Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 70: Magic Scroll

Belem on the other side is still looking for Leia's traces.

"Where will it hide?"

Even a witch who masters the magic of space, it is impossible to move people too far, and the person who uses magic must be nearby to complete.

It is absolutely impossible to transfer people directly from a long distance, at least, it is not feasible in Belém's cognition.

Could it be that it wasn't that witch?

If it wasn't for being transferred, either Laya was forcibly taken away, or she left by herself.

The first possibility has not been ruled out, which is a bit troublesome.

Moreover, it is not yet certain whether Laiya is still safe.

Belen frowned, his eyes swept around, didn't he leave a clue?


Belen suddenly stopped, his eyes thought deeply, and finally his eyes lit up!

There is a way, but something needs to be done.

First, go back to the approximate location of Laya before and after his disappearance!

According to his memory, Belen came to the road that he had to travel when he went to buy colorful candy.

At this time there are still many people coming and going, but Belen's mind is completely unable to blend into the happy environment.

Belen took out a black and white scroll from the storage magic device.

Looking at the scroll in his hand, Belen couldn't help but think of some past events.

"It finally came in handy. This kind of thing should be used at this time."

There is the magic of time sealed in it, and it was made successfully by a friend of the time.

Belen did not hesitate to open the scroll. There were countless characters in the scroll, like continuous lines.

The blue magic power spread from Belen's hands and was absorbed by the scroll.

The black and white scroll was covered by magic, and then all the characters on it lit up at this moment.


A strange wave spread from the scroll, and Belen loosened the scroll, and it floated there.

But then, the corner of the scroll began to turn into fly ash, not fast or slow, disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Belen stared at the surroundings, he saw that time began to go backwards, but it was not a real scene, but a picture presented in front of him.

Hope to see it!

The picture kept going backwards until it froze an hour ago, and then began to recover quickly!

Move fast!

Belem immediately left and ran, looking around, hoping to see Laya's figure!

Time is getting faster and faster, and Belen's face is even sweaty and nervous.

The value of that time scroll is unimaginable, and he has only one. If this opportunity is missed, there will be no next time!

Belen followed the memory and ran through several bends in a row. When he ran to a cross street, Belen's eyes suddenly brightened.

over there!

At this moment, Belem's sight caught the most conspicuous long golden hair!

Laya was standing in front of a stall, seeming to be talking.

But because the time frame recovers so quickly, Belén has no time to rush to Laya's side, otherwise he might be able to see more things clearly.

Judging from the next few scenes, what is certain is that Laiya was not transferred, but left by herself, and there are no suspicious people around.


The clamor in his ears sounded again, Belen knew that the scroll effect had passed, and he also exhaled a long breath, seeming to feel relieved.

"Thanks a lot."

I don't know if Belen is grateful for the help given by this scroll at the moment, or the person who gave this scroll, or both.

Belen came to a stall, and there was a scene before Laya stopped in front of the stall for a long time.

"Hey, boy, would you like some meat skewers, it's absolutely delicious, I have an exclusive secret ingredient!"

In the stall, a sturdy man, his eyes brightened when he saw Belen coming.

"Well, I want to ask, is there a girl here before? That is, a very beautiful girl with blond hair, probably so tall."

Belen tried to ask, maybe he could get any clues.

"Blonde hair? Ah! Yes, that little girl is so beautiful."

The uncle fanned the wind and seemed impressed, and immediately remembered.

"Do you know where she went?"

Belem's eyes lit up and he asked immediately.

"Ah, it sounds strange. The kid was going to buy meat skewers, but suddenly he lost his soul. Well, going there, are you her family? The kid might be sick, right? !"

The uncle selling skewers recalled the previous scene, and then informed Belen.

"Ah, thank you, uncle!"

After thanking him, Belen immediately ran in that direction. In the previous retrospective picture, Laya also walked in that direction.

At this point, Belem could probably guess something.

Laya was not transferred away by the space witch, but may be controlled by spiritual magic, or guided away by fantasy magic.

However, these are not important anymore. Now that he knows the approximate direction, if Laiya walks forward at a walking speed, it will definitely not be very fast.

But it has been an hour, it is not easy to find Laiya, it seems that something needs to be used again.

Belen walked to a clearing and took out another scroll in his hand.

"It's great that those bets were magic scrolls."

Belen couldn't help sighing, he opened the scroll and put it on the ground.

This is a scroll for tracking magic. It can be tracked by objects within a certain distance~lightnovelpub.net~ This scroll is very valuable, but even if it can track people, it has limitations.

Hope, there is no magical device and magic circle isolated by magic, or else you have to find another way.

As for the basis, Belen was fortunate to have made a wise move, but fortunately he had asked them to give himself a hair before.

Belen entered the magic power into the scroll, and his face was a little pale.

The previous time scroll was too consuming of magic power, and Belen’s magic power was also very reluctant, and at this moment, another magic scroll had to be launched, but fortunately, the demand was not particularly high.

Once the tracking magic scroll is successfully activated, the general direction will be locked in an instant, and the initiator himself will be throbbing for a moment!

This is not true tracking magic after all, it is quite rare to have this kind of effect.

Belen took out a golden hair and pressed it on the reel with his fingers, and blue magic power poured into the reel.

Because of the high consumption of magic power, Belen had already started to gasp, but he didn't care, closed his eyes and felt it wholeheartedly.


A strange wave connected Belen’s brain. He suddenly opened his eyes and stood up. Belen’s eyes passed through the crowd in the street, looking towards a certain direction, and a ray of light flashed in those black pupils. Edge.

"found it!"

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!