Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 723: Possessive?

After Belen left the square with the girls, Manson also looked back at the center of the square that he had smashed into. He scratched his hair, and then left in a shameless manner.

After that, it was Knight Jioffer Chords who came to clean up the mess. With a black face, she began to call people to seal off this area, and then took a look at the location where Manson had left. This Master Knight Ji was also very angry. Actually they started fighting directly in this kind of public place.

After Belen and the others left the square, they came to sit down beside a big tree on the lawn. Belen and the girls explained Manson's affairs, and the girls understood the cause and effect.

Hill suddenly realized that, she said: "So, is that person also a disciple of Senior Antelina?"

"no, he is not."

Hearing these words, Laiya also looked at Belem. She thought for a while and said: "But, Manson has indeed been taught by Master Juggernaut? He should be regarded as Master Juggernaut's disciple?"

"No, he is not." Belen replied calmly.

The girls looked at him curiously when they saw Beelen, and Laya seemed to see something. When she smiled with her mouth covered, there was a sly smile in her eyes.

"Mr. Belen, do you care about being the only disciple of Master Sword Saint?"

Hearing Leya's words, Belem blushed and turned his head away. He stretched out his hand and scratched his cheek, and said in a soft voice like a mosquito, "I don't want me to have another brother inexplicably."


The girls all brightened their eyes, seeming to have discovered something very worthy of surprise, and Hill also smiled at this moment and said: "You guy, are you very possessive?"

"No! What nonsense!" Belen quickly denied, always feeling that if he admits it will damage his image.


After hearing this word for a long time, Belem’s expression is also very unnatural. He had thought it was unreasonable before, but he has not only heard this from a person’s mouth, but he has gradually become aware of his own possessiveness. It seems to be very strong. Although I always find it difficult to tell, it seems that it is really the case.

Cat Latis was stunned for a while, and couldn't help but ask: "What is possessiveness?" It was the first time she heard such a thing.

When the kitten asked, Laiya also smiled and explained: "Just like, that is to say, if Mr. Belen likes Lattes, if a boy approaches you, he will be very unhappy. "

"Yeah... I seem to understand!" Lattes had her big eyes twinkling, with a wise light twinkling in her eyes.

Hearing the conversation between the two, Belem said helplessly: "Laya, don't teach Latis these unnecessary things, she is still young."

"Brother! I'm not young anymore!" Lattes shouted angrily, and then reached out and patted her chest, she shouted: "I've grown up! I'm almost like my sister!"


Hearing what the kitten said, La Tier aside was also shocked. She hurriedly pulled the kitten over, and then pinched the kitten's face with both hands, looking at her angrily.

"You girl, what nonsense are you talking about! How old are you! How could I be the one!"

No, no, your attention is not right, right?

Belen was also embarrassed when he heard this. He glanced at Latis, then at Latil, and then was silent, always feeling that Latis was right.

"Mr. Belen!"

Hearing La Tier's call, Belen also opened his eyes and looked at her. What caught the eye was the angry girl with a pouting mouth and a bulging face.

"Why, what's wrong, Latier?"

Latier looked at Belen angrily, and she mumbled: "Mr. Belen must have been full of nasty things just now. I hate it!"

"No, absolutely, absolutely not!" Belem lied subconsciously.

Latier snorted when she heard the words, and shouted with her blushing cheeks: "Mr. Belen, don't lie if you don't lie!"

"I'm sorry!" Belen apologized immediately. He was used to the fact that he was seen through when he lied, although he has always been puzzled by the principle.

After a while, after Ratil calmed down, Belem remembered something again. He looked at Laya curiously, and remembered what he had heard on the edge of the square.

"Laya, do you know Manson?"

Hearing what Belen said, Laya hesitated, and then she felt everyone's sight, and after a moment of silence, she said, "That's one of my cousins."


Hearing Laiya's answer, everyone looked at her curiously. I didn't expect that the man who worked with Ilia today would actually be Laiya's cousin?

"Well, although I haven't talked to him much, he is indeed my cousin." Laiya said like this. After thinking about it, she said: "He has been practicing swords since he was a child, and he has always been very serious. , So I dare not approach him, maybe he doesn't remember me at all."

"It turns out that there is still this relationship." Belen looked at Laya thoughtfully.

Regarding the fact that Laya's identity should be the Elf Royal Family, he has already noticed ~lightnovelpub.net~ but so far he has not asked Laya's identity because it is not very important to him. The important thing, he wanted to wait for Laiya to say it personally. This may be a very meaningful thing for Latier and the others, and this is probably something that will happen in the near future. After all, where they are now is Laiya. Where is my hometown of Fairy Forest?

Since Manson is Laya's cousin, he should also be the royal clan of the Elves. If you think about it carefully, Antelina also said at the beginning that the reason why he taught Manson was because the "elven king" asked her.

Probably the "elf king" not only valued Manson, but was also a little unwilling to give Antelina her inheritance to a foreigner, right?

Although it was Belen's random thoughts, he always felt that there was such a possibility. If that was the case, the "elven king" might not be pleasing to his eyes.

Laya sat on the lawn. She glanced at Belen and the others. She opened her mouth and slowly closed her lips. She was silent with her thin lips. She seemed to have something to say, but she hesitated in the end. Living.

Belén also noticed Layana’s hesitation and cessation. He was a little confused, but did not ask. At this moment, he suddenly noticed that there were more people around him. He was stunned, and then a little helpless. Recently, he waited. People seem to have become public figures.