Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 691: Disciple of "Sword Saint"

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"Trouble me? Why?"

After hearing what Antelina said, Belem was also stunned. He didn't want to be troubled, and why should he be troubled?

The black long straight beauty said calmly: "Because you are a disciple of the Juggernaut."

"So why..."

"Because there are so many young people in our clan who want to be the disciple of the Sword Saint, but she chose you as a human." The beauty said.

Ah, is it actually so-called unwillingness and jealousy?

Belén scratched his hair. He didn't understand this kind of psychology. It's better to say that he also understood this kind of mood. But before that, he still had one thing very much here, so he set his sights in front of him. Hei Chang straightened himself.

"So, wouldn't it be nice if you didn't reveal my identity?"

"I do not like you."

"What?" Belen was stunned.

The straight beauty of Heichang said indifferently: "As a member of our elven clan, we are indeed proud to have won the name of the sword saint. However, she did not leave a legacy in the clan, but chose It’s you, that’s why I hate you."

After hearing what she said, Belen was also startled. He scratched his cheek with his fingers and said a little amusedly: "It's really straightforward, but I don't hate you like this."

Hearing that, the black long straight beauty also frowned slightly, she said coldly: "If you are my student, I will punish you for this sentence."

"Really a stern teacher." Belen smiled slightly.

At the same time, Antlerina smiled and broke in. She introduced to Belen: "This is the head of the Jedsef School of the Elf Academy, and this black-hearted guy is Lecturer Sinyol."

When she heard Antelina's introduction to herself, Sinyol's slender eyelashes trembled slightly, and then coldly asked, "Who do you think is blackhearted?"

Antlerina stuck her tongue out at Xinyor like a child. She was cute, but she didn't answer Xinyor's question.

Jedsef, head of the school?

Belen curiously looked at the kind-faced white-robed old man in front of him, probably the school principal is also very famous and experienced among the elves.

"Although it has long been rumored that Antelina’s disciples are humans, she only verbally said and did not confirm. Now that she can see her descendants with her own eyes, it’s not as unbearable as imagined. It’s better to say , It may be beyond imagination."

The elderly Jedsef said so. He looked at Belen with a smile and looked at the affairs of the Juggernaut disciples. He is different from Sinyol on the side. He treats both elves and humans equally, after all, it is An A descendant chosen by Trina herself.

"You flatter me."

Belen saluted the old man slightly, and the old man in front of him had a respectable attitude. This was his feeling.

"Then, let's go to the magic martial arts field together." Jedsef said with a smile, and he stroked his long white beard with his hand.

As a result, everyone walked together. The magic martial arts field was located in the north of the Elf Academy. The area was large, not smaller than the Flozarno Academy, and it also had a long history.

"From this magic martial arts field, there have been a lot of powerful elves." Jedsef looked at the circular stepped square that was already full, smiled and glanced at Antrina, then looked at Belem.

"Antelina also walked out from here, and won the championship at the time during the school martial arts festival."

Hearing this, Belen also glanced at Antrina with some curiosity, who also seemed to be very glorious in his youth.

"What do you look at, isn't it the same when you were in school?" Antelina gave Belen a white look, then stretched out her hand to roughly press Belen's head, and said with a smile: "We, mother and son, are the first. Name, this is like a family!"

Belen, whose hair was messed up, also looked resentful. Then, he saw the black long straight next to him portraying magic lines, and then opened his mouth to speak.

"Today, the Juggernaut came to our Elf Academy. Probably everyone already knows about this. So, for today’s magical martial arts activity, you must be eager to try it. Maybe the Juggernaut will look at it differently."


Countless people's eyes fell on the Jedsef and others above, looking at the beautiful Sword Master, all the young girls cheered.

Seeing so many people there, Laiya also hid behind to avoid her sight. She blinked her eyes and looked at the people in front of her, pursing her mouth.

"A lot of elves!"

Looking at the countless elves, La Tier was shocked. It is also a rare beauty to see so many elves at once!

Cat Latis looked around with excitement. Hill was also surprised to look at the square below, while Lumia was standing beside her with a smile. Although Ilia’s expression was There is not much change, but the luster of the fundus of the eyes is a little more than usual.

At this moment, Belen suddenly felt the sight of Xinyor next to him, and a sense of anxiety surged in his heart.

"You should also know that besides the Juggernaut, there are other visitors to our academy today, and one of them, presumably everyone has heard about him."

When he heard Sinyol's words, the field immediately became quiet. In addition to the confusion of all the students, there were also the smiles of Antrina and Jedsef, and the bitterness of Belen's face.

"The person next to me is the disciple of the legendary Juggernaut, and so far, the only heir!"

When Sinyol's words resounded through the entire magic martial arts field, only the sound of wind blowing in the field was left, and everyone was bewildered by this heavy information.

Regarding the disciple of the Juggernaut, it was sent back to the Fairy Forest several years ago~lightnovelpub.net~ Indeed, Antelina came back once, just to pass this happy news to everyone, and then He left in a hurry.

All the elves are puzzled about the fact that the descendant of the sword master Antrina is human. As the elven sword master, the descendant is actually a human being, and it is hard to get the name of the sword master from human hands. acquired.

For a while, everyone's eyes were focused on the white-haired man next to Xinyor, and the girl who shook Belen's first hand also opened her eyes wide in disbelief.

"It turns out that he is a disciple of Juggernaut."

When feeling countless strange sights, Belen also had a headache. He sighed, and then looked at Antrina beside him.

"You expected this to happen?"

Seeing Belen asked, Antlena smiled without saying a word, which made Belen even more convinced that this woman had expected it a long time ago.

"Today! In order to welcome the arrival of this Juggernaut disciple, anyone can enter the arena to challenge him any number of times! Of course, whether he accepts it or not is another matter."