Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 78: Suspicion from Al

In the carriage.

"Latier, can you give me a cup of hot water?"


Latil immediately got up to pour water for Belem, who must have been exhausted with a look of exhaustion.

Belen looked at Latis in his arms, and then at Laya in front of him.

"Laiya, if you can, don't tell anyone what happened today, even if it helps me a lot."

"I understand!"

Laya nodded. Although she didn't know what Belen was thinking, she understood what the latter didn't want others to know.

"When you were leaving, did those demigods also leave?"

Belen thought of those demihumans.

"All left. By the way, Mr. Belém, is it okay to leave that little girl there?"

Laya suddenly remembered that the little girl had just been knocked out.

"It's okay, someone will come and take her away later."

Regarding the little girl before, Belem had no intention of killing from the beginning. Who would have thought of killing a child?

Although the three people who fought with Al had left, they would definitely come back and take the little girl away.

Immediately afterwards, Belen's gaze fell on Lattes, who was on his lap, who was shining with big eyes.

"Can Latis keep her brother secret? If you don't say it, you can eat it with fructose."

"Latis doesn't say it!"

Hearing fructose, Latis's cat ears stood up, and the brown cat's pupils glowed.

Upon seeing this, Belen also smiled in his heart. The child was really naive. He stretched out his hand and rubbed Latis' head. The latter looked at Belen with one eye closed.



After that, Belen leaned against the wall, his eyes through the window to see the purple-clothed girl who was slowly walking in the distance.

I finally came back, and it was really unnecessary to worry that Al would not come back.

"Mr. Belén, your water."

La Tier handed the water to Belen, and at this moment his eyes noticed Al who had returned from a distance.

"Sister Al is back!"

After Al approached, her embarrassed appearance and the blood on the corners of her mouth were very eye-catching.

"What's the matter? Sister Al, you..."

"It's okay, it doesn't matter."

Al shook her head to her, then walked into the carriage, she wanted to find some healing medicine.

At this moment, she saw Belen who was leaning against the wall, her purple-blue eyes flickering slightly, and then she frowned slightly.

"what happened to you?"

Belen turned his head, his eyes met those beautiful eyes, and he answered calmly.

"It's just excessive consumption of magic power."

"Lack of magic power?"

Seeing Belen's appearance, Al stopped for a while, and suddenly remembered the black figure in his mind.

Al walked in, found the medicine kit, and with Latir's help, bandaged the cracked arm.

Ratil was also shocked when he learned about the condition of Al's arm, and at the same time surprised by the latter's calm look.

Sure enough, Sister Al is so amazing.

After fixing his arm, Latir also applied medicine to Latir's abrasions.

Some of Al's internal injuries can only rely on his own recovery ability, and there are only drugs for trauma.

"Belen, where did you go before."

Al was sitting across from Belem, she was leaning against the wall, her eyes full of scrutiny.

"You see I'm so tired, can't you ask me next time?"

"answer me."

Seeing Al's tough attitude, Belen sighed in his heart, and sure enough, he was still suspicious.

"Laiya was gone before, and I met a magister when I ran to find her."

"Then, you had a fight with the opponent? Why didn't I know that you have the ability to fight the magister?"

Hearing Belen's words, the suspicion in Al's eyes grew stronger, and at the same time, her heartbeat increased slightly.

Could it be that Belem is the masked man?

"It was a fight, but I was exhausted, and my magic scroll was about to run out."

Belen sighed, and there was a painful look on his face, which made Al hesitate.

"Magic scroll? Do you have a magic scroll?"

I had known that magic scrolls were expensive and required a lot of magic power.

"Yes, it is used for self-defense, but this time I used a lot."

"Laya, really?"

Seeing Al asked her, Laya nodded. Except for the last blow, Mr. Belen was indeed using the magic scroll.

Al didn't doubt Laiya, but she still asked out of kindness.

"Laiya, tell me about the situation. What happened to you earlier?"

Seeing Al's question, Laya glanced at Belem, but didn't get any hints, so she summarized the matter herself.

After listening to Leia's words, Al's eyes flickered slightly, and she looked at Belém again.

"I can probably know why they want to catch Laya. Therefore, even if the person guarding the demi and Laya is a child, he will definitely not be a weak person. Even if there is a magic scroll, the magic power should not be enough to support you to defeat the other party, right? "

Although he asked, Belen could hear that Al was just a little uncertain, and he answered calmly at the moment.

"The manifestation of the magical attributes will not destruct itself because of the unconsciousness of the caster himself."

Al blinked and looked at Belen curiously, with a somewhat unexpected expression.

"You still know this."

"I heard it mentioned before."

Al nodded, and then he didn't continue to ask~lightnovelpub.net~ It was impossible.

Belen is just an ordinary person, how can he have the strength comparable to a superhuman race?

Sure enough, she just thought too much.

"I just ran into someone who saved me. I want to say thank you to him, but he has already left."

"If I get the chance, I will definitely meet."

Hearing Belen's answer, Laya on the side glanced at Belen. She was almost certain that the one who saved Al was Belen.

"How is your injury...?"

After hesitating for a moment, Belen couldn't help asking. He wanted to ask at that time, but he couldn't ask.

Al lifted her eyes to look at him, there was a different kind of brilliance in her eyes, she said calmly.

"The situation is very bad."

Hearing these words, Belen's eyes slightly enlarged, dragging his tired body to the front of Al, and grabbing the latter's wrist.

After a while, Belen let go of his hand, and he looked at Al again with a weird look.

"This injury, can you handle it yourself?"

Although his pulse was a little different from usual, it was true that Al had suffered an internal injury, but he was able to heal by himself.

Al didn't look at Belen. She turned her head away and looked out the window, with a smile in her eyes.

"Who knows?"

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!