Wonderful Trip To Another World

~: Frame 20: La Tier's mind is very delicat

? A tantalizing fragrance diffuses from the crevices of an iron pan, and even some small animals are attracted by this charming fragrance to attract their taste buds and gather here.

? Squeak.

? It didn’t take long for the place to be filled with furry little guys. Quite spiritual animals jumped onto the table, and others jumped on Belém’s head and shoulders, but they didn’t bother him. vegetable.

? I don't know if it is because of a good mood, Belem is very enthusiastic about cooking today, and he doesn't seem to care much about the arrival of these animals.

?Those little animals are very cute, and they also attracted Latier, who looked unnatural. Her expression changed and she immediately showed a surprised smile.

?"so cute."

Ratil stood up, and walked in Belem's direction. At this moment, the figure in front of him suddenly turned around and blinked the clear black pupils.

"La Tier, go call La Tisi, she must be slumbering again. It's time for breakfast."

"Huh? Oh, good."

Suddenly seeing Belen turned around to talk to her, La Tier was also startled, her expression seemed a little nervous, she avoided Belen's suspicious gaze, turned around and left.

? "Why is it so strange today?"

Belen looked at Latier who was leaving, he couldn't help but muttered, and then shook his head. He didn't quite understand what a fifteen-year-old girl was thinking.

However, after Latil left Belen's sight, she placed one hand on her chest, her face was a little red, and she stretched out her hands and patted her cheeks, trying to calm herself down.

? "That's just ordinary behavior! Can't think wrong!"

? Telling myself so, La Tier nodded, and then walked into the carriage, and at first glance, she saw La Tisi who was still nestled in the bedding, with big smart eyes open.

? "Latis, get up."

? "Woo, sister, I want to sleep."

? "Get up for dinner, don't sleep!"

La Tier's hands on her hips revealed the majesty of being a sister. Although she can understand La Tisi's **** for the warm feeling in the quilt, she can't let this child sleep in bed at a young age.

Seeing her sister's indisputable look, Latis had to grumble her mouth and got out of the bed, her small body wearing only her nightdress, and then she froze in place.

? "Lattes is going to change clothes, I'll sort the bedding."

? "Woo, it's..."

Lattis drooped the cat's ears, then walked to the closet aside, began to fumble for her own clothes, and finally changed into a more refreshing brown dress.

? Kids, sure enough, they still like to wear some refreshing clothes.

After that, La Tier took La Tisi to the outside, and the breeze blew La Tisi's scattered hair, as if the blowing softened a lot.

After Latil came back with Latis, Belen also happened to put the food on the table. When he turned his head and saw Latis with wet hair, he was also taken aback, and then stood up.

? "Just use a towel, but it won't dry, you can eat first."

? After Lattes was sitting in the position, Belen was not in a hurry to eat, but came to Lattes's back and held Lattes' hair with his hands.

La Tier on the side didn’t understand what Belen was going to do, and looked at the latter curiously, but La Tisi glanced at Belen in a puzzled way, then turned her head, began to pick up the tableware and began to dine, the corner of her mouth I can't catch my saliva, and my mind is completely on the table.

Belen looked at the brown hair, holding the hair in one hand and putting the other on the top, and then, a warm current gushed out of his palm.

Seeing this scene, La Tier's eyes widened slightly. She stared at this scene blankly, as if thinking of something, her eyes lit up.

"This is...fire magic?"

"It's not a big deal, I just changed the magic power a little bit to make it have heat. I am not good at fire magic, but I have a little bit of magic control."

Belen replied calmly. He was telling the truth. This method is a very common method for drying hair. If it is a magister who is good at fire magic, it can be dried in an instant.

?"Not good at fire magic, what kind of attribute magic is Mr. Belen good at?"

? Regarding Belen, La Tier felt that she knew too little, and she had always subconsciously wanted to spy on this man's secrets.

? After meeting the Witch of Red Lotus, La Tier learned that Belen graduated from the most famous Flozarno Academy in Florence.

? That alone is enough to make countless people admire and admire.

? But if you don't know the details, Belen is just an ordinary young businessman in the eyes of others, and he is not too outstanding.

You know, Flozarno Academy is a well-known magical academy. There are countless elite geniuses in that academy, and being able to enroll is enough to explain Belen Grean. Definitely an amazing person.

? About this, it can be vaguely seen from the words and deeds of the Witch of Red Lotus to him.

?Because of the mystery and infinite charm of this gentle and big "brother" or "father" around him, Latier is very concerned about his details.

?So, what kind of magic does this high-achieving student who graduated from Flozarno Academy know? This is what Latier cares about most at this moment.

Belen was using magic to dry Latte's hair. When he heard Latier's question, he was taken aback, blinked, seemed to be thinking about something, and then spoke.

? "I don't have any magic attributes, so I am not good at any attribute magic. It is my talent to achieve this level."

After hearing Belen's answer, Latil was also stunned. Although she didn't know how to use magic, she still had some common sense.

? Generally speaking, the magic power of any magister has its own attributes, so it can launch a powerful magic with a certain attribute direction.

?There are also some magisters with extraordinary talents. Because of the diversification of magic attributes, they can activate magic with different attributes. There are definitely many such geniuses in Flozarno Academy.

? People who do not have any magical attributes can say that there is no future on the road of the Magister. Because the magic that can be activated is very small, how does such a person enter Flozar? Where's from Nuo Academy?

Ratil looked at Belem, but then she began to worry. Is Mr. Belem’s magic some kind of magic that is not suitable for being discovered?

"Mr. Belém...you don't need to tell me, I suddenly don't want to know, but also ask Mr. Belém to believe me. I will never hate Mr. Belém because of those things!"

Seeing La Tier's sudden increase in volume, such a decisive voice, Belen was also stunned. He looked at those unwavering gazes, his heart shook slightly, and his heart was clear.

? This kid, isn't it a misunderstanding?

? At this time, Belen had already dried Latsi’s wet hair. He walked to Latir, then stretched out his hand on the latter’s head and rubbed it, with a hint of helplessness and a smile. The tone comforted her.

"Don't think too much, it's just that my magic doesn't have a place to show, it's not what you think it is, it's just a very ordinary magic."

Ratil raised her head slightly. She looked at Belem's face, blinking her eyes unbelievably, and still muttering: "Really?"

? "Of course it is true!"

Seeing that she still didn't believe it, Belen had no choice but to smile, he thought about it, and then said: "Then I will show you."


The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!