Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 852: About the black dragon?

Those dark blue eyes were as deep as the sea, and when they reached the depths, there was only an endless darkness, and the bald man stared at by this gaze was also shuddering.

What's the matter with these eyes?

Obviously, he was looking down at this white-haired man, but why did he always feel that the person in front of him was inexplicably tall? This inexplicable feeling gave the bald man a very deep sense of crisis.

Can't be an enemy!

The bald man who had done the job of licking blood on the tip of a knife a long time ago was also very sensitive to his instincts. At this moment, he felt a strong sense of inexplicable fear of the white-haired man in front of him.

Belen glanced at the girls who were picking food, then looked at the bald man in front of him again, and spoke again with an indifferent expression.

"Can the voice be lowered?"

The men who were at the table with the bald man were all stunned at this moment. It was the first time they saw the bald man showing such a terrifying appearance, and they did not dare to say anything at the moment.


After hearing the other's answer twice, Belen closed his eyes from the bald man, and he looked around again. Everyone who came across his sight was subconsciously frightened, and he was frightened. He turned back calmly and returned to his seat, as if nothing happened.

After Belém left, the bald man's heart was relieved. At this moment, he realized that he was startled with sweat and his body was trembling slightly. His whole body was relieved, and then he was paralyzed. Above, it looks like a lingering fear.

Seeing him like this, the man beside him couldn't help asking: "Old, boss? What's wrong with you?"

"That, that man..." The bald man lowered his head, with a look of fear and jealousy in his eyes. He said in a low voice: "You can't provoke him, he will die!"

This was a sense of crisis that he had never experienced when facing Warcraft. No, it was not on the same level at all. When he faced that man just now, he felt a sense of fear of being swallowed up by the sea.

The man on the opposite side also said softly: "It seems that he doesn't have any malicious intentions. Those girls should also belong to him. Let's say something else?"

"Ah, that's what I said." The bald man glanced at the white-haired back again, then closed his gaze, it seems that as long as he and others don't deliberately provoke him, nothing will happen.

That's good, this is good, now I don't even have the strength to get up and leave.

At this moment, Belen, who was sitting in his position, also noticed that the topics discussed around him had changed. He suddenly regretted a bit. Did he overdo it a little bit?

After all, girls are so beautiful and it is inevitable to be talked about. This also shows their glamorous charm. If you do this yourself, maybe one day it will harm them?

Belen began to reflect, he sighed deeply in his heart, his "protective desire" seemed a bit too much, no, he needed to change it.

After a while, Belen suddenly became a little concerned about the topic he was talking about. It seemed strange to talk about the same topic, and his brows were also slightly frowned at this moment.

"You heard of the black dragon that appeared outside the country a few days ago, right?"

"How could I have never heard of such a big thing? It is said that the direction that the black dragon left when it left seemed to be flying towards us, Andy Liga!"

"What!? Will it come to us?"

"A few days ago in Kabret there seemed to be witnesses who saw a huge black shadow flashing by in the sky, maybe it was the black dragon!"

Hearing the topics discussed around him, Belen also frowned. He didn't expect such a thing to happen. It was not the first time he had come into contact with the ancient dragon clan.

Black dragon.

At the end of the battle with the Demon King's Army outside the northwest, Belen encountered the black dragon and fought with it. Although it was only a rough fight, he could understand its power.

The black dragon, the dragon of the undead.

You don’t need to think too much about the reason for coming overseas. The black dragon naturally came to the battlefield to absorb the undead, but it also has a very high level of wisdom. It should avoid meeting the "braves". After all, even if it is. For the ancient dragon clan, "the brave" and her partner are also a fatal threat. If the two meet, the black dragon probably has nothing but to run away.

It's just a pity that even if the "Brave" has the idea to deal with it, there is no time to do it. After all, there is still the enemy of "Devil" in front of him.

Belen has always been very disgusted with the absorption of undead. Although it is metaphysical, it is undoubtedly true. If there is no undead, will there be an afterlife? He didn't know this, but he certainly wasn't the only one who was angry about what the black dragon had done.

"Speaking of this, the second prince in the kingdom has left the capital with a large number of elites a few days ago. Maybe she went to crusade the black dragon?"

"That means those people in the capital already know where the black dragon is? But don't come to us! We don't have the ability to fight against that kind of creature."

"It shouldn't be so unlucky, if we meet here, we will definitely die!"


Belen shook his head secretly after hearing the words. If it was an easy target ~lightnovelpub.net~ would not exist, then it would not have been wiped out. It might be more appropriate to reduce losses than crusade. .

According to Antelina, the black dragon is a dragon that existed in ancient times. It has existed for such a long time. It has been absorbing the undead everywhere since a long time ago. There have been countless powerful people uniting to fight against it. , But in the end all returned without success. As the dragon clan that dominated the ancient times, it has reached a daunting level in terms of attack, defense, and magic.

It is really difficult to solve such terrible creatures without paying a huge price.

After hearing such things, I felt a little unhappy inexplicably. Now he is still taking everyone on the trip, so it is better to avoid these troublesome things.

Belen's eyes flashed with cold brilliance, and the killing intent contained therein could not be concealed, but fortunately no one saw it, and his right hand was slowly held.

However, he must get back the black dragon's sins against Latier and Latis. Although he does not want to meet in this country, if he meets him...

You must be killed!