Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 833: I'm fine, don't worry about it

The two came to the town. Because their hair colors are very similar, many people regard the man and the woman as brothers and sisters, although there is nothing wrong with thinking this way.

Long silver hair with the brilliance of the moon hung behind her, and the silver-black eyes of the beautiful girl seemed to have brilliant starlight. The beautiful face had no expression on it, but it gave people a kind of celestial temperament. .

Many people are amazed by the beautiful girl at this moment. Although they are itchy in their hearts, they can’t talk forward. Not only because the girl is too beautiful, but also makes people feel a sense of distance, but also because of this Next to the beautiful girl, there was a man with ethereal temperament, walking side by side like a flower protector, which also put an end to countless people's inexplicable thoughts.

Ilya didn't care about the gaze around him, even Belen was the same. What he cared more about at the moment was the mind of the girl next to him. He didn't know what kind of mood Illya was now.

Just as people around were talking about it, Ilia walked into a small alley with Belen, and then followed the former into the sky, and the latter also followed up with the help of jumping and stagnation.

The top of the clock tower.

Yiliya stood at the very top, standing there Tingtingyu, fluttering like a feather, her long silver hair being blown by the strong wind, and she was looking at the scenery in the town.

Belen stood in the air on the side. Instead of looking at the scenery in the town first, he looked at the girl beside him. When he saw the faint smile on the girl’s face, he was also taken aback. , And then smiled again, so he looked at the scenery of the town again.

It seemed that they were satisfied. The two stood on the highest point and looked at the scenery of this town. After a while, the girl's voice came from the man's ear.

"Brother, let's go."

"Well, let's go."

After noon, the two men returned to the ground from the top of the clock tower, and they walked back home with a soft expression, and halfway through, they passed a fruit shop.

The young female owner of the fruit shop also noticed Belen. She blinked, and then turned her gaze to the silver-haired girl aside. Her eyes lit up suddenly. When she saw the beautiful girl, she always It will be like this.

At this time, an old man with white hair walked out of the store. After seeing the woman in a daze, he couldn't help saying, "Little Tao, what are you in a daze?"

Hearing this voice, the young female boss also pointed a direction quickly, and then smiled: "Ah, grandpa! That girl over there is so beautiful!"

After hearing the words, the old man also looked curiously at the silver-haired girl who happened to pass by. He was slightly startled, and then there seemed to be a ray of light flashing in those old and muddy eyes, and his wrinkled face appeared. A faint smile.

"Silver hair, what a coincidence."

Xiao Tao asked curiously: "Grandpa, have you ever seen other girls with silver hair?"

"Ah, this has happened many years ago." The old man smiled and nodded, and then stroked his long beard. He said with a little nostalgia: "Before, there was a silver-haired man here. ..."

When he said this, the old man suddenly stopped, his eyes slowly widened, and then he walked out of the shop quickly, he stared into the distance but he didn't see the silver figure anymore.

"Grandpa? What's wrong with you?" Xiaotao chased it out, she looked at the old man curiously.

The old man was standing on the street with confusion and disbelief in his eyes. He didn't know if he was taking over what he had just said or was calling for something, but his expression was dull and he muttered softly in his mouth.


The sun has begun to set to the west, and La Tier and the others have packed everything that should be packed. On the commercial truck, La Tisi is shaking her feet. Because of the cold weather, she is wearing a brown-yellow big The quilted jacket has finally become a chubby cat from a kitten.

At this moment, the little chubby cat suddenly noticed the two returning, and immediately raised a big smile. She jumped up from the commercial truck and ran towards the two.

"Brother, Illya!"

Seeing the kitten running over, Belen also bent down habitually and picked him up, but soon, he let it go, and he coughed dryly.

"Latis has grown up too."

If it was a kitten in the past, Belen could be able to sit on his neck, but now it’s no longer possible. Lattes is now thirteen years old. Sure enough, children grow up very quickly. Tiss was almost as tall as La Tier.

Although she was put down, Latis did not say anything. Instead, she smiled and hugged Belen's waist, and then rubbed her face.

"Brother smells so good!"

"Even if you say that, I won't give you candy, otherwise I will tell Latier."

Hearing these words, the kitten immediately let go of his hand, and then stuck his tongue out at Belen, carefully thinking that he was seen through, and his face turned red.

Belen stretched out his hand and rubbed Latis' head, then took out a candy, and said with a smile: "Hey, just this one, and you can't let your sister find out, I'll be told."

"Got it!" Lattes took the candy, and then showed a sweet smile.

But at this moment, La Tier and the others also came out, and La Tier also happened to see this scene, and immediately pouted and walked up, putting her hand on the kitten’s shoulder, and the latter was completely covered in it. She trembled, and then froze. She looked at the hand on her shoulder and knew who it was without having to think about it.

La Tier looked at Belém~lightnovelpub.net~ and sighed: "Mr. Belém, you can't continue to be used to Lattes like this, really spoiled! Ah no, I've been spoiled! !"

"It's okay, Lattes will be good, right? Lattes." Belen disapproved of this, he smiled and looked at the nervous kitten.


Latis immediately responded, and her head kept lighting up like a chicken pecking at rice.

Seeing this, La Tier was also a little helpless. She looked at La Tis, and then said helplessly: "I really want to become a chubby cat. Where will there be boys like you in the future?"

"It's okay, I keep it!" Belen said with a smile.

"So, Mr. Belen is too used to Lattes!"

Looking at the picture in front of her, the expression on the side of Yi Liya also became very soft, she turned her head and looked at the bell tower in the distance, her eyes filled with gentle warmth.

Father, mother.