Wonderful Trip To Another World

~: Fan Wai 1: Academy Festival (3)

After Ratty Ribbon led Ilia to leave, many people felt a sense of sorrow. Many senior students had a deep impression of the beautiful silver-haired girl, although the beautiful silver-haired girl only stayed in the academy. A year's time, but it is unforgettable.

The name of the "white-haired princess" has been circulating in the academy. It is said that he is the most beautiful person in Flozarno Academy's history. The people of Ilya believed it immediately.

It's really, so beautiful!

At this moment, Latis was walking around the academy with the hand of the former, Ilia, and they were looking for their sisters. According to the latter, everyone seemed to be here, which made the kitten very excited.


Hearing the call from her ear, Latis also stopped. She turned her head and looked at the silver-haired girl beside her. She blinked those **** shiny eyes.

"What's wrong?"

Illiya looked at the cat-eared girl next to her, and then asked: "Is Latis called my sister just now?"


Hearing that, Latis was also startled. She didn't expect Ilia would care about this. She nodded and said: "Yes, Ilia is indeed a little older than me. What's wrong?"

Illiya shook her head, her expression softened, and she whispered: "It's okay, let's continue to look for sisters and them."

"Yeah!" Ratis responded with a big smile, and then she thought of something, and then said with a grin: "There will be martial arts activities tomorrow! I will do well!"

There is a large lake on the west side of the academy, and there is a trail on the side. On the trail, a girl with pink hair in a ponytail is walking slowly, but seeing her eyes drooping, it seems a little bit Looks lost and lonely.

This pink-haired girl was just a member of the last Jianjusha who sprouted. At this moment, the girl who has graduated has grown up a lot, but in terms of feelings, she has always been discouraged before the end.

At this moment, the sun is shining. Although the sun is very strong, the summer breeze that comes is very comfortable. The slight coolness brushed the girl's body, plucking the hair around her ears, and her beautiful big eyes. At the moment, it seems that there is no look.

It can be said that her mood is not very good, that's why she feels a little disappointed at this moment.

Sprout walked for a long time, and finally sat down on the lawn on the side. Her gaze looked at the clear lake, and the same clear water was reflected in her clear eyes.

What she has been worrying about is exactly what Pudinglan mentioned about Senior Sister Hualuo. She has been watching the girl's figure since her school days, and she has sunk herself in before she knows it. She couldn't break free now, or it could be said that she didn't want to break free anymore.

However, she also gradually realized that such self-willedness is not acceptable.

Ever since she had been in contact with Senior Sister Hualuo many times, the latter had resisted herself until later that the rigid relationship gradually improved, but over the years, she had realized the line that could never be crossed.

Although she is willing to think that this line can be waited for with time, until it really allows herself to pass.

But ah, she couldn't help thinking that this line might have been deliberately set by Senior Sister Hualuo, and she might still be unable to accept her own thoughts.

But when she thought of this, Budding felt extremely lost. Her heart was empty and she couldn't find something to fill. Since the previous days, she couldn't even find Senior Sister Hualuo, even though she knew she was going to travel. , But it hasn't responded to his message for so long.

Isn't she coming to participate in the school festival? Or is it because you want to avoid yourself?

Jieya has always believed that she is very confident in every aspect. From the very beginning, she felt that she could attack Senior Sister Hualuo. However, it took several times for her to agree to invitations such as dates, probably because she was too I'm too gentle, so I'm sorry to reject myself, right?

What should she do?

Will there be results if you continue to mess around? Even if there are results, is that what Senior Sister Hualuo really wants? Or... In the end, there was no result, and if that time comes, it means that Senior Sister Hualuo may have been completely disappointed in her, right?

So...is it better to give up?

Sprout, who has been making no progress, has long since suspected that it is her own sake. She willfully coquettish to the senior and willfully make all kinds of requests that she wants. If she wants to come this way, she is just using Senior Sister Hualuo. It's just gentle.

What a failure, budding.

She flexed her knees, her hands wrapped around her knees, her eyes were dimly looking at the green grass, she can no longer make the senior sister embarrassed, the senior sister will waste her own tenderness because of her inability to refuse her own tenderness. Youth, she didn't want to see such a thing happen.

So, in the end, Sister Hualuo was completely disappointed, so she should end this ridiculous unrequited love?

But I'm so unwilling.

Sprouting eyes began to sore, and then there was a mist of water, unable to hold any more tears, so the crystal clear tears slid from her cheeks and fell on her clothes. She raised her right hand on her cheek. I wiped it off, wanting to wipe away the tears, but the tears are getting more and more.

She really hadn't cried for a long time, but she had never cried because of such a mood. She didn't know how long this feeling would last, but she might not be able to convey it to that girl anymore.

"Senior sister..."

The somewhat low voice came from Budding's mouth, and at this time, it seemed to be responding to her, with a hand on her shoulder, and the familiar voice came from behind.

"Sprout? What are you doing here?"

When she heard this very familiar voice, Jieya also opened her eyes, her body trembles obviously, and she also subconsciously turned her head and looked at it, the figure that made her dream of missing her appeared at this moment. In front of her eyes.

It is Hualuo standing behind Jieya. Today she is wearing a blue dress with a wreath hat on her head. Her hair is scattered behind her. She has an elegant beauty. At this moment, she is staring at the girl in front of her in a daze. , The tears and red eyes fell into her sight.

"Knot... bud? What's wrong with you? Why are you crying?"

Seeing the girl in tears, Hualuo was also a little panicked. It was the first time she saw Budding like this. The girl had always been an eccentric girl in her eyes, smiling and cheerful all day long, completely. Unexpectedly, she would cry.

She also recovered, she immediately wiped the tears on her face, and then looked at the woman in front of her with shocked face, she asked: "Senior sister, why are you... why are you here?"

Hearing this question, Hualuo was stunned for a moment, and she said puzzledly: "How could I not come to the school festival?"

"But..." Jieya just wanted to say it, but she hesitated. She was silent for a while, and then summoned the courage to ask: "But Senior Sister, you didn't reply to my message."

"Huh? I didn't...ah, I remember!"

Hearing Jieya mentioning this matter, Hualuo also showed an awkward smile. She explained: "Sorry, I brought the wrong storage when I left home, so..."

"So this is ah?"

After receiving the explanation, the sprouting stone that had been hanging in her heart finally let go. She rubbed her eyes, and then gave a wry smile.

"I thought Senior Sister you no longer want to contact me."


Hearing this, Hualuo was also stunned. She looked at the tears flickering in the sun near the girl's eyes. Only then did she understand why Budding was crying. She noticed something out of the corner of her eye, and she raised her head and looked at it. Smiled.

"There is a boat over there, shall we go sit together?"

Jieya slowly raised her head and followed Hualuo’s gaze to find that there were still a few small boats on the bank. Before she could say anything, the sun was covered by the shadows, and she stretched out in front of her. She lifted a hand and looked up, that flushed face was avoiding her sight.

"Would you like to sit together for a while?"

"Hmm! Of course!"

Holding that hand and being pulled up, Yuya and Hualuo came to the boat, and then slowly rowed towards the center of the lake, while the latter was staring at the woman in front of her, she couldn't help thinking of those in her heart. guess.

The elder sister is really gentle, she still bears the heavy heart that she has given, but she still treats herself so tenderly.

Jieya has understood her selfishness. She feels that blindly oppressing Hualuo in this way, or blindly acting on her as she used to be, may bring her gentleness to herself to an end. After all, everyone has her own. The bottom line, isn't it?

But she was not reconciled. Even if she was rejected as before, she wanted to convey her heart to the person in front of her.


Hearing the call, Hualuo also retracted her gaze from the wave of the oars. She turned her head and looked at the girl in front of her. She was also taken aback when she met those sad and firm gazes.

"I'm sorry, I have always been so selfishly dependent on the senior sister. Over the years, I may have caused a lot of trouble to the senior sister, but I really like the senior sister."

When Hualuo heard these words, her cheeks were also flushed. She swallowed, and she seemed to think of something, so she spoke a little shyly: "Why... why, do you want to say these shameful words suddenly?"

"Because I want to express my heart again!"

Jieya took a deep breath. She didn't care about the red face of the girl in front of her, but said very seriously: "Senior sister! I like you! Can you be a couple with you?"

Waro's head seemed to be steaming, and her blush was about to bleed. She lowered her head and looked at the hem of her skirt, muttering softly, "This kind of thing..."

Hearing this whispering voice, Germination also dimmed her eyes, and she said disappointedly: "Sure enough, it's still...can't it? Sorry, let the senior sister always accept my waywardness, please rest assured, I will never again ..."

"Wait, wait a minute!"

The interrupted Germination was also staring at the senior sister in front of him in a daze. He saw Hualuo looking at her with a flushed face, but with a look of shame and anger.

"I see! I just accept it!"

After Yeoya heard the words, her eyes were brighter, but she murmured: "However, the elder sister who has been restrained by my waywardness will one day also..."

"I say it!"

Hualuo interrupted the budding again, UU reading www. Uukanshu.com put her hands in front of her, and then blushed and shouted: "I always stuck to me waywardly before! I finally got used to your waywardness, but now you say such things, if I am suddenly right If you are unaccustomed to something! I...I can't sleep! I can't eat! You, how can you compensate me!?"

Speaking such a large number of words at once made Hualuo out of breath. Instead of avoiding Germination’s direct stare, she stared at the latter with a blushing face, and the pink-haired girl also had her eyes moisturized. For a few minutes, it became bright again.

"So, what did Senpai mean...?"

"Don't let me repeat it a second time! It's shameful!" Hua Luo looked at the girl in front of her with shame. If the sound of mosquitoes and flies.

"I said... I just accept it, let's become lovers."

At the next moment, the boat shook suddenly, but Hualuo suddenly clenched the oars with both hands, her eyes were round, her lips were covered with softness at this moment, and her lips touched together at this moment, reflecting in In her eyes are those gentle and moisturizing eyes.

"I like you, senior sister."