Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 591: Scourge present

Although it's not going to sleep in a state of no burden and no worries, sleeping peacefully like this is already a luxury for Flotti.

This time, I slept till night.


The woman sleeping on the big bed made a low murmur. She squeezed her body, and finally slowly woke up from her sleep, slowly opened her eyes, and then looked around in a daze.

No one is there.

Flotti slowly got up from the bed, scratched her hair without any image, then yawned again, and got out of the bed. She glanced at the brown robe hanging on the side, grabbed it casually and then Set on the body.

This sleep is really comfortable.

When Flotti walked towards the door, the door suddenly opened, and a white-haired figure fell into her sight. This man was Belen, and he smiled.

"You're awake, it's time to eat, right?"

Flotti blinked, then nodded, smiled and said, "Thank you."

"What are you polite."

So, I took Flotti to the dining hall. Considering Flotti’s exhausted spirit, Belen also carefully selected a variety of ingredients, and then cooked a meal that was not rich but could arouse people’s appetite. dinner.

After seeing Flotti's arrival, the girls were also very interested, especially Lattes. Flotti was like a kind elder to her, just like Belem.

So, Latis leaned over to Flotti's side and showed a big smile to the latter. Flotti was also dumbfounded when she saw it, and then stretched out her hand and rubbed the girl's head.

"Let's eat."


After finishing the meal, Belen sent Flotti to leave. As the chief of the Special Armament Department, Flotti still had a lot of work to do and couldn't stay here for too long.

Belen asked, "Don't you need me to send you?"

"No, I'll go back by myself." Flotti said like this, and then yawned again. She smiled and said, "I haven't got enough sleep yet. I'll be lazy when I go back next time."

"Don't force yourself too much." Belen was a little worried about Flotti's physical condition. He was silent for a moment, and then exhorted: "You are absolutely welcome to come to any place that may need me."

"Don't worry, you will never be polite."

Flotti turned and left, swinging his right hand back to say goodbye.

This night, Flotti never expected that she would need help so soon, just because she received another message in the early morning a week later.

The "Scourge" appeared again, and the Devouring Witch and the Blood Witch appeared in a large city in the north at the same time. Although there was a large amount of combat power sent by Flotti in advance, it still suffered heavy casualties!

After that, the empire immediately sent a large number of troops to the city on that side, and because of this, another piece of bad news spread to the city.

Countless witches appeared in Hislant, and fierce battles were already underway. From the beginning of a few hundred miles from Hislant, there were extremely powerful barriers that opened up, and besides the witches, there were countless beasts fighting with the army. Confronted.

How does "Scourge" control those monsters?

This is puzzling and confusing, but it is not the point at the moment. They need to support the Holy See. Since the "natural disaster" directly attacked the Holy See, it means that they have the confidence of victory!

If the Holy See falls, then everything is bad!

After Flotti gave a few orders, she was sitting on the office chair and began to be silent, her mind was running fast, because she still had a doubt.

Even with the addition of many monsters, the combat power of the "Scourge" will never be able to compete with the combat power of the Holy See and the imperial army. What's more, the distance between Hislant and Eloranya is not It's very far away, and it's not difficult to convey combat power. Do they want to use the "law of angels" to kill both sides at once?

Can it be done?

For the power of "Angel's Law", Flotti still has no basis. Even with the help of Belen and Ilia, she is still a little uneasy, if Jonna was there, it would be fine.

It seems we need to ask Belém for help first!

In this situation, only Belém has the most free shot.

As a result, Flotti immediately sent his subordinates who were known for speed to Poggiacorti. No matter what the battle situation there, she believed that Belen must have the ability to reverse the situation.

Pogea Corti.

Because it was what happened that day, only the military knows the news of the war that took place, but the time of this day is sure to spread the news.

But at the moment Belen was drinking morning tea in the courtyard and reading a book. This kind of life was uncomfortable, and at this moment, La Tier suddenly rushed over.

Seeing Latier in such a hurry, Belem was also a little confused. He asked: "Latier, what's the matter? Such a panic."

"There is someone sent by Miss Flotti outside, saying that there is a very important thing for you to find Mr. Belém!" Latier said quickly, she was a little panicked at the moment, because the person outside looked like anxious, this Makes her a little uneasy.

"The one sent by Flotti?" Belen frowned slightly, then hurriedly walked to the iron gate outside the castle, and saw a person wandering in place, looking very anxious.

Belen came to the gate and was shocked when he saw that it was a Werewolf. He actually sent a member of the special combat unit, which seemed to be really anxious.

"What happened?"

Hearing the sound coming from the side, the Werewolf immediately turned his head, and opened his eyes wide when he saw the white-haired man. He naturally recognized the man, and there was no time for him to say hello.

"Please go to Hislant now!"

Belen was startled when he heard the words, and asked in confusion, "What happened? You tell me what happened, don't worry."

As a result, the wolf man immediately said everything he knew, and when Belen learned that the "natural disaster" had acted on the Holy See, his eyes widened.

Unexpectedly so suddenly?

Holy See... Al! ?

The figure flashed across Belen's mind~lightnovelpub.net~ Those dark blue eyes flickered, he clasped his hands tightly, and then looked at the Werewolf in front of him.

"I see. I'll go over now. Go and tell your chief executive that you don't need to worry."

Immediately afterwards, Belen turned to look at Latier, and he said solemnly: "Latier, I am going to Hislant now. You must not leave here. If something happens, Let Elia take you to Florty, do you understand?"

Seeing Belém's very serious expression, La Tier also knew the seriousness of the matter now, she nodded her head well, and then said "I understand."

"I'm leaving."

Belen walked out of the iron gate, the breath of his whole body began to rise, and then turned into a white streamer and shuttled away, disappearing at the end of the road in the blink of an eye.

Al, wait for me!