Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 879: I will save both sides!

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At night, Caijia went back, but when she left, she looked serious, just like a student who found a new topic to take seriously.

But in the room, Belen was lying on the ground like a discouraged ball, with a tired and decadent expression on his face. Cai Jia, the child was really incredible, and the continuous questioning of him really tortured him.

After a while, Belen stood up and said, "I won't eat dinner. You can eat together later. Don't worry about me. I will go and see the scenery."

The girls from Laiyada responded: "I know Mr. Belém."

Immediately afterwards, Belen left the room, and Illiya, who was sitting in the corner reading a book, slowly raised her head, her eyes filled with hesitation.

La Tier on the side also retracted her gaze from the closed door, while La Tisi, who was sitting next to her, stood up, and the kitten blinked wide.

"I'm hungry, where's my sisters?"

Lumia also looked at the night outside the window, and then stood up, she said: "It's already night, shall we go to dinner?"

"Then go together." Hill also got up.

When the girls were going to the restaurant to eat, Belem came to the roof of the hotel alone. He looked around and found that there was no one, so he walked to the edge.

Because Vernie’s hotel also has a structure where you can enjoy the night view, the decoration of the roof is also very delicate, and the surrounding floors are made of high-quality stone.

After putting all the tedious things aside, Belen subconsciously thought of the jihad that probably didn't stop during this time period. He had also learned about the situation of the jihad in the past two days, and he also had a general understanding in his heart.

Now that the coalition forces have suppressed the Demon King's army on a large scale, this is a matter of course. After all, the words "the war closest to victory is coming" released by the great sage before are definitely not empty words.

So, after suppressing the Demon King's army, there is no big result for the time being. Belen can also guess that the coalition army is waiting for the brave girl to show off, and the brave girl is obviously waiting for something.

Maybe it's waiting for a good time.

"It's really a brave man."

Belen also couldn't help sighing. When he thought that the girl younger than him would bear the expectations of the whole world, his heart was filled with admiration.

Only those who can withstand the expectations of this world can be worthy of the name of a brave, right? He couldn't do it anyway. He didn't have any idea about things like becoming the savior and staying in the history. Even if staying in the history, he would not be able to see it.

Now that he can travel and live with his family happily, this is the happiest thing he has now, and he is satisfied.

However, he still has one regret.

Belen looked at the colorful lights in the distance, which could confuse people's eyes like a kaleidoscope. His gaze was out of focus and his sight was lost, but he seemed to see a figure.


She is Belen's biggest regret now. After so many years, she finally met again, but she met and parted in a hurry, and the news she brought was still so cruel.

"Are you really on the side of the Demon Race?"

Belen couldn't help muttering. He was vaguely aware of something after hearing Elia's reasoning. Although he didn't want to believe it, it seemed to have become the most accurate answer.

If Lilith was on the side of the Demon Race, then she must be an enemy of this world, and when choosing between her and the world, Belen finally responded with silence.

Will she be on the battlefield?

This is a question that Belen is very concerned about. He doesn't know how much Lilith is hiding, but if he can't even see through, it must be very powerful.

Will Lilith be the mysterious person Illya met?

If so...

The mysterious woman he encountered after the black dragon crusade once again appeared in Belen's mind, followed by several encounters with the mysterious woman, and his eyes began to flicker.

Although I don't want to think about it, I can't help but think about it.

Lilith, who are you?

Belen really wanted to ask this question in front of the girl, and wanted her to tell him his true identity. He believed that even if he knew it, he would never give up on her.

Lilith was the mysterious person Ilia met that night, and the mysterious woman he had encountered over the years. If this is the case, even if there are some puzzles, they can indeed be connected.

The reason why I had a chance to solve myself every time but didn't do it, it is very likely that it was someone I knew. If you think about it this way, you can figure it out.

Because Lilith was the mysterious woman, she had the chance to kill him time and time again!

Belen thought of this in a complicated mood, but he was a little happy. If this is the case, then it means that Lilith has not cut off his previous feelings with her.

You who know nothing can say such a thing.

Can’t help but think of what Lilith said to him that day~lightnovelpub.net~ Belen was inexplicably angry, he gritted his teeth and muttered to himself: "Tell me if you have anything, don’t I deserve to be trusted? ?"

Even if you are really on the side of the demon clan, I will never abandon you!

Indeed, Lilith had many things he didn't know about. Even in that most intimate year, he had not discovered even a little secret hidden in Lilith, but he was not to her. Really know nothing.

She is someone he cares very much about. There is no doubt that it is the same even now. She is a gentle girl. He will never doubt that, because those eyes once told him that he would not Go to doubt, because that is his family!

It is true that I don't know you well enough, but ah, why have you ever valued my determination?

You may really be on the side of the Demon Race, but even so, I will never let go again in confusion, even if you are the Demon King! I will never hesitate.

The world and you, which one do I choose?

Belen grinned, as gentle as a spring breeze. The night breeze was blowing on his hair, making his depressed appearance a lot more energetic. He looked up at the starry sky, clasped his hands tightly, and had those blue eyes. There was a faint gleam of light, like the surface of the sea illuminated by sunlight.

Give up you for the world, give up the whole world for you?

This question is really terrible, he really can't choose, so...

At that time, he did hesitate and silence, but now he finally thinks clearly, that question is not only two answers, and now if he can face the girl's question again, he can answer the girl with his head upright.

"No matter Lilith or the world, I will save both sides!"