Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 77: That mysterious person is...

Hearing Al's words, the masked man also stopped. He didn't turn around, but he answered very calmly.

"It's just distracting."

Al was stunned when he heard this answer, looking at each other with a weird look, he was still so careless in the battle.

"Are all superhumans such arrogant people?"

"I'm not a superhuman race, I still have things to do, and I'm leaving."

The masked man explained, and then immediately disappeared in place, seemingly urgent.

"Not superhuman?"

After hearing this, Al frowned slightly, and he couldn't help but become curious.

If it's a superhuman race, why don't you admit it? It's not asking the real name.

However, if you are not a superhuman, why do you have a physical quality comparable to that of a superhuman?

Is it true that it is amplifying magic as he said? How far can the augmentation magic reach?

Immediately afterwards, Al suddenly reacted. She hadn't thanked the masked person yet, even if she didn't want others to help, but she had to admit that she had to thank him.

Al looked at the messy venue, and then sighed, hoping to have a chance to see the person 3 and say thank you.

After that, Al dragged her injured body and left, staggering, and her injury was not light.

In an alley, a figure in black fell on a wooden box. He threw his mask off, panting for breath.

"Take a break... Al shouldn't be so soon."

This masked man was Belen, his hands were shaking, his face was bloodless, and his magic power was extremely lacking.

On the way to the past, there was no time to stop and rest. The magic power in the body had already been consumed by those magic scrolls.

When fighting with those three people, there was not much magic power left, so I had to fight as hard as I could.

He doesn't have much strength now, so he can stay here for a while.

If he can, he really doesn't want to expose his strength. This is very unnecessary for him, as long as he can live as usual.

And what he said before is indeed true, he is really not a superhuman race, otherwise he would be troubled by magic.

He does rely on augmentation magic to strengthen himself, but it is different from the augmentation magic that others use magic to cover him.

Belém's amplification magic is to integrate magic into the body, strengthen every bone and nerve, and make it surpass the power that he originally possessed.

He does not have any magic attributes, but he also has his own talent, which is the control of magic!

In terms of magic control alone, someone once commented that Belém is a special case in this world.

Belen can perfectly use the magic power, and can make the original magic power play two hundred percent.

And he also called his different use of augmentation magic another name.

Amplification rate magic.

This magic can also be used by others, but it also has great limitations and hidden dangers.

The limitation lies in the control and deployment of magic power. It is the most difficult thing to integrate into the body and assimilate all the flesh, bones and nerves. It is extremely difficult for even a talented witch.

The hidden danger is that during or after the amplification period, the body will fall into a certain degree of fatigue. With the intensity of the amplification and the time consumed, the greater the burden the body has to bear, and even the body will explode if carelessly.

After an unknown period of time, a drizzle fell from the sky, and the rain fell on Belen's face. He woke up, blinked, stood up with the soreness, supported the wall and left here.

Because the battle that happened before was too dynamic, the church was already full of people, and Jin, as the lord of the city, was completely unclear.

Did this win or lose?

He thought he had the chance to win, after all, it wasn't just the adult who was there, but if he had won, the adult should have told him.

If you lose...

Jin didn't dare to imagine the consequences of that ending. Thinking of this, he was frightened.

On the other side, Belen had already reached the gate of the city, his gaze looked at the small shadow of the commercial vehicle in the distance, he let go of his hand holding the wall, and walked towards there.

If possible, he hopes that he will not make another move, not only for the people around him, but also for himself.

"Why haven't Mr. Belen and Sister Al come back..."

La Tier was hovering next to the commercial truck. At this moment, Laiya was resting in the commercial vehicle. Seeing Laiya's injury, La Tier knew something must have happened.

At this moment, La Tier suddenly noticed a figure out of the corner of his eyes, his eyes lit up, and he shouted in surprise.

"Mr. Belen!"

Not far away, Belen was walking slowly, wearing a clean white suit.

"Latier, is Laya back?"

"She is resting in the house now, Mr. Belém, are you okay? Your face looks bad."

Latier looked at Belem's face, her pale, uh, uh face made her a little worried.

"It's okay, but I was too tired to run when looking for Al."

Belen put his hand on Latier's head and rubbed it, trying to reassure Latier.


Latier lowered her head, she raised her eyes to look at Belen, and she was slightly relieved to see that there was nothing unusual about the latter.

"Then, I'll go and see La Tier first."

Belém walked to the carriage, and after opening the door, she saw the blond girl lying there. The latter was not asleep. When she saw Belém, she immediately wanted to sit up. UU read www.uukanshu.com, but the body was again. It hurts.

"You can just lie down, you don't need to get up."

Belen sat down, he leaned against the wall to relieve his fatigue, and then a kitten came over and sat on Belen.

Although the body hurts, children like Latis are very light, so he doesn't care.

At this moment, Latier also walked in, and she sat aside, wanting to hear what happened.

"Laya, how is your injury?"

The first thing I care about is Laiya's injury.

"It doesn't matter, how about you Mr. Belém? You weren't..."

Before she finished speaking, Laya noticed Belen's eyes and immediately stopped her mouth, and she also looked at the latter with a puzzled look.

Leia noticed Belen's gaze, she probably understood it, Mr. Belen didn't want to tell Latier the real thing at the time.

This in the end is why?

"Laya, take a good rest, now I'm waiting for Al to come back, I don't know how she is."

Hearing these words, Laya had no words. She now knew that Belem had left to look for Al.

Something must have happened on Al's side, and Mr. Belem now looked very weak and tired.

However, Belem obviously didn't want to say it.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!