Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 848: coincide?

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When Belen heard the voice of Ilia whispering in his ear, he was also startled. Although he didn't hear clearly, it seemed to be about Lilith, so he still asked.

"Ilia, what did you just say?"

Seeing him asking, Illya also turned her head to look at him, her beautiful face did not show any expression, but there was a faint gleam in her eyes.

"Brother, Lilith, is she human?"

Hearing this question, Belen was also stunned. Although he didn't know what the girl thought of, he still shook his head and replied: "No, Lilith is a witch, what's wrong?"


After getting this answer, Illiya also showed a thoughtful look, the dark shadow flashed in her mind, and then said: "Brother, don't you think it's a coincidence?"

"It's a coincidence?" Belen was stunned, and then he thought of something, and then said with a smile: "Yes, it's a coincidence, I thought she had left, but I didn't expect to be still in the city."

Elia did not respond to his answer, but said flatly: "Since Lilith asked her brother that question, she wanted her to make her stand, otherwise she would not tell her the truth."

"Well, I also know what she meant." Belen also nodded slightly, he naturally understood this, and he was very concerned about the trouble Lilith was facing.

Ilia continued: "When her brother was living with Lilith, her character suddenly changed one day. This may be because her memory was restored."

"Although I haven't asked her, it should be so right." Belen answered while looking at the silver-haired girl in doubt, not understanding what she was going to say.

A dangerous light flickered in Iliya’s eyes, she said: “She was rescued by her brother because she was in a coma because of a serious injury, and the reason for the injury was precisely because a certain annoyance that she had encountered before the injury already existed. So far, this trouble has not been solved."

"Illya, it's really rare for you to say so many things at once." Belen was a little surprised at this point, and subconsciously vomited.

Regarding Belen who complained about it, Ilia did not say anything. Instead, she glanced at him and asked: "Brother, she is persuading you not to intervene in her affairs."

Belen knew this too well, so after a moment of silence, he nodded and said: "I understand, but I want to help her anyway."

"I don't care about this for the time being." Ilia shook her head, and then said again: "Brother remember the dark shadow I said that day?"

Suddenly mentioning the mysterious shadow, Belen was also stunned for a moment, and then nodded: "Of course I remember, what's the matter? Suddenly mentioned that guy." But the next sentence of the girl in front of him made his heart jump in doubt.

"Brother, the shadow advises us not to intervene in the war." Ilia said.

She persuaded him not to intervene in her affairs, and the mysterious shadow persuaded him not to intervene in the war.

The two... are connected?

Belen's heart was shaken after Ilia's words, because he understood what Ilia meant, and the latter thought that the dark shadow had all contact with Lilith.

"Perhaps, it's just a coincidence?"

Illya said again: "The time she and the dark shadow appeared was also very coincidental, and the dark shadow knew about our affairs, and also knew that you were the dominant brother in our group, so I asked me to bring the news. Give you."

Indeed, the mysterious dark shadow appeared on the night of seeing Lilith. If you don’t think deeply and care about it, you probably won’t connect the two, but even if you are connected, you will probably think it’s a kind of A coincidence, but this coincidence makes Belen a little concerned.

Seeing the silent Belen, Illya said her own judgment again, and she calmly said: "That dark shadow may be a demon."

Regardless of why the black shadow advised them, but since they were asked not to intervene in the war, then they obviously knew that some of the things they had done, no matter what it was, were unfavorable to the demons, the mysterious shadow’s. The exhortation is to prevent them from attacking the Demon Race again, so even if the mysterious shadow is not the Demon Race, it is definitely biased towards the Demon Race.


Belen nodded, he naturally understood this.

Immediately afterwards, Illia was silent for a moment. She seemed to be hesitating, but she finally spoke out. She said: "Lilith has encountered an annoyance once, so she suffers from the temporary loss of her memory. She was seriously injured, and to this day, she still hasn't gotten rid of that annoyance."

That's annoying...

"The *annoyance that hasn't ended for many years..."

Ilia paused here and did not continue, and she was very clear about what she meant. There was only one annoyance that she knew that had lasted for several years and hadn't ended.

That is the war of the world, the war between the demons and the coalition forces.

Belen fell into silence again, just listening to what Ilia said, he already knew what she wanted to express, and he was also shocked by this. Although they had no direct evidence, if they wanted to come so, both There may indeed be some kind of connection.

After a long time, Belen also recovered. He said, "It shouldn't be the same person, right? That dark shadow is so strong that even Ilia has to be serious, and Lilith she... "

Lilith, she doesn't know how to magic?

Wrong~lightnovelpub.net~How could she not be magical? She is a witch!

Belen suddenly realized something very important. His eyes were slightly round. In that year, he had never seen Lilith use any magic, even though he knew she was a witch. , But he has never seen her use magic before, so if she doesn't mention her identity, he can't think of how the witch can't be magic.

She knows magic, if not, how could she disappear out of thin air today?

"No, it's wrong, it must be a coincidence, how could Lilith be the dark shadow?" Belen still shook his head, he couldn't believe that the woman was the mysterious dark shadow threatening them anyway.

How is this possible? Lilith how could she be that...so dark shadow?

If you were to choose one between the world and me, who would you choose?

Belen's mind couldn't help but echo the question that the woman asked him at the time. He opened his eyes wide and stood sluggishly. He seemed to understand the question now.