Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 667: anger

? Om!

? Cyan and blue sword lights across the sky from two directions in the city, Belen and Antrina are helping those who are still alive.

? Wow!

Belen stood in front of a monster to kill it with a sword, and then walked to the side of the dead factory that had been blocked. He could see the magic inside, and there were many people here.

Immediately after, Belen knocked on the door, and he shouted: "It's okay, open the door! I'll take you out!"

? But even if Belén shouted like this, there was still no movement behind the door. He was a little puzzled. Could it be that the people inside have no strength to open the door?

Thinking of this, Belen raised the sword in his hand and slashed in front of him, directly splitting the door open, it was a bit dark inside, but there seemed to be a faint light.

Belen was worried that the people who were still alive had something wrong, so he quickly stepped into it, but as soon as he stepped into it, he smelled a stench, a stench that only occurs after incontinence, and it is unusually rich here!

?what happened?

Belen frowned, he used magic to dilute his sense of smell, and then his gaze swept across the right side, where many people were sitting with their knees sitting against the wall, and someone would look at him from time to time.

What's wrong...

? Realizing this, Belen’s eyes flickered. He found that many people were still dead here. No wonder it was mixed with blood. Then he noticed the girls with disheveled clothes and dim eyes. His body was all blue and purple, and none of them were uninjured.

? When that feeling of anxiety surged in my heart, Belen looked towards the left corner. There were still many men shaking their bodies over there, and on those tool tables, there were a few more The naked girl who is no longer called.

? When Belen saw this scene, his pupils slowly opened, and then an unknown fire surged into his heart, and finally burned like a blazing fire, scorching his heart, he let go of the right hand Sword, then his hands slowly clenched into fists, and blue veins appeared on the back of his hands.

?Beast...Beast...Damn it!

? Negative emotions continue to emerge in my mind, and the dark blue magic power gleams with astonishing light because of the riot.


? Belen let out an angry cry, he was so angry now, the majestic magic power swept away like a storm, shaking the earth!

? And this anger and movement also caused the naked men to stop their movements. They turned their heads and looked at the white-haired man who was standing in the doorway with a blue glow.

?who is he?

? This doubt only flashed in my mind for a moment, and the next moment was replaced by an emotion called fear, because the white-haired man came to them with a blue afterimage in the blink of an eye.

? Those deep blue eyes are as blue as the sea, which should have the gentleness that embraces everything, but at this moment they turn into a tsunami, an anger that wants to swallow everything!

? "Evil... Devil!"

The man closest to Belém screamed in horror, and his mental defense was defeated in an instant, just because of that look in his eyes, as if he was about to die!

Belen's left hand grabbed the man's neck, and then slammed it to the left. He hit the wall directly, and the wall broke at this moment. This dark factory did not know how long it took to see the sky again.


The wall collapsed, but the men were frightened and incontinent, because they felt that the sight that seemed to symbolize death seemed to fall on themselves.

"No, no! Don't kill me! These women are all for you!"

? One of the men's legs trembled violently. It was probably not because of the cold wind that made his legs weak, but he was trembling with fear.

But when these words were spoken, those dark blue eyes swept towards him, and those dark blue eyes were full of violence. The next moment, Belen appeared in front of him and grabbed his right hand. His neck slowly lifted up.

? "Cough...no, no!"

The man who was about to suffocate couldn't speak at all, but Belen grabbed him and walked aside, slammed it down toward the ground, then lifted his right foot and stepped on it suddenly.


The person's chest was directly kicked through with this foot, blood splattered, and Belen's milky white pants were dyed blood red. At this moment, a spider-web-like crack appeared on the ground.


? After seeing this scene, all the men who participated in the sinful action were going to flee towards the collapsed wall without even wearing their clothes. The deaths of those two people just had a huge impact on their brains. Let them wake up, with the idea of ​​running away immediately.

?None of you want to leave...

?Those who started to flee suddenly had such a sentence in their minds. It was not a sound, but a sense of will. At that moment, two monsters outside the wall suddenly came into sight, but they were Looking back subconsciously.

The white-haired man with blue radiance has already raised his fist. There is a galaxy of brilliance on his fist, and the man's mouth slightly moved, he said a word, and punched out.

?"go to hell."

The punch came out of nowhere, and the blue brilliance swept out, like a star storm, the terrifying air wave directly annihilated the entire wall of the factory, and finally destroyed all the creatures in front. It left astonishing traces that stretched across the street.


? As deafening as the thunder in the nine heavens fell, the earth trembled violently. This punch released the anger in Belen's heart, which was truly earth-shattering.

Belen slowly closed his fists, and the blue light on his body slowly dissipated. He turned expressionlessly and walked towards the female seas who were still lying on the tool table. There was a sad look on his face. Waving his right hand, quilts covered their bodies.

? "Already..." Belen was pursing his mouth again~lightnovelpub.net~ He clenched his hands, anyway, the three words "It's okay" can't be said anymore, it's already like this, how could it be possible Is it all right?

Belen, who was standing on the side, didn't know what to say, but he raised a hand, blue magic appeared, and then covered the girls, he slowly closed his eyes.

? Now he can control the magic circuit to repair the injury, although he can't eliminate the pain, but at this moment, he has repaired the broken magic circuit in the bodies of these girls.

After putting away the magic power, Belen gritted his teeth. The beasts were so cruel that they destroyed all the magic circuits of these girls.

? Is it to prevent them from counterattack? What a beast!

? But no matter how angry Belem is at this moment, those people have already been wiped out under his fist. Therefore, he feels hate again, why can't he come earlier?

? In the end, Belen could only turn his grief and anger into a sentence. He bowed his head at the girls who were alive but dead, and said this sentence.
