Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 592: The condition of Hislant

Bang bang bang!

A series of loud noises sounded in Heathland, and the sound of blasting was disturbing. At this moment, all the priests in the Holy See were dispatched. All the residents in the city were seeking shelter from the Holy See. They didn't have any. Power to counter those witches.

When a little girl was almost killed by the witch’s magic, a flash of lightning suddenly penetrated the ground ahead and knocked all the witches back. Then a priest girl appeared in the field with a war sickle in her hand. Sipped it loudly.

"Protect the people to enter the Holy See safely!"

This priest girl was Al. She had already returned to Hislant a few days ago, but she did not expect that the "natural disaster" would directly attack the Holy See's headquarters after these two days of movement.

Having opened such a powerful barrier, and there are monsters outside to help, are they planning to take the Holy See headquarters in one fell swoop? What gives them courage?

Is it the "law of angels"?

Thinking of this, Al frowned. Although he was caught off guard at first, the situation is gradually pulling back. As long as the mass evacuation is complete, they can immediately launch a counterattack.


As El was thinking, there was a wave of magical power from the sky, and the other end of the street was suddenly covered by ice, and it froze in the direction of El at an astonishing speed.

That is the power of the Frozen Witch!

El's eyes narrowed slightly, her eyes full of murderous intent. If Belen hadn't arrived in time, she would have died at that time. This hatred must be reported!

"Thunder Magic·Dark Void·The Radiance of Despair."

After the spell was chanted, Al clenched the scythe in both hands, and then slashed down fiercely toward the front. The moment the scythe hit the ground, magic lines were engraved in the void.


A burst of lightning and flint, the sound of thunderstorms exploded, and endless thunder bursts out of the magic lines, like a fountain, spraying away one after another, and the violent thunder magic easily disintegrated the ice element magic.

After Al stopped the ice, she suddenly raised her head and looked at the huge ice spears hanging in the sky, and then turned into endless rain and blasted towards the city.


A thunder dragon uttered a terrifying roar, such as the sky is howling, endless electric lights piercing through the barriers of space, and then formed a thunder and lightning sky net, that thunder dragon went straight for nine days, easily smashing countless ice spears, and others The ice spear could not penetrate the defense of the grid.

"Thunder Magic Lightning Grid."

Al retracted her left hand, she was breathing slightly in her mouth, she pressed her palm to her chest, and her blue-purple eyes flickered slightly.

She was forcibly pulled back from the dead, although she could not adapt to the new magic circuit for a long time, but now she has completely adapted to the new magic circuit, she can be sure that now she has become stronger than before.

Is it because of Belém's magic?

After stepping into the "demi-god realm", did he even change the nature of his magic power?

""Thunder Emperor's Eye", it's a shame that you didn't die. "

At this time, a cold voice came and pulled Al from thinking back to reality. She raised her head and looked at the sky, where, with long icy blue hair and a proud figure wrapped in icy blue Robe.

Al stared at the figure, coldly calling out the identity of the other party, and he said, "Ice and Snow Witch."

Ice and Snow Witch Gaura said calmly: "It seems to be recovering well. I didn't expect that the guys in the Demigod Realm could actually bring back the half-dead. It's really jealous."

I don't know if it was an illusion. At the end of the talk, Al felt the chill in the words of the Frozen Witch, and he didn't know why.

Gathering his mind, Al coldly shouted: "Aren't you afraid that the entire army will be annihilated here today?"

"If you have this ability." Guyola replied calmly.

In fact, even Al is not sure of this. Let’s not mention the "law of angels" controlled by the other party. His own strength alone is enough for the Holy See to eat a pot, and the core members of the "natural disaster" are not only the ice and snow witches. One.

The combination of all the combat power of the Holy See headquarters may not be able to suppress them in strength, and I don't know how so many witches with powerful power were assembled.

The ice maiden's gaze swept around, and then stared at Al with icy blue pupils. She said coldly: "It seems that the man is not there. This time, who will save you?"


Al snorted coldly, the magic of thunder appeared on her body, and the arc of thunder spread from her feet to the surroundings. She tightly held the scythe. Although she became stronger, she also knew that there was a relationship between herself and the ice witch There is a huge gap, but despite this, she still wants to fight!

But at this moment, a huge gravitational force suddenly came from behind, Al’s figure flew out, she was startled, and then her boots stepped back suddenly, and the majestic magic power swept away. Shocked that magical power for an instant, and got his body out of the traction track.

"This magic..."

Al turned around and looked, only to see a slender beauty with purple hair walking slowly, seeing this woman, her pupils suddenly shrank, she took a deep breath and calmed down her emotions.

"The witch who controls gravity."

Facing the two core members of the "natural disaster" at once, she was in a desperate situation, and she was also stressed, and her eyes swept across the street.

The civilians should have been evacuated, so there is no worries.

Jia Luofen smiled and said: "It's been a long time since I saw you, Your Excellency "Eye of Thunder". "

Although it was to say hello, the magic power of Jialuofen began to float. She obviously had no plans to talk nonsense with Al~lightnovelpub.net~ but when Al was preparing to face off, someone came again, and This time it was the friendly army, and after hearing the voice of the incoming, Al also showed a look of surprise.

"Let me see, who is going to bully my little Al."

After hearing this voice, both Gaura and Garofen looked at the source of the sound. The person who came was actually an elven tribe, with golden and cyan hair intersecting, and that beautiful face combined with pride. The figure of a person is undoubtedly a beauty of the level of the country and the city.

Seeing this man, both Gaola and Garofen squinted their eyes. They did not know this woman, but although the latter did not emit any magic at this moment, it gave people a feeling that they could not be ignored. This woman is not easy!

"who are you?"

The beautiful elf woman smiled, she walked slowly towards Al, a silver-white long sword appeared in her hand, her body was wrapped in "qi" and "magic power", she lightly opened her red lips, no To say his name, but to express the title that he hasn't spoken in his mouth for a long time.

""Sword Saint". "