Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 746: Does it end like this?

In the upper hall of the sacred elves, the white-haired man finally saw the blonde girl, the former with a nervous smile, and the latter with an incredible face.

"You... how did you get up?"

Hearing the girl's question, Belen turned his head and glanced behind him. He was stunned. He found that Elia hadn't followed up but was standing outside, so he turned his head and answered the former's question.

"Because I didn't know how to get up, so I flew up with the help of Ilia's power."

Hearing that, Laya also glanced at the door, then turned around, looked at the white-haired man in silence, and said after a while: "Non-royal or permitted persons are not allowed to set foot in the temple without authorization."

"I know! But..." Belen hurried forward and said anxiously: "I also want to apologize to Laya, and hope you can forgive me."

The girl who heard these words kept her lips pressed, she looked at the white-haired man in front of her, her mood was complicated, but she had to do so.



Belen was stunned for a moment. He looked at the girl in front of him, his heart was inexplicably painful, and then anxiously said again: "I will leave after I apologize. It won't make it difficult for you."

When Laiya heard these words, her pupils shrank slightly, and she was also distressed, knowing that the person in front of them would bow their heads in front of them, but she was forced by her now.

However, if the heart is soft at this time, maybe Mr. Belém will make some moths at the wedding. If that is the case, won't everything she endures will go to bed?

Therefore, Laiya raised her head under the moonlight, and the other colors were tolerated in those golden eyes and blue eyes, leaving only the color of indifference.

"I thought that as the Queen of the Fairy Forest, I ordered you to leave."

The Fairy Forest is her home ground. As visitors, Belen and others should obey the orders of the landlord, but at this moment, he is heartache to the point that he wants to numb his limbs.

"Can you forgive me anyway?"

Belen uttered such sad words, his hands clasped tightly, and the pain and loss in his heart had reached the limit, even to the point of absurdity.

Although saying such words would indeed cause such results, he couldn't believe that the relationship between him and Laya would be broken because of those things. Aren't he and her family members?

After all, is it self-sufficient? I thought I could repair the crack.

The elves are her real family, he is not.

Belen laughed at himself, his smile looked so sad under the moonlight, this was a mood that he had never felt before, and he could have such a contradiction with his family.

"It seems that I did say bad things beyond my imagination that made you hate me like this." Belen said these words with a painful look on his face, and finally, he lifted the sad smile. Then he looked at the girl.

"Even though I know that you hate me, I still have to apologize to you. It is my fault to say that I am like that. I am extremely sorry."

When she saw the sadness and sorrow in her face and eyes, Laiya's heart also throbbed. She opened her mouth and wanted to say "No", but she was restrained by that sentence. After she lived, the pupils in her eyes gradually shrank, and the anxiety in her heart became stronger and stronger.

Belén didn’t even have the courage to look directly into the girl’s eyes. His body was numb with his loss and grief. He could only turn around stiffly, then took a deep breath and walked towards the door. Go, he left the last sentence.

"Bye now."

Seeing the thin figure who was leaving, Laya also involuntarily stretched out a hand, wanting to keep that person, always feeling that if that person is left like this, there will be something between her and him that can never be repaired. But in the end it could only turn into a slight whisper.

"Belen... Mr...."

When the figure left her sight, teardrops overflowed from her eyes and slipped from her cheeks, and her whole body instantly lost strength. She slumped on the ground like this, and then made a crying sound, as weak and helpless as a child. .

"sorry Sorry sorry!"

She also wants to apologize, and she wants to accept his apology, but once she accepts it, she will feel so soft that she even refuses this wedding. In that case, what should the future of the Fairy Forest do?

Sitting on the ground and crying, Laya kept repeating the three words "I'm sorry". She couldn't imagine how much harm she did to Belem, but from the bleak look, she must have been hurt deeply. It's deep.

After a long time, Laiya looked at the jade slab with tears, her beautiful golden pattern and blue eyes gradually lost the high light, her face made a dull voice, and her heart was desperate.

"That's it, everything is over."

After that door, Belen and Ilia had already walked a long distance, and the girl frowned when she looked at the white-haired man beside her.

"elder brother."

Hearing Ilia's call, Belen was also startled. He looked at the girl beside him, and then showed a very reluctant smile. He said, "Let's go."

Hearing that, Illiya was watching him and whispered softly: "Where is Sister Laiya?"

"She will live well." Belen responded like this to numb himself. He looked at the city of elves that looked so beautiful at night, and then whispered softly: "The one who can guard such a beautiful place In the future, her choice is not wrong."

At this moment, Yi Liya suddenly looked towards the other end of the corridor, and a figure in a golden robe appeared in her silver-black eyes.

That figure is the "elven king", Soest Santa Felia.

Soest came to the two of them~lightnovelpub.net~ He frowned, and said flatly: "As an outsider, I dare to sneak into the upper level of the sacred elves, even if I capture you, even if it is Ante Lena has nothing to say."


Belen laughed. When facing Laya, he only had loss and sadness, but when facing other people, even Laya's father, all his previous emotions turned into anger, and he even wanted to find someone to vent himself. The anger in the heart.

Seeing the white-haired man laugh, Soster frowned. He said solemnly: "My princess of the elf clan is about to get married, and you, a man who came to my princess of the elf clan privately, have already committed a taboo! What should you be guilty of?!"

"Then you are catching me."


Soest also frowned when he heard this, and his golden eyes stared at the smiling white-haired man in front of him. At this moment, the feeling that the latter gave him was a little uneasy?

Belen tilted his head and looked at the "Elven King". If he said that it was before, he would not be able to pose such a posture, but now he is in a very bad mood.