Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 896: Confess to 2 people

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After Belén and others left the city in a commercial car, he felt a little relieved inexplicably, because too many people in that city knew who he was, and this made him feel a little restrained when he went out. www.

The next first journey is to pass through this Boudamica grassland. Belém intends to go to Andiliga’s country to take a look. By the way, I will meet Caijia, who has already gone back a long time ago. But his admirer, this makes him feel a little proud.

This time, there were two more companions on the way. They were Garder and Reina. Although they were demons, they were just children in Belen's eyes.

When thinking of the two children, Belen couldn't help thinking of one thing he had concealed from them, and that was the fact that he was a white-haired sword master.

If you confess to them...will you be hated?

This is what Belen is worried about. After all, as a white-haired sword master, he has caused countless harm to the Demon Race, but what would Guardian and Rena who knew about it think?

But this kind of thing is definitely impossible to hide, so let's tell them as soon as possible. If they resist him, then think about how to place them.

In the evening, Belen made a sumptuous dinner with the purchased ingredients. After he was ready, he asked the helping girls to call the little guys who had nothing to do.

"I'm out for dinner!"

"Come on!"

During the meal, Jiade and Rena showed extremely surprised expressions when they tasted the first bite, and then fell into deep intoxication.

"This...what is this?"


It was the first time that Garder and Reina tasted Belém's own cooking, no wonder they were so surprised, after all, this was the cooking of the God of Cookery.

Latier on the side also smiled and said, "Tell you, Mr. Belém is the devil, and the cuisine he cooks is the best in the world!"

No. 1 in the world...

Belen was also a little embarrassed by the praise, and then he felt the admiration of the two children. He immediately smiled and said, "Hurry up, there is still a lot of food, enough for you to eat."

"I'm going!"

Seeing Garder and Reina who were intoxicated by food, Belen couldn't help being silent. Although he didn't know the quality of life of the demons, it would certainly not be very good.

Although the Demon Race is very powerful, the resources they can get have become scarce under the oppression of the whole world. It is already thanks to the Demon King that they can maintain a normal life.

If you think about it this way, that demon king is not so evil.

After dinner, Belen noticed the Mozu brothers and sisters sitting on the lawn. He hesitated, then walked to them and sat down.

"What are you looking at?"

Guardian smiled at Belen, then looked at the night sky, he said: "We are missing home, although it is not as rich and beautiful as yours, but it is the place where we grew up."

"That's it." Belen also understood Guardian's feelings, and he said calmly: "But looking at the current situation, probably your hometown is gone."

Although such direct words are quite hurtful, he believes that the current situation is better for the two children to recognize early. After all, the final battle to end the jihad may soon come. What will the fate of the demons be like? Going towards him is unpredictable, but the children of these two demons are likely to become the last descendants of the demons.


Guardian replied softly, he looked a bit sentimental, and he had already accepted the fact that his hometown might have been destroyed.

Rena also said with a disappointed expression: "I can't go back."

The original hometown may have become a stronghold of the coalition forces, and it is already a matter of fact, and once the Demon Race is defeated, then the world may no longer have a foothold for the Demon Race.

Seeing that these two children had also accepted the reality, Belen was also relieved. He said: "I will help you hide all the magic patterns on your body. If this is the case, you can live in peace in the future. "

Jiade and Rena didn't speak, but looked at the distant scenery silently. They are now very confused about their future life.

Seeing the confusion of the two, Belen smiled and said: "If you are confused about the future, then find your way to the future during your journey."

Guardian whispered softly: "A journey?"

"Yes, because that's how I came here. It's a suggestion from seniors."

After that, Belen told him about his life experience. Once he was confused about the way forward, and gradually found the way to the future and the meaning of existence during the journey.

There are some things, even if you think about it for decades, you may not be able to fully understand it. In that case, go out for a walk when you are enveloped by worries and confusion. Even if you just take a walk, you may suddenly feel better. ~lightnovelpub.net~ I see! "

Guardian let out a sigh of relief, his face gradually showing a smile, indeed, his road is still very long, and he needs to come to a conclusion at a moment, the road still has to go slowly.

Upon seeing this, Belen also nodded, and then he fell into silence. After hesitating for a long time, Jiade and Rena on the side looked at him curiously.

"Brother Belen, what's the matter with you?"

"Actually, there is one thing I have been hiding from you."

In the end, Belen also intends to tell the truth about what he concealed the two of them. He has always felt a sense of anxiety recently, and he doesn’t know if it stems from the concealed thing, but he thinks that he should tell the truth to Guardian as soon as possible. It's better with Rena, and it's a little uncomfortable to keep hiding from him.

Seeing the white-haired man taking the matter seriously, Rena also flashed her big eyes and asked: "Brother Belen, please tell me, we won't blame you."

Belen nodded slightly, then sighed: "Actually, I have a title called the White-haired Sword Saint, and this is what I have been hiding from you."

Hearing his words, both Rena and Guardian were shocked. They really didn't know about it. Even after the magic pattern was hidden, they happened to avoid the white-haired swordsman topic discussed around. .

However, they did know who the White-haired Sword Saint was, after all, the shock that the White-haired Sword Saint's sudden appearance on the Demon King Army caused shocked the world.

Guardian whispered in disbelief: "No...no?"

"I didn't lie to you, I am indeed the white-haired swordsman." Belen sighed.

Rena who was on the side also recovered. She fluttered her big eyes and looked at the white-haired man in front of her, her eyes were a little complicated, she said softly after pursing her mouth.

"it does not matter."