Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 927: This 1 day

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It has been a year and a half since the end of the holy war, and shocking things have happened during this year. It was the announcement made by the monarchs of the three kingdoms that they wanted to fight with the demons, A declaration of the harmonious coexistence of witches and other races. www.

But this is destined to be a long road. Although the jihad has been over for a year, everyone’s life is gradually returning to the right track, but for the demons, many people still have a grudge against them. After all, the crimes they have committed are impossible Being forgiven in such a short time.

In the past year or so, the three queens and the brave men, and even the Holy See, worked together to promote the coming of that bright future. Although the journey is far away, it seems that it is not out of reach now.

But so far, the person missed by many people has not yet returned.

In the Flozarno Academy of Magic Academy in Florentis, all the students returned to their normal lives, some graduated, and some new students enrolled.

And at this moment in a wide classroom, a beautiful girl with cat ears was immersed in the test paper, the crystal clear cat eyes were staring at the question, and the pen in her hand was dancing quickly.

Jingle Bell!

When the bell rang, the girl with cat ears also put down the pen in her hand, and then stretched her waist. The bumpy figure was outlined by the exquisite school uniform, and then she lay down softly. On the table.

"Finally finished!"

After the paper was taken away, there were a few more girls beside her, who were her good friends, and they were sitting down with a sad face at the moment.

"Now, Lattes, are you finished?"

"Ah, it's so difficult this time! I still haven't written half of it!"

Latis turned her head, and said with a bitter face, "I have finished writing very reluctantly. Who will write the paper this time? It's so difficult to come up with this topic!"

The girl with double ponytails aside exclaimed: "Eh...It's Lattes, it's finished!"

"This time I'm in the top ten of the bottom guarantee, maybe I can get the first place?" The girl with eyes pushed her eyes, and then sighed, "Obviously Latis was very lazy and didn't like to study last semester. It looks like, after taking a long absence from school, I can still keep up with the course."

"Ha ha..."

Lattes smiled stiffly when she heard these words, as if thinking of something, she sat up, and stared straight at the table in front of her.

"What's the matter with you? Lattes."

"Huh? No, nothing, let's go to class! Next is... actual combat class, right?"

In that indoor magic director's martial arts arena, the students of this class began to sort after finishing the team, and they had to compete with another class in actual combat.

Lattes lowered her head and didn't know what she was thinking, and at this moment, she suddenly felt her sleeves being pulled, and she turned to look at her friend next to her.

"Latis, it's you, what are you in a daze?"

"Huh? Ah! I see."

As a result, Latisi stepped onto the Demon Director Wutai. She looked calmly at the opponent who was almost the same age as her own. The turquoise light flashed in her hand, and a long sword appeared in her hand.

"Is that the cat girl who followed that swordsman practice a year ago?"

"It is estimated that this turner will lose, that girl is the seventh seat of Jianjushe."

Half a year ago, Latis had already joined the Jianju Society by virtue of her superb kendo realm. This was not because of the relationship with those seniors, but because she now has the qualifications.

Looking at the opponent rushing towards her, the tall girl with cat ears whispered with a voice that only she could hear: "Brother, I won't let you down." She held the hilt. Then came out slowly.


Accompanied by a crisp sword sound that unsheathed, a turquoise brilliance in the field was flashing, and the battle was finally divided between the winners and losers.

At the moment when the battle ended, Latis just wanted to put the sword into its sheath, but at this moment, Jiao body trembled slightly, and she tilted her head and looked towards the passage in disbelief.

In Florentine’s imperial capital, Eloranya, in the huge castle of Poggiacorti, a woman in a luxurious dress is looking at an old newspaper. She is the leader of the castle. Miss.

Since everyone separated, Hill has returned to her home. She has not been at home for a long, long time. After that, while waiting for that person to come back, she helped her father start to assist the overall situation. Despite these peaceful years, there are certain things to beware of.

Hill put down the newspaper in her hand, she turned her head to look at the golden yellow scattered outside, then looked at the empty sofas, and a picture of a man quarreling with a girl came to mind. .


Hill couldn't help but laugh when thinking of that scene. It was a bit naive in retrospect, but it was indeed a memory she missed so much.

"You guy, why haven't you come back?"

Hill's gaze fell on the newspaper again. There was a picture on it. It was a statue of a man with a sword. Her eyes were very calm, but at the next moment, her mind trembled for a moment, and her eyes flashed. There was a ripple, and she subconsciously stood up and looked outside.

"That is..."

In an eastern city very far away from Eloranya, two figures are flying past the roof. They are very fast, but they seem to be chasing something, because there is still a dark figure in front of them. .

"These two guys are really difficult..."

The thin, masked man was holding a small bag in his forehand. He turned his head and looked at the two fast approaching figures behind him. He couldn't help gritting his teeth. If he wasn't familiar with the terrain, he would definitely be fast. There is no escape.

"Don't want to run away! Smelly thief!"

The girl with the ponytail suddenly tilted her body slightly, and then suddenly disappeared in place, a black afterimage instantly came to the masked man's side, and then whirled around and kicked him with a whip leg. go back.


Accompanied by this call, a short-haired girl also came to the face of the masked man flying across, holding her right hand with her left hand, and then hammering down!


The masked man was directly smashed to the ground, and the ground showed signs of cracks, and he was already unconscious, and the small bag in his hand also fell aside.

The short-haired girl landed on the ground. She smiled and walked towards her friend, then raised her palm to pat the latter's palm together.


This short-haired girl is Lumia, and the other is her good friend Cheryl, who used to be the top two killer partners of the younger generation of the Miesnison killer family.

Lumia picked up the small bag, then took it and walked to the panicked lady. She smiled and said, "Your bag."

"Thanks, thank you!"

The lady who took her bag back was bowing again and again at this moment, but there are things that are very important to her, if she can't take it back, she will definitely cry.

"You're welcome." Lumia responded with a smile.

Cheryl looked at the masked man who was restrained by the guards. She couldn't help but muttered: "The quality of thieves has been getting higher and higher recently. It's a waste not to be an adventurer."

Lu Mia smiled and said: "Okay, let's go back. Your teacher knows that you have come out to catch a thief again, and he will definitely laugh at you."

"Really?" Cheryl shrugged noncommittal, and just when she was about to say something, she noticed the strangeness of her friend and couldn't help asking: "Lumia, what's the matter with you?"

Lumia was stunned at the moment, she subconsciously turned around and looked in the direction of the sky, her eyes rippling slightly, and her voice trembling at this moment.

"Thanks, Cheryl..."

"What's the matter with you? Are you uncomfortable?"

"I want, I want to leave first, someone is waiting for me!"

When the words fell, Lumia jumped on the eaves and ran in one direction, while Cheryl stood in a daze. It was the first time she saw the former so excited.

However, that should be something very important to her, right?

In the remote fairy forest, a beautiful girl with blonde hair and golden eyes is sitting on a rooftop. She exposed her slender legs outside, not afraid of falling, and walked behind her. An equally beautiful woman~lightnovelpub.net~Laiya, why are you sitting here? Don't you go find him? "

Hearing that, the blonde girl also turned her head to look at the slender figure standing aside, she smiled and said, "So Auntie An also knows?"

"Of course, that kid is my student, ah, my son!" Antelina grinned.

Laiya asked curiously: "Aren't you going with me?"

Antrina shook her head, and she smiled: "I'll just wait for you here, and wait for you to come and see me together."

"I see! Then, I'll go first!"

"Go ahead."

So, Laya jumped off the roof with both hands supported, the golden wings of light gathered behind her, and then quickly passed through the fairy forest, her eyes closed slightly.

Fairy Forest, please use me temporarily for your power.


The golden light enveloped the girl’s figure, and she soon passed through the enchantment of the Fairy Forest, but even so, the brilliance did not disappear from her body, and it flew into the sky in the blink of an eye. It turned into a golden meteor and flashed by.

On the top of a mountain, long silver hair was floating in the air. The slender and graceful girl with silver eyes was standing there. She raised her head and looked at the sky. She could see the golden meteor passing by. The lingering cherry lips also lightly opened at this moment.

"elder brother."

This silver-haired girl is Ilia. She has traveled in the world for a year and a half. She has been looking for and waiting for that person, but at this moment, her eyes became a little moisturized, and she grew longer. As she grew older, the nostalgia gradually grew. She lifted her hand to wipe away the teardrops, and then jumped to the sky, turning into silver brilliance to catch up with the golden shooting star.

Brother, we won the game of peekaboo.