Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 692: Lumia on behalf of the battle

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The entire elven academy was exploded because of the huge noise of the magic martial arts field, countless young girls were eager to try, after all, the disciple of the sword master above!

If you can beat him...

Except for those who want to see the excitement, most of the elves have such thoughts, if they can defeat the disciple of the sword saint, maybe the sword saint will look at themselves differently.

The atmosphere suddenly heated up, and there were already many aggressive teenagers who stood up to prepare for the next challenge, which also made Belém above him a headache.

Although he was able to mobilize part of his magic power to use augmented magic, continuous use might loosen the seal. This was where he worried the most, so he looked at Antrina beside him.

"I have a seal in my body, I can't use much power, if it is lifted..."

Hearing these words, Antelina's original smile disappeared in an instant. She looked at her disciple with solemn eyes, and asked: "Did the seal...that person got it?"

"Well, if you continue to use magic power, the seal will loosen."

Hearing that, Antrina also frowned and looked at Xinyor. She said: "My disciple is in a physical condition and cannot play, so please cancel this event."

Sinyol frowned too. She looked at Belém, was silent for a moment, and then said, "If this is the case, then..."

"I'm going on for Belem."

A girl's voice came from behind, and everyone looked back and saw a girl with shoulder-length hair coming up with an eager expression on her face.

"Lumia?" Belen was startled slightly.

Xinyol blinked and said, "But, this is an activity for the disciple of the Juggernaut. It is not appropriate for you to play? Besides, the students in our academy are very strong. Are you too young? Look at them."

"It's okay, I'll just explain it, and, I'm also very good." Lumia responded with a smile, and then looked at Belem, she asked: "Can you?"

Seeing Lumia inquiring about him, Belen was also startled. If he had said it earlier, it wouldn't be like this, but since the matter was over, there would be no way...So, he also smiled and nodded.

"Go and play if you want."

Although I don’t know the strength of the students of the Elf Academy, Lumia’s strength is not comparable to that of ordinary academy students, and she is already stronger than when she fought against the Demon Warlords in the northwest. .

Seeing Belen's answer, Lumia also nodded slightly, then nodded to Xinyol, and then walked down the steps, her black eyes flickering slightly, like the stars in the night sky.

When Lumia came to the magic martial arts ground below, those who were planning to challenge Belem were all startled, isn't it the white-haired man? How did she become a human girl?

Lu Mia stood in the field. Although she was a little shy with too much sight, she still summoned her courage, took a deep breath to calm her mood, and then absorbed the magic power into her mouth, spreading her voice.

"Because I have also studied under Master Belen, the disciple of Master Juggernaut, so I am also his student, and I don’t see anyone who can challenge Master Belen arbitrarily, so if you want to challenge him, you need to pass my level first. Now, any challengers are welcome to play, and I will take them all."

A disciple of Master Juggernaut's disciple?

The elves were stunned. They didn't expect that even the disciples of Master Juggernaut had already accepted disciples, and they obviously looked so young.

For the delicate girl in the field, many teenagers who wanted to challenge were hesitant, and it really made them hesitant to do something with such a young girl.

However, there were some people who didn't care about those things. One of them had naturally stepped off the stage and reached the center of the field.

He was a tall male elf, but he was only a young man. He was obviously growing too fast, and his sturdy appearance could also put a lot of pressure on others.

"As long as I win you, will the person above end?"

Hearing that, Lumia smiled and said: "Who knows? Maybe there are others, but ah, you can't compete with Lord Belem unless you beat me."

"That said, let's beat you first." The tall male elf also nodded slightly, indeed, as the other party said, it is impossible to compete with the disciple of the Juggernaut without winning.

"Please." Lumia stretched out her hand.

"Then I'm welcome."

The tall male elf is not welcome. After nodding his head, he took the lead. He put out a hand, magic power emerged from him, and suddenly gathered in front of him into a round of red magic patterns. The hot breath made the air. It's getting hot.

"Flame spirit, lend me your power, and use fiery flames to purify sin and wipe out the dust."


Flames emerged from the magic pattern like a torrent, and then spewed towards the short-haired girl in the distance. This magic was enough to see that the big man was serious.

That girl, can you avoid this magic?

Many elves are worried about the short-haired girl who looks frail, but when the **** the spot has no intention of retreating, the elves have their eyes wide open.

What does she want to do?

Facing the rushing flames, Lumia's expression remained as usual. She opened her right hand with five fingers, and a dagger appeared in her hand. As the flame approached, she held the dagger and stabbed it straight out.

"Smash it."

Compressed the "broken" magic power into the point of the sword tip, forming a little black mark. It has the power to destroy space, and when the flames swept past, it squeezed the flames into two with great ease. The flame dissipated to both sides.


Behind this scene ~lightnovelpub.net~ everyone outside the field can see thoroughly, and the big elf in the field also opened his eyes. The next moment, his pupils suddenly shrank, because only a black spot was seen. Mang shuttled like a ghost, and before he could react, the blade of the dagger stopped on the edge of his neck.

"Thanks for your advice."

The delicate girl showed a faint smile. After such a courtesy, she took the dagger away, saluted her opponent slightly, and then returned to her original position. She raised her head to look at the elves on the audience stage.

"Is anyone else coming to discuss it?"

It took a while for the big elf to react. He was defeated without even having a chance to play. Although he was a little unwilling, it was a game. He understood this very well.

At this time, one hand patted the big man's back, he turned his head and looked, his eyes lit up when he saw the person coming.

It was a handsome boy with blue eyes, sassy short hair and corset student clothes. He had a lazy temperament, but it was easy to make people feel good. He was a very friendly boy. He smiled and looked towards The girl ahead.