Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 655: Mineral Veins

.., a wonderful trip to another world

On this day, a strange wave of magic power suddenly spread from the mineral vein, and the activities of the beasts became more and more frequent. This phenomenon also caused Leonard who had been watching over there to have doubts, so he immediately sent someone Go to the vein.

Even Swari got the news. Although he has no interest in mineral veins, because he is not far away, and because there are so many beasts there, he is also worried that the beasts will suddenly attack here, so he always pays attention to it. write.

"Did something happen to the veins?" Swari was a little concerned about this.

Belem, who was sitting on the side, also heard the news that the servant had said to Swari. He was still thoughtful at the moment. He knew that Swari was worried that the beasts would come to Silshun. After all, if the activities were frequent, it means that he was in the forest The movement phenomenon on the outside is also extraordinary, so it will be observed.

"Do I need to go to the forest to take a look?" Belen suggested.

Hearing this, Swari hesitated for a while, and then said: "Forget it, I will send some people to investigate the situation." He didn't want to trouble Belen.

"If you encounter some fierce beasts, those people will be very dangerous?" Belen understood Swari's kindness, he stood up with a smile, and then reached out and patted Swari on the shoulder, he said: "It's okay, just leave it to me."

Seeing his friend's smile, Swari was also stunned. He curiously said, "You seem to be very motivated? Do you care about mineral veins too?"

As a good friend who has fought with him, Swari also noticed that Belen was very motivated, so he was a little concerned.

"Well, I really care about it." Belen's gaze looked into the distance, his dark blue pupils flickered slightly, and he said: "The magic wave emanating from there has spread far and wide, and it has passed through here. I am a little concerned about that one. Is there anything special in the veins?"

"I see."

Only then did Swari understand the source of his best friend's motivation, so he nodded, then smiled and said, "Then you can help me investigate."

Just as Belen said, if the person sent out by himself encounters a ferocious beast, it will be very dangerous, but if it is handed over to Belen, it will be different. He doesn't think there will be any beast that can beat this one. "White-haired Sword Saint", besides, since Belen also cares about that vein, let him go and see it together.

"Okay, remember to tell everyone for me." Belen told Swari, and then turned and walked away. There is no need for someone to lead the way, because the magical fluctuations can still be felt now.

Seeing the white-haired figure leaving, Swari was also thoughtful, and he was also a little curious.

Outside the city.

Belen increased his body to about forty so that he would not be so slow on his way, and when he was near the forest, he could feel a lot of magical power.

With his "eye of the demigod", Belen can roughly understand the situation outside the forest. There are not too many wild beasts that Swari was worried about. At this moment, there are also many humans around here, probably around. Soldiers sent by the city, it is clear that Swari is not alone in worrying about the wild beast riots.

"Then, take a closer look."

Belén leaped to the branch, and then accelerated a little bit toward the inside of the forest. The closer he got to the inside, the stronger the wave of magic he felt. Of course, this is for him, for ordinary monsters. As far as the instructor is concerned, this magical power is still very slight, and it is not even easy to detect.

Could it be that there is a huge magic crystal in that mine vein? After all, only that level of magic crystals can radiate such huge magic power fluctuations, which are generally used as energy for the empire's military, and the number is very small, probably the empire may not have a few.

Having said that, he has never seen a real magic crystal, so let's take this opportunity to check it out.

Belen has roughly determined in the bottom of his heart what it is that exudes magic power. After all, such a huge magic power can't be imagined except for magic crystals.

When approaching the mineral vein, Belen noticed the big fat Leonard whose magic power had been sealed by him, and the latter was commanding the troops he brought to open the tunnel.

Standing on the treetops, Belen looked at the huge mountain range in front of him, and he could indeed see the huge magic power surging in it, and it was in the shape of a long, winding and rugged strip. There really is one here. What an incredible vein.

Does it really mature in these years?

This kind of mana vein can only be brewed after countless years. Generally speaking, it will be handed over to the top of the empire to deal with it. If it is mined privately like Leonard, if it is discovered, it will also be severely punished. Perhaps he dared to do this because of his father's power to obscure the empire's sight.

So, let's find a route.

Belén circled this area and started looking for a route into it. If he had to cross Leonard, he would obviously be obstructed. He didn’t bother to argue with that guy anymore. These days Leonard didn’t. The trouble with Swarri again was probably because he had learned of Hill’s identity from his father, so that he was admitted.

"Ah, I found it."

Standing on a big tree~lightnovelpub.net~ Belen’s eyes fell on the rock wall. This is the weakest place in relative terms. It can be opened directly, but at the next moment, his brows suddenly become slightly slightly. One pick.

How is this going?

Belen frowned, and then spread the five fingers of his right hand, and the snow lion appeared in his hand. He jumped forward and then stuck in the air in front of the stone wall, and he swiped two swords lightly in front of him.


The rock wall was split and cracked directly under the two swords, and then fell open under Belen's sword. He discovered that there was a tunnel here?

"How come there are tunnels?"

Belen was puzzled. With this doubt, he stepped into it, then jumped into it, and fell down. After a while, he landed. It is not dark here because of the surrounding crystals. The stones are glowing with fluorescence, and there is a stream in front of them, probably water seeping in from the stone wall.

Could it be that the magic crystal is here?
