Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 928: I'm back as promised

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Hislant has the greatest religion in the world. The headquarters of the Holy See is here. It has stood in this world for hundreds of years and has never fallen. Whether it is an attack by a "natural disaster" or a holy war with the "devil race", It has survived, and it is an extremely sacred place.

And at this moment in the Holy See, a girl with a long ponytail is walking down the path, she is still holding a Bible in her right hand, and those blue-purple eyes are looking forward, and at this moment, it is much more. A beautiful woman came out.

"Al, where are you going?"

"His Royal Highness."

Seeing the woman who appeared in front of her, Al was also taken aback. She bowed a little, and then smiled and replied: "I am going to the nun's house and give lectures to those children."

After hearing Al's name, the saint also puffed her face in dissatisfaction. She muttered: "You have said that you don't use honorifics to me, are we friends?"

"Yes, yes, Hera."

"That's right." Hera smiled and nodded, and then asked curiously: "Do you also go today? It's really frequent. You won't forget that you are an arbitrator?"

"It's okay to say it's an arbitrator, but I haven't performed the task for a long time." Al shrugged, then smiled: "I think this job is also good, or help me transfer it?"

Hera nodded thoughtfully and said, "If you want to be so easy, then do it. Anyway, you don't have much work after the war."

Because it has been a year and a half since the declaration of the three queens, the Holy See, as a supporter, will naturally no longer be hostile to the witches. Therefore, the work of the arbitrators is less than half.


Al's eyes drooped slightly, and she answered softly.

Seeing the girl's appearance, Hera also realized something. She was silent for a moment, and then said: "Are you...still waiting for that person?"

Al came back to his senses, then smiled and said: "Of course, he said he will definitely come back, so I just need to wait."

Seeing her confident face, Hera couldn't help but feel distressed, and then sighed secretly, then smiled: "The original promise is still valid. If you want to get married, my brother and I will host it for you. The wedding!"

"Then thank you in advance!"

Al also smiled, and at this moment, her smile suddenly froze, and instantly turned her head to look at a position in the sky, her eyes trembling.

"Al!?" Hera stared at the girl in front of her blankly, not knowing what had happened, because the latter was already in tears at the moment.


The bible fell to the ground, and Al pressed her trembling lips tightly. She raised her hand and wiped her tears. Even though her face was full of tears, she showed her most sincere smile this year.

"I knew, you will be back!"

The thunder arc flashed on Al's body, and then left a burnt mark on the ground, and after a long absence, he ran at full speed in the direction pointed by his heart.

Hera who saw this scene also blinked. She glanced at the Bible on the ground, then bent down and picked it up. She stretched out her hand to pat the dust on it, remembering the words whispered by the girl before, her pretty. A smile appeared on his face.

"It seems that I need to prepare for the wedding ceremony."

In the early morning of this day, in the middle of a mountain forest, a commercial vehicle was driving at this moment, two earth dragons were moving slowly, and the one who was pulling the reins was a girl with cat ears who seemed to be about eighteen years old. The double brown cat pupils are as crystal clear as gems. At this moment, looking ahead, there is no focus point, as if they are thinking about something.

This cat-eared girl is Latis. As early as after learning the truth from Flotti, when they left, they returned to Hill’s home to discuss the future, and the final decision was to return to In normal days, continue to wait for that person.

After that person's departure made everyone extremely sad and disappointed, the connection between them and him could not be cut off. It was even life and death that could be crossed, and Ilia's departure also gave everyone a choice. .

Latis had to complete her studies, so she could only return to the Flozarno Academy to study, and this was what everyone expected. Hill, after all, is the eldest lady of Poggiacorti and the only heir of the Grand Duke Giovanni. She has been away from home for too long, so she also stayed at home with concerns.

After staying in Hill's house for a long time, Lumia also set off. She decided to travel alone, looking for or waiting for the person's return during the trip. Laya has returned to the Fairy Forest. She wants to tell the truth about this matter to Antelina, and her life span is long, and she can wait for a long time.

Al has returned to the Holy See. She is the arbitrator of the Holy See. Just after the war, she still has a lot of work. Even if it is sad, she put herself in the work in order to welcome the return of that person with a smile. pain.

As for Ilia, the child has not been there since leaving that day, but everyone knows that she must be looking for that person in a corner of the world.

Finally, it was La Tier. She chose to embark on a journey of a person in Belém’s commercial car. In this year or so, she has traveled through thousands of mountains and rivers and seen countless scenery, even though she She was the only one left on this trip, but she firmly believed that the room behind her would eventually be full again.

Regarding Belen's death, they were not unwilling to accept the facts, they just believed that the man would return to them as he kept his promise.

"Mr. Belen..."

Latier's gaze returned to focus, she showed a shallow smile, and said to herself: "Mr. Belém, in fact, I always wanted to say, you only take Miss Lilith away alone, it's really too bad. It's fair."

If you want to go, take her with you.

"Didn't I come back?"

That very familiar voice suddenly rang in La Tier's mind. Her eyes slowly widened, and then she immediately turned her head to look around. At this moment, the commercial vehicle had left the mountain forest, and the golden rice field had fallen. Entering her sight, the heart that had been immersed in sadness for a long time trembled at this moment.

That voice... is from Mr. Belém.

That is definitely not an illusion!

La Tier stood up on the commercial cart, she subconsciously looked towards the golden rice field, and the two earth dragons also stopped, and the girl jumped out of the commercial cart at this moment.


A golden light and shadow descended from the sky, and then another silver light and shadow fell on the former's side, and the long golden and silver hair was gently floating in the breeze.

It was Laiya and Ilia who met halfway through.

Ratil looked at the two girls, her eyes gleaming, and she whispered, "I heard Mr. Belém's voice..."

"Yeah." Laiya nodded.

Yi Liya looked at the golden rice field, and finally fixed her position in one direction.

After a while, the sound of two flying eagles rang out in the sky. The three girls looked towards the sky, and saw the flying eagle fall, and from its back jumped a tall girl with cat ears, it was Floza. Latis, who came from Erno Academy, showed a very surprised look when she saw the three girls already present.

"elder sister!"

"Lattes... you've grown up."

Seeing this girl who was already a little taller than herself, La Tier also showed a gentle smile. She opened her arms and let her sister jump into her arms.

On the other flying eagle, a girl in a brown dress jumped down. It was Hill. She smiled and looked at everyone with nostalgia and joy.

"Long time no see, everyone."

At this time, a black shadow and a bolt of lightning came quickly from a distance, and when they stopped, they stood in front of the crowd panting.

"Sure enough, you are all here."

"Tired... I'm exhausted, I've been running for a long time!"

Lumia and Al also came here. They both couldn't catch the exhausted gas at the moment, but their faces burst into the brightest smile.

"have not seen you for a long time."

In this way, they were all present, and they also confirmed one thing in their hearts. It was definitely not accidental that they were able to come to this place at the same time.

The girls walked into the golden rice field. There was a rock there. Two figures were sitting on the rock. When everyone saw the figure, they stopped, Lati Si was the first to cover her mouth, tears slipping from her eyes uncontrollably.


The slight crying sound resonated with the girls, but they did not cry as silent as that day, but looked at the back with gentle and emotional eyes.

The white-haired figure turned around on the rock, it was the very familiar and delicate face, and he gently stroked the head of the gray-haired little girl with his palm on the side~lightnovelpub.net ~ He showed everyone the softest smile.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting for so long."

The wind blew gently, causing the golden rice fields to ripple the most beautiful ocean, and the gentle wind blew their faces, as if they wanted to merge the moods of those few people.

Time is the cruelest and gentlest thing. It made the girls wait so long, but in the end it gently let them reunite with him.

"Sorry, you have waited so long to save this child." Belen's soft white hair fluttered in the wind, and he smiled and rubbed the gray-haired little girl beside him who was staring at the girls.

"The child's name is Lilith, but she has forgotten the previous things."

Hearing what he said, the eyes of the girls were all on this cute doll-like girl. They naturally knew who Lilith was, but they didn’t care anymore. Belem’s departure was just to save She is also a family member.

Latier came to Lilith, she stretched out her hand tenderly, smiled and said, "Let's live together, right?"

Looking at the hand in front of her, Lilith looked at the white-haired man beside her. The latter gave her an encouraging smile, and she turned her head back and stretched out her little hand.

The two hands are put together.

Belen was sitting on the rock, he looked at the girls staring at him, and then stood on the ground, his grin showed a gentle smile like a spring breeze.

"I'm back as promised."

Those smiles are the gentlest smiles in the world. They are all fortunate to be able to meet each other. They are treated with the gentleness of the world and want to offer the most sincere blessings to this beautiful world.
