Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 834: What is the next stop?

It's been a week since I left Ai Luo Town. During this time of the journey, Belem also saw many troops heading towards Ai Luo Town. I think it was dispatched by Sisiya after returning. Fortunately, Ailuo Town can receive protection.

After the trip, I also discussed with the girls, but in the end there was no answer. After all, they were overseas and they didn’t know where to go, so they decided to send Hoshina to the station. After all, she was going to the western battlefield. Temper yourself, and Belen won't go, after all, he has to take the girls to travel.

But I would probably go to Andilica, Belen was sitting in the commercial car thinking so, and beside him was sitting a woman with purple hair drinking.

Belen glanced at the purple-haired woman next to him, thinking that it would be embarrassing not to chat, so he thought for a while and said: "By the way, is Vernie okay?"

He was quite concerned about the condition of this old friend. He also looked forward to abiding by the agreement with Flotti and going back to the school to see the big banyan tree with everyone.

Hoshina wiped the drink from the corner of her mouth, and then said: "I went back to meet with Vernie six months ago. She, as the head of Andy Inz, is busy doing business now, but see how she enjoys it. , It should be okay."

"That's great," Belen smiled slightly after hearing the words.

In the past, Vernicus wanted to be a magician who studied magic, and it was probably very helpless to inherit the family business, but now it seems that she has also found joy in business other than magic, which is not bad.

At this time, Hoshina asked suddenly: "Belen, it may take several days before reaching the destination, right?"

"Well, it will take some time to arrive." Belem recalled the route on the map and roughly estimated the time it would take.

Hearing that, Hoshina nodded, and she begged: "Well, during this period, can you learn about kendo with me? I want to know where is the gap between me and you."

Belen was also taken aback at this. He glanced at the woman beside him, then smiled and said, "Of course it's okay, but I won't let the water go."

"Can't ask for it."

Hoshina also smiled slightly, and then she pulled out the saber around her waist. It was a black long sword with teeth-like lines on it. She gently stroked the back of the sword with her fingers.

Belen also set his sights on this sword. He had recognized this sword as early as the first meeting. After all, it was a famous sword.

"Famous sword in the dark night, it is said that hundreds of years ago there was a "swordsman" who was able to compete with the "sword master" at that time with this sword. After that, his sword and genre have been carried forward, and then he has Countless people wanted to come into his door, but he was very stubborn to accept only one disciple, and in order to respect his decision, this genre has been a single pass for hundreds of years. "

He will give a rough idea of ​​the origin of this sword, and although the genre of the "swordsman" is very famous, the people who will meet from the beginning to the end are only two contemporary masters and apprentices.

This genre is wine swordsmanship.

And star Naamira Zetals is the contemporary heir of wine swordsmanship.

Hearing Belen’s words, Hoshina was not surprised. She stroked the back of the sword and smiled and said, “I’m an orphan. I was seriously ill and passed away. The master entrusted the "dark night" to me before leaving. I thought about not letting down her old man’s expectations. Although I might have surpassed the master, I thought I could not stop because of this. That's why I have been tempering myself outside."

Hearing this, Belen also remained silent for a moment, then smiled and said, "Your master will be proud of you."

"Well, I think so too." Hoshina smiled brightly.

So after finishing the meal that night, Belen and Xingnai started to discuss on the grassland, while the girls watched from the side. Although they only saw the shadow of the sword, they still found it inexplicably interesting.

Latier also flicked her eyes and exclaimed, "Mr. Belém is so amazing!"

Laiya also said with a smile: "Already always hide and tuck."

Among the group of people, she was the first to realize that Belem was not ordinary. Although she felt that the latter was a bit mysterious, she did not specifically ask about it in order to respect Belem's privacy.

Seeing the white figure who was discussing with Hoshina, Hill curled her lips, snorted and did not say anything. She picked up a fruit from the basket on the side, and then took a big bite. The appearance of people eating melons watching a play.

Soon, the two were divided between the winner and the loser, and finally ended in Belém's victory.

He set foot in the "Demi-God Realm", but he is in a perfect state in every field. Because of Hoshina’s character, Belen did not plan to release the water. He also responded that way before, and defeated her seriously. What she needs.


Putting the sword away, Hoshina breathed a sigh of relief. There was sweat on her delicate face, but she was smiling with satisfaction. She had known the result a long time ago, but what she cared about was not the outcome, but the experience. .

"Thanks for your advice."

"You're welcome, I'm still happy to help with that." Belen responded with a smile.

However, Belen soon regretted what he said at that time. Because of that sentence, before arriving at the destination, Hoshina invited him to study every night. Although he was willing to help her grow, he could study like this every day, He also felt very depressed about this.

Can you take back that sentence?

After another week, Belem and his team finally arrived in a small town, which was the closest town to the western battlefield, and this was the terminal station that Hoshina was going to reach.

The gate of the city.

Hoshina smiled and looked at the people in front of him, then bent down and solemnly thanked him: "Thank you for your care these days. If you need help in the future, please think of me and I will definitely help~www. lightnovelpub.net~Miss Hoshina is so kind."

"That is, we are friends! Help each other is right!"

After a while of thanks, Hoshina looked at the white-haired man again. She showed a sly smile on her face, and she rarely showed such a playful look. She blinked and spoke.

"These days, thank you for your advice."

Was this guy on purpose?

Belen also noticed the smile in the opponent's eyes, but the matter was over, he had nothing to say, after all, he opened his mouth, so he could only wave his hand.

"You're welcome, you're welcome."

A group of people watched the purple-haired woman leave. After the back disappeared into the crowd, Belen also returned to the commercial car, and then looked at the girls with a smile.

"Well, we should go now, and find a post before it gets dark!"