Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 913: I will fight to the end

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Looking at the woman in the black robe in mid-air, Belen also maintained an absolutely calm state at this moment. The other party is a demon. If he is careless and makes a mistake, he may fall directly!

But what puzzles him at this moment is...

The other party hasn't taken a shot for a long time.

"Why are you..." A voice with complicated meaning was uttered under the veil. The woman's rippling eyes looked at the white-haired man below, and finally said: "Why are you here?"


Hearing what the other party said, Belen was also stunned for a while. He frowned and said, "Of course it is here to stop you. Besides, are there other reasons?"

Hearing that, the woman was silent for a moment, and then said: "That's right, besides this, do you have other things?"

What is this devil thinking?

Belen looked at the figure incomprehensibly, but he didn't mind talking nonsense with the other party. Now Sisia was trapped there, but he didn’t think that thing could trap Sisia forever. After this period of time, his task is completed!

"There is one more thing."


"I have a friend with you, can you give her back to me?" Belem's eyes flickered slightly. This was a topic he used to spend time with each other, but it was indeed something he wanted to do. , And this moment is also something to be determined.

Lilith is helping the Demon Race, and he wants to take her back!

The black robe was floating in the breeze, and the magical power of seven colors was constantly overflowing in the necromantic cage below, but despite this, the demon king still looked calm.

"I see."

In the end she said something that the man could not understand, and then, the demon king said: "I will give you a chance, surrender, I will not kill you."

"Are you kidding me?"

Belen also frowned. He grinned and said, "Obviously you said last time in the Forest of the Elves that you will kill me when you meet officially, so isn't it considered an official meeting now?"

The devil said indifferently: "Since you know that I will kill you, you dare to appear in front of me."

"Ah, do I look like someone who is afraid of death?"

"Do you want to die?"

Belen, who was asked rhetorically, also fell into silence. He sighed and said helplessly: "I don't want to die. There are still many things that I need to do, and many things I want to witness."

"Then, before I change my mind, get out."

Belen fell into silence when he heard these words. He stared at the figure blankly, with a complicated mood in his heart, although he was reluctant to think about it, but at this moment he could not suppress the guess in his heart.

"The time has come, why does the dignified demon king pretend to be his voice?"

Yes, she was still disguising her voice.

Belen relaxed a bit. He stood there, his dark blue eyes gleaming slightly, and he whispered softly: "I don't know how many times you have appeared by my side, and I don't know where you came from, let alone why. You have not killed me after so many opportunities, you are the devil."

When he appeared here to see this demon queen, knowing that the mysterious woman is the demon queen, his mood became complicated. He didn't even want the time-wasting scene to happen now. How much he hopes the demon king will be like this. He launched an attack, so that he would be able to dispel his doubts.

But, she didn't.

That figure just listened to the man's words quietly. She didn't speak, but stood in mid-air, her eyes with pentagrams trembling slightly.

"It would be great if you could directly act on me." Belen's voice was very soft, because at this moment he was exhausted physically and mentally before fighting, and he finally began to speak.


"Shut up!"


A black beam of light penetrated the ground and overturned the earth. Under this impact, Belen even flew a long distance away, and finally stopped on a ruin, his left hand clenched into a fist, Inexplicably, the mood changed from heavy and complicated to relaxed, because at that moment, the voice finally lost its pretense.

The black robe figure in the sky seemed to be a little excited, and there was a faint light trembling in the Pentagram's eyes. She stared at the white-haired figure tightly, her teeth seemed to be gritted under the veil.

"Why, why are you here!"

This sentence is asking the man, and also questioning the illusory thing.

"Save people."

Belen's answer was simple, but his sight never left the figure from beginning to end. His original mission was to rescue Sisia, but at this moment there was another one.


The figure in the black robe raised his right hand, and the gray magic power accumulated into a huge star. Compared with the previous pitch black star ~lightnovelpub.net~, the power released at this moment is even greater. And she threw it from the sky to the man without hesitation.

Seeing the arrival of the stars, Belen's right foot moved back slightly, blue magic rushed up, his eyes only left the outline of a pupil, holding a sword in his right hand, his expression was surprisingly calm, and his mood was also The change happened unconsciously.

"One of Swordsmanship·Angelica."

His sword fell out of thin air in front of him, and a blue sword light seemed to cut through the night sky like a half-moon. It easily slashed through the star to the sky, and then the stars turned into endless gray lights and scattered. , Like snowflakes falling in the dark night, with a sad and depressed mood.

Just dealing with that woman's magic has already made Belen use the strongest sword skill at the moment, feeling the depressive atmosphere in the air, his heart is in a slight pain.


The mood swings of the black-robed woman seemed to have reached the extreme. She shouted in a painful voice: "Not enough! How can it be!? I'm going to kill the monarchs of the three empires, otherwise I won't be willing to die!"

"If you want to do that, kill me here."

The black-robed woman who heard these words also fell silent for an instant. After a long time, her voice gradually became cold, and she said: "Do you think I dare not kill you?"

The killing intent was so strong that even the air became solemn. This black-robed woman really had a killing intent at this moment, and she hadn't even had such a strong killing intent when fighting with other people before.

"I didn't say that I would catch it." Belen also took a deep breath, and the blue light particles began to float at an extreme speed. He stared at the figure and said solemnly: "So, I will fight to the end!"

The next moment, the gray magic power surged crazily in the sky like a torrent