Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 666: Even trivial

Three days after departure, Belem and his party finally arrived at the first city after Silshun, but when they first approached the city, they noticed something strange.

Because the city wall has collapsed for a large area, probably because it was hit by a heavy blow, and it seems that something happened not long ago. You can see the traces nearby.

"Mr. Belén, something seems to be happening here." Latil on the side also couldn't help but speak.

Belen nodded slightly, he was thoughtful, and then said: "It should be those monsters." His gaze swept across the marks on the land that did not seem to be stepped on by humans.


Hearing this, Nit, who was sitting aside looking at his surroundings, also turned his head. He looked at Belen curiously and asked, "Are there still beasts?"

Belen was startled when he heard the words, he nodded, and then asked: "Did you have it back then?"

"Yes, it's a group of crazy guys." Nit also thought of those monsters. Then, he glanced at the footprints and said, "It seems that there are still a lot of monsters attacking this city."

"Let's go in and take a look."

With that said, Belen drove a commercial vehicle into the city. Although I don't know if there are any monsters in it, but since he is here, he can't just ignore it.

When the commercial vehicle entered the city, Belen suddenly turned his head and looked to the right. There was a huge eight-legged spider gnawing at something. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be the corpses of some people. It was completely different, and even the internal organs fell out.

Seeing this scene, Latier also looked ugly. She turned her head and retched. Such a **** and disgusting scene is really difficult to adapt.


Upon seeing this, Belen also frowned. He raised his hand and gently patted the girl's back. He didn't expect to see this scene as soon as he came in.

"Ah, these big guys are still the same." Nit smiled after seeing this scene. The emerald eyes flashed with a faint brilliance. He raised his hand and the turquoise magic spread. Coming, instantly wrapped the giant eight-legged spider.

"Girls, don't look at it."

Hearing Nit’s words, Antelina also covered the eyes of the kitten in front of her, but Ilia and Lumia have experienced many fights, so they don’t have any mentality for the next scene. fluctuation.

The spider monster that felt this magical power also moved. Eight feet moved quickly and turned around. The eight eyes looked at the commercial vehicle strangely, and then rushed over quickly with a stern voice.

"The fierce beast, just fall into the abyss forever."

Nit calmly said words like judgment, and the words from his mouth seemed to be true as if the superior was proclaiming death.


The turquoise magic power envelops the huge spider, and the next moment it bursts out inhuman magic power. The magic power contained in it is devastating, and it floods and swells the body of the spider in an instant. One is to let the spider beast be blown into blood mist directly, it can't withstand that huge magical power.

There is a very contradictory magic in the air, which is obviously gentle and peaceful, but it was so terrible just now.

"That magic..."

Seeing this scene, Belen's brows were also slightly raised, and his dark blue eyes could see the essence of all magic power, and Nit's hands this time also let him know what this man's magic power is.

The magic of life.

Nit’s magic power is life, which is the same as Latis’ and Selika’s magic power, but Latis’s power is obviously not as good as Nit’s, and Selika may also be able to do it with the same method just now.

The other side of life is death, the transition from life to death. So far, Belen only knows that Selika can do it, but now there is one more nit.

After doing this, Nit suddenly frowned. He looked at his right hand, then exhaled and smiled at Belén beside him.

"I couldn't help but move my hand once and found that my current body doesn't seem to be enough to support my use of magic power."

Hearing what he said, Belen also froze for a moment. He looked at Nit, and then said: "Leave it to me afterwards."

A thousand years of sleep, even if it is magically sealed with time, it is impossible to have no effect at all. After all, Nit is only a human being.

Hearing that, Nit also smiled and nodded. He said, "Then, the previous ones will be handed over to you."

"Well, now that I have encountered it, I can't assume that I haven't seen it." Belen nodded, and with his "half-god eyes", he could see the magic power emanating from the front.

There are still many Warcrafts in this city, and there are still people!

"Then go ahead."

Belen pulled the reins, and the commercial car moved forward again, but then he handed the reins to Ratil, because he was in trouble soon.


The five fingers opened, the blue fluorescence condensed, and then the brilliance flickered, the silver-white long sword appeared in his hand, Belen held the snow lion in his hand, and his gaze moved to the right.


Accompanied by this roar, a woman who looked very vicious and large in size suddenly flew over, opened her mouth in the blood basin, and exuded an extremely **** stench.

But when it flew into the air, a blue crescent sword light suddenly passed in front of it, passed through its body without stopping, and then disappeared into the void, and the monster fell. On the ground, its body has been perfectly divided, the cutting surface is so neat, it hasn't even become two halves.

"So, Belen, you are a swordsman?"

When Nett saw the sword that Belen cut out with his hand, he was also amazed. He muttered to himself, and then said with a little surprise: "So you are so amazing!"

"It turns out that you underestimated me." Belen smiled helplessly after hearing the words, because he kept looking up at Nit again and again, but the latter actually underestimated himself.

Nit shook his head ~lightnovelpub.net~ He said, "No, I just didn't expect you to be so powerful as a swordsman, and your magic..." He didn't say anything further.

It turned out that this white-haired man did not possess magic attributes, which made him feel extremely shocked. How did Belen, who does not possess magic attributes, step into this inhuman comprehension?

Belen didn't explain anything, his gaze swept over the places where people existed, and before he could move, Antrina flew in one of them.

Upon seeing this, Belen also smiled, then jumped out of the commercial car, his breath rose suddenly, and then his whole body turned into blue fluorescence, and the breath was surprisingly quiet. The next moment, it was transformed. Shuttle away as a blue streamer.

"It's really someone you'll encounter as soon as you come out."

Nit looked at the direction Belen was leaving with some surprise. Although he had never asked Belen's origin and identity, he knew from his own eyes and feelings that this white-haired man was not simple.

Afterwards, Nit showed a gratified smile again. Although this was just helping out when the road was uneven, any small act of kindness can be said to be saving the world. Everyone is the guardian of the world.