy color in La Tier's eyes, and Laiya also noticed something, so he planned to share his troubles.

Ratil looked at the elf girl in front of her, her eyes drooping, as if she was hesitating, and after a while, she slowly spoke.

"I want to ask you one thing, that, it's about my friend, but I can't make up my mind, can I ask you for help?"

"Of course you can! Tell me! I'm very smart!"

Laiya laughed very lively, looking like she was very powerful.


"that is...?"

"Yes, a friend of mine, what about her, she sees a girl next to a boy, will she feel a little...uncomfortable?"

Latier's cheeks were a little red unconsciously, she didn't look at Laiya, she was drifting around, and she didn't seem to dare to look at the person in front of her.


Laya was stunned when she heard it, and her white chin lightly picked ~lightnovelpub.net~ as if she was thinking about something, but in the end, her eyes suddenly lit up, as if she "understood".

"That must be jealous! I heard my friends say it!"


La Tier was also stunned, she blinked her cat eyes, full of incomprehension.

"Well, that is, your friend, does he like that boy?"

After getting the answer, Laya instantly turned into a "master", as if she couldn't hide anything from her, so she was a little proud.

"Ah?! I like...no, you mean, my friend likes that boy?"

La Tier's face turned red unconsciously, she just felt that her cheeks were about to burn, and her heartbeat started to speed up.

"It's definitely not wrong! According to my clever judgment, the reason why your friend feels uncomfortable after seeing that picture is because he likes the boy! This is the mood called "jealousy"!"

Laya has a high-level demeanor and is very satisfied with the answers she has obtained, but there is still a trace of worry in her heart. This is all from an old friend. It should be true!

"Jealous...I, jealous, sister Al?"

After knowing the answer, La Tier's eyes were a little shaken, she thought about "She likes Mr. Belen" again, and the sound of her heartbeat was already deafening.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!