Wonderful Trip To Another World

~: Fanwai: Academy Festival (7)

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Countless electric flowers were lingering around, but they were blocked by the countless vines, and the cat-eared girl with the sword turned into a turquoise brilliance and quickly shuttled through the rugged road like a ghost.


After seeing the amazing battle in the field, everyone was so amazed. Even the students who had fought with Latis had their eyes widened. Unexpectedly, the cat-eared girl would still use life magic. , And also suppressed the Limte of the Black and White Society!

Is this the sixth seat of Jianjusha? !

Compared with the cheers of outsiders, Limmt who was on the court at the moment felt more pressure. His eyes were staring at the cyan light and shadow that shuttled over there. He chanted an unknown spell softly in his mouth. The magic power exuded was condensed into three small magic lines around him.


Among the three magic lines, there is electric light lingering, and there is also a cyclone under Limut's feet. His figure is still retreating very fast to get a distance from the rapidly approaching girl, and the three rays of thunder are constantly moving from the magic lines. Lasing away.


The sharp sword was covered with a layer of turquoise brilliance, she swept the blade in front of her with a very easy movement, and easily slashed the thunder light through the middle, and the cat's pupils were faintly glowing. Qing Guang, she grabbed forward with her left hand.


Countless vines rushed out from the ground, and a vine wall was built behind Limut, blocking the way behind. At this time, Ratis's figure came, and her right sword was fierce. Slashed the past.

Limmt's eyes condensed, he immediately rolled to the side to avoid the sword, and then immediately flew up, he clenched his right hand and swung it over. At this time, he wanted victory, not gentleman's etiquette!

Boxing at such close range, the sword that the opponent just wielded is impossible to defend!

Limute, who was holding such thoughts, already threw his fist towards Latis’s shoulder, but at this moment, Limute's eyes widened, because the girl in front of him actually let the sword in. In the vine, but his hands are empty.

I saw Latis swinging her left arm to open his fist with the palm of her hand, leaning forward slightly, and stepping forward when her knees were slightly bent. Her slender right hand was clenched into a fist, and then she struck Lim. Special chest.


After being hit by that punch, Limte also flew upside down, and when he spit out, he suddenly found countless vines entangled underneath, and he immediately gritted his teeth.

"Thunder Magic·Sky Thunder is coming!"


The magic circle formed from above suddenly dropped an astonishing thunder, coming from the clouds like a thunder dragon, and instantly annihilating the countless vines, and from the smoke and dust, a young man walked out, He wiped the dust off his face, then clenched his right hand tightly, and the light of thunder lingered on his arm.

"That's Thunder Magic!?"

The audience widened their eyes when they saw the sudden thunderbolt. Unexpectedly, that Limte was hidden so deeply, even the thunder magic has been mastered, and its magical attainments can already have the prototype of self-singing. Up.

"That boy, really amazing."

Many people sighed like this, even Belen, who was sitting at the top seat, sighed. Although she was surprised that Latis had grown up to this point, the teenager on the other side was also very good.

Shaxiang sighed: "That kid is a problem child. He has been sleeping in class, and he always finds excuses to skip classes in the actual combat class. He has always been very motivated to do it. It's really helpless."

Hearing this, Belen couldn’t help but smile. Maybe the young man didn’t have much enthusiasm for anything just like what Shaxiang said, but at the moment he also showed his true skills in the battle. It's big.

At this moment, Flotti suddenly looked at the white-haired man next to him, and asked curiously: "Speaking of which, is Al also here?"


When Belen heard this, he smiled and shook his head. He sighed: "She is busy teaching now, and she has to come alone to prepare for the wedding, so there is no time to come here."

"Teaching?" Flotti blinked. Is the Eye of the Thunder now moving towards the good wife and mother?

Seeing the running girl, Limte couldn't help saying, "When the lightning strikes you, don't cry." It's no good if you don't show your true skills.

"I will win!"

When she heard the boy's words, Latis said with a grin, and then countless vines emerged from the ground in front of her, rushing towards the former.

Seeing this, Limmt also shook his right arm. He took a deep breath, and a thunder pattern gathered in his palm. He immediately slapped it on the ground, and a round of magic circle appeared under his feet.

Although Limmt has learned thunder magic for a long time, it is also a big challenge for him to use it to fight, because it will not take many times to bottom out his magic power, so he can only It's a quick fight!

Seeing that round of magic circle engraved on the ground, Latisi's eyes were also condensed, but her speed was not reduced at all, she actually rushed directly into the opponent's magic circle under countless exclamations. .


Limmt also showed a confused expression. The other party even rushed in directly after seeing his magic circle. Is this dependent or confused?

what to do? put? Still not letting go?

And when Limute was struggling with herself, Latis had already arrived in front of him, raised a big smile, then swung the sword and stopped in front of the former's neck, with a soft smile on that delicate face.

"Thank you, but I am not afraid of your magic circle."

Hearing her thanks, Limmt was also startled. He looked at the cat-eared girl in front of him curiously, and sighed when he saw the latter's confident smile. Although he was hesitant to fail, this He can also accept the result of winning or losing.

"I lost."

The outcome has been divided.

Although it was very disappointing that the magic circle was not activated at the end, many people also praised Limut for his last hesitation. Although the sixth seat may have entered with confidence, it is the magic circle of Thunder Magic after all. , If released, it must be very powerful.

"Latis won!"

"so amazing!"

"Awesome! Lattes!"

After seeing that kitten beautifully won the competition, the women couldn't help but exclaimed that the kitten has become so powerful. Although it is still that kitten, she has grown up!

Ratis returned to the audience stage and looked at her sisters with a smile. She raised her chin with her hands on hips proudly. She said, "I am very good now!"

Seeing a proud kitten, Lumia also smiled and said, "Latis is very good now. Should I practice with your sister when I have time?"

"This... forget it!"

Latis immediately retreated, scratching her cheek in embarrassment. Although she was confident of her current strength, she knew very well how powerful her sister who was once a killer was. She was not an opponent.

Hearing the conversation between the two, everyone in Jianjushe looked at the short-haired girl with curiosity. Could it be that this one is also a very powerful person?

The martial arts performance of the school festival is a discussion among the students. In fact, they are more about making a name for themselves. After all, the people who came here during the school festival are not only purely theater-goers, but also some High-level personnel from the Empire and even other organizations are willing to give some convenient help to the students on campus so that they owe favors. The students of Flozarno Academy after graduation are of extraordinary value.

In the next martial arts competition, it was inexplicably evolved into a personal show of Jianjushe. This year's Jianjushe members played one by one after Lattes, but it did not end with a complete victory. After all, black and white It is not unreasonable that the social energy and the Jianju Society are the strongest society side by side. The president of the Black and White Society is also a genius.

Mistin returned to his seat, and he smiled awkwardly: "Sorry, I can't do my best against that guy."

"It's ok."

Everyone in Jianjushe shook their heads. They naturally saw Mistin's inadequate battle. After all, the president was Mistin's childhood sweetheart, and he obviously only ended after seeing Mistin. , Obviously there is a certainty of absolute victory.

Sitting there watching Latis suddenly remembered something. She looked around, and then curiously asked, "Speaking of which, where did Lilith go?"

Latier smiled and said, "That kid should go to Mr. Belém."

After all, that kid is very sticky to Belem.

The martial arts activity lasted for a long time, and when the atmosphere gradually faded, everyone's eyes were focused on the school principal who stood up on the platform at this moment.

After seeing Selika standing on the side, Jonna and others also stood up with a smile, and then geared up to look at the white-haired man who hadn't stood up yet.

Shaxiang shook her fist, then jokingly said: "Why are you still sitting? Get up?"

Feeling those eyes focused on him~lightnovelpub.net~Belen also stood up with a smile, and when he stood up, all the audience looked at him.

Is that the white-haired sword master?

Many people are sighing in their hearts, the legendary super strong man who defeated the demon king with the brave, turned out to look like that?

"Then, let's end it."

Ever since, Selika and others jumped off the platform one after another. After landing, she used magic to amplify her voice, and said that she and others were going to gang up against the white-haired swordsman. This is also a huge cheer, after all, those famous predecessors have joined forces!

This must be a very beautiful anomalous battle!

And just when Belen was planning to go down, he suddenly noticed something. He turned his head and saw a cute gray-haired little girl approaching. It was Li who had returned to her five- or six-year-old appearance and lost her memory. Liz.

Seeing this little girl, Belen couldn't help showing a gentle smile. He stepped forward, and the former also stretched out her little hand at this moment, and there was a glutinous, childish sound in her little mouth.


Hearing her call, Belen also came to her, then knelt down, he smiled and asked, "Does Lilith want to go down with me?"

The lovely Lilith nodded cutely, and then sat on his neck with Belen’s help. Then, he jumped off the high platform, but little Lilith There is no look of fear, just holding Belen's head.


Belen fell to the ground, and there was a wave of wind and waves. He raised his head and smiled and looked at the friends who were looking at him with weird looks, and then stretched out his right hand to beckon.
