Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 794: Seems to have high hopes?

At this moment, in this hall are not only Belén and his party and the father and daughter of the "Elven King", but also some people in the Elder's House and the high-ranking royal elves. Among them is Anrente, who is staring at the party at this moment. The white-haired man among the people looked a little complicated.

Soest stood up from the throne, walked down the steps, and then looked at the group of people in front of him. In the eyes of everyone, the "elven king" actually slowly bent down.

"This time the Forest of the Elves was invaded by the Demon King's army, thanks to the triumphant victory."

The elders and nobles on the side also bowed and saluted at this moment, very solemnly. They all knew that this defense battle, if it were not for the brothers and sisters and the "sword saint", the Fairy Forest might have been destroyed, and the result would be They definitely don't want to see it.

This kindness must be kept in mind.

Seeing the elves taking things so solemnly, Belen was also taken aback, and after a while, he also said: "No, this is not the credit of the three of us, if the elves don’t fight the war hard, We also cannot win when we are attacked by the enemy."

Soest bent over and said solemnly: "Even so, this kindness will be memorable forever."

Antlerina smiled and said, "Speaking of which, why should I be counted? Obviously I am also an elven clan."

In this regard, Soest shook his head and said: "You have been used to traveling abroad. This time I came back and helped so much. I have to thank you for this."

"That's it, well, I accept it!" Antelina also laughed after hearing the words. Whether she was a friend of Soest or a member of the elves, she didn't care much about this kind of thing, after all, she was The "sword saint" of the elves, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

Seeing Antelina responded so easily, Belem was also taken aback. He glanced at Ilya beside him. The girl also blinked at him, and he immediately noticed, and then she spoke. Response.

"I see, I accept your thanks."

Hearing these words, the elves straightened up. Although there are rumors about the battle about the new "elf king" Laya, the silver-haired girl and the "sword saint", Soest is solemn. He told them that not only the King Kong was defeated by Belen, but even the King of Annihilation and the "Devil King" phantom were blocked by him.

After learning about this, all the senior elves were shocked. They thought that although the disciples of the "Sword Saint" were powerful, they were not as good as the "Sword Saint", but now it seems that the blue is better than the blue. Ah?

"Okay, then let's talk about another thing."

After saying this, Soster's gaze swept towards the other senior elves, and he said: "Annente stays, and the others will leave first."


So the elven ministers withdrew from the hall one after another, but Anendt stayed, his eyes stayed on Laya for a while, and then he sighed.

"It should have been known."

Hearing what he said, Belen was also stunned. He looked at the handsome elven man suspiciously, and the latter also set his gaze on him at this moment and slowly spoke.

"It was I who lost. Although I have been looking forward to marrying Laya, it seems that I can't do it now. You are more suitable for her than I am."

After hearing these words, everyone was stunned, and Belem also opened his eyes wide, and then said with a weird face: "What are you talking about?"

Anrent sighed: "Because Laiya chose you."

"Choose me? What?" Belen was stunned, and he looked at the elven girl who was also sluggish, and wanted to get the answer from the latter.

However, Laya was also looking confused at the moment. She shook her head. Obviously she didn't know about it. She thought it was just her father and they wanted to thank everyone.

"Let me do it."

Hearing Soest's voice, everyone looked over. The "elf king" was also looking helpless at the moment, he sighed, and then explained.

"In the past, for the bloodline and race of the "Elven King", I wanted Laya to marry Anend, but now it is not necessary because Laya is now the "Elven King". "

Everyone looked at Soest in a daze, and continued to wait to speak.

Just listen to Soest said: "In short, Laya has become the real "Elven King" today. Even if you marry a foreigner and have children, the child born must have the blood of the "Elven King". Therefore, I will not interfere in her future. "

"Really, really!?"

When Laya heard the second half of the sentence, she was very happy. She had wanted to discuss this with her father these days, but she had been embarrassed to speak up. Now that her father said it, she was also very relaxed.

Seeing the girl so happy, Soest was also a little helpless. He said: "That said, but I hope you can give birth to a baby as soon as possible."

"Why is this?" Laiya was a little curious.

Seeing the girl asked, Soest was also a rare face blushing, he coughed dryly, a little embarrassed, and immediately shouted: "I am also your father anyway, and I have the mood to hug my grandchildren!"

Yuan... Is that so?

Everyone couldn't help but laugh when they heard the words, but Antelina laughed unscrupulously. Soest's expression is really rarely seen.

Seeing Antelina laugh, Soster couldn't hold back his face for a while, and immediately shouted: "Antelina! Do you dare to laugh at me? How old are you? Is it possible to be alone for a lifetime!?"

"Lonely? No, no, no, I'm not alone!" Antelina smiled when she heard the words, she raised her arm around Belém's neck~lightnovelpub.net~ and was happy. Said: "This kid is not only my student, but also my precious son! To me, but the most precious family! And my son’s family is also my family, so how can I be alone? What? Compared to family members, I seem to be happier than you, right?"

Hearing that, Soest curled his lips, and he didn't bother to waste his tongue on this topic with this woman, and continuing to talk would only lose his image.

Immediately afterwards, Soest looked at the helpless white-haired man again, and he said solemnly: "Boy, since my daughter chose you, I will never allow you to let her down. I understand. Give me one child as soon as possible, I want two, no, three!"


Belen and Laya both screamed in unison. Why did they get involved in the two of them all at once, and this step was too fast, right? Was it the point of giving birth all of a sudden?

Just when Belén looked weird and didn't know how to respond, Laya on the side glanced sideways at the white-haired man. He didn't know what was thinking, and his cheeks instantly turned red.

What to do!