World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 221: Two two one: heaven! Rock Princess!

Chapter 221: Two: One Heaven! Rock Princess!

As Turingo said, Sauron’s courage is great, and one percent of the chances of success dare to fight.

However, he is as suspicious as a fox, and there is a little bit of wind and grass, and the hair of the whole body will be erected.

After Sauron went out to sea, he first went to the base of Mishima, so that the warlock dreams for his own.

It took more than four hours, and Sauron changed again.

This time, he is still very handsome, and he can be called a hero.

Although still very young, but with the taste of vicissitudes. Moreover, the skin of the whole body also becomes dark, as if it has been exposed to many winds and sun.

However, the temperament of clothing is still relatively noble, and it looks like a more adventurous aristocratic warrior.

In short, he did not have a trace of Sauron all over the body.

After dressing up, he did not go directly to Rock Island. Of course, it is impossible to go directly, and it is impossible to take it.

Because the location of the Rock Islands is a mystery to the entire human kingdom.

On the map, you might find a similar location, but no boat can reach Rock Island by boat.

Because there are thousands of miles away from the rock island, the ships of the salt thieves, which are all over the route, once they see the ships of the human kingdom, they are absolutely eliminated without asking any reason.

So until now, the route from the human kingdom to the rock island is unknown.

Moreover, the ships of the human kingdom basically do not have the ability to sail in the ocean. Even if there are only a few large ships in the ocean, they can get out of the sea.

For thousands of years, the human kingdom has not known where the rock island is. Even, the rock island is almost the only place not covered by the dragon temple.

The entire human kingdom believes in the dragon, while the rock island believes in the sea god.

What do you want to do in Rock Island? First go to the pirate harbor, where is the only place for rock thieves to trade, and it is also the place where the rock girl borrowed from shore.

So, Sauron will first go to the pier of Izumo-gun, then where to take the big ship and go to the pirate harbor!


What is the pirate harbor? It is seven hundred miles from Izumo-gun, on an island a few dozen miles away.

It is a man's paradise and hell.

It is the place where pirates trade, and it is also the only place where rock thieves do not kill and rob.

When most pirates go to sea to rob, they are robbed of expensive goods, gold coins and the like. But pirates also have to eat, drink alcohol, and eat meat.

However, the pirates can't go to the mainland. Once they get on the mainland, they will be caught and hanged.

So, thousands of years ago, pirates built a trading market on an island hundreds of miles from the human kingdom, traded with merchants in the human kingdom, bought meat, food and wine with grabbed gold coins, and of course women. .

It was just a very simple open-air market and it has now become a huge market.

So, this is a pirate city, and everything is decided by the pirates.

Why is it a man's paradise?

Because every half a month, the rock girls rushed in groups, either on board or in the pirate harbor.

Rock Girl is the hottest and seductive woman in the world.

Their bodies, their strength, their elasticity, and the special taste of fire are unmatched by women in the human kingdom.

The most important thing is that the rock ladies who came to plant their children are the most outstanding women in the rock family, most of them are virgins.

Therefore, it has also become a paradise for men in the human kingdom.

As long as you are strong enough and handsome, you may be stared by the Rock Girl and spend a few nights in paradise, without any responsibility.

At that time, the king changed and the Count of Sauron, on a large ship heading to the pirate harbor, met a passionate rock girl.

Of course, the rock girl's vision is very, very high, not the top human man, they don't look at it.

Therefore, there are about a few lucky men in the human kingdom of the pirate harbor hunting/yan, and they become the objects of the rock female.

The most outstanding human man will not only be the object of borrowing, but also the object of looting.

What is the object of being looted?

It is a noble rock girl, and after a few nights with you, I am reluctant to leave you, so I will take you away directly, from the dew couple to the real couple.

But from now on, you will become a rockminder, and you will not be able to return to the human kingdom for the rest of your life.

Of course, this situation is extremely rare and basically impossible. At that time, the Earl of Sauron and the King became so good that they did not become targets of looting.

Even the Count of Sauron took the initiative to propose to the rock girl, but he was still rejected, and the second time he still did not say goodbye.

Therefore, the rock girl is very clear, she will have a relationship with you, but it will never be emotional, let alone spend a lifetime together.


Two days later, Sauron arrived at the pier in Izumo-gun.

Every day there is a big ship to the pirate harbor, carrying a lot of food, meat, as well as a variety of utensils, tea and so on.

Soren boarded one of the huge cargo ships.

The owner of the ship is a sea merchant. The goods are tea and silk. It is the absolute hard currency of the pirate harbor. If it is shipped, it will definitely not sell.

Moreover, the owner is also a very hospitable person.

For the human kingdom warriors who went to the pirate harbor, they also refused to pay, not only did not charge the pennies, but also the supply of fine wine.

The same ship with Sauron is a man of the human kingdom, and basically looks good, some handsome, some tall, some majestic, some masculine, everyone has revealed a tacit smile.

There is no doubt that this group of people are all going to the pirate harbor to hunt/generate.

Even Sauron, who has been tolerated, has easily become the most handsome of this group.

"Brother, when you are under the mercy, leave a few for the brothers." A man slammed Sauron's shoulder and said, "Don't have all eaten."

"Yes, yes, yes." Another young man said: "Every time I come to the pirate harbor, I have only a dozen rock girls. And there are at least a thousand men in the human kingdom who are going to risk hunting/yan. Ten robbed a rock girl. Some handsome men are the most abominable, and one has to occupy a few."

In the face of this situation, Sauron is speechless.

However, what is certain is that the descendants of the rock girl must be very strong and beautiful, because they are all selected by the best man of the human kingdom.

It is no wonder that although the rock family is scarce, it has been prosperous, and the salt people of each generation are very strong. From the roots, they ensure the gene is strong.

"What if the rock girl borrows to go back?" asked Soren.

"Look for a rock man to get married, then two people raise the child." Another man said.

Soren Road: "So their husbands of the rock family don't wear a green hat? And they are not their own children."

The man said: "The people of the rock family don't care about this. This is the tradition of the rock family. And even if the second and third children are his own, they tend to prefer the first child, that is, the non-native. Will train them into a powerful pirate."

This is a very weird tradition. In a sense, the man of the rock family is very sad, but also very... great!

"Have the brother been here before?" the man man asked.

Sauron shook his head: "No, the first time."

The human man said: "Then you are really right, the pirate harbor is definitely a man's paradise. You haven't slept in the rock girl, you just came to the world. You don't know the taste of the rock girl, that hot, the ecstasy, It’s not what human women can compare at all. After sleeping over the rock girl, go back and hug his wife, and taste the same wax.”

"Right right..." Another human man said: "And the most important thing is that the rock girl who came to borrow is all virgin, but everything knows, everything will be."

In order to guarantee the birth of the best offspring, the rock girls who came to borrow are mostly ****.

Of course, not all rock girls come to borrow, only the most beautiful, the most powerful rock girl, is eligible to borrow from the pirate harbor.

So for centuries, all the men of the human kingdom rushed to the pirate harbor, because the rock ladies who came here were all beautiful and hot.

According to incomplete statistics, every half a month, the rock girl will come to the pirate harbor once, a dozen or so, and dozens more.

At least every time there are thousands of men who come to the pirate port to hunt/yellow.

Therefore, in a certain sense, the rock girl is completely one-hundred and one-hundred, and the best man in the entire human kingdom is allowed to choose from them. Can the descendants born be not excellent?

"Brother, remember, you should never eat alone." The human man emphasized it.

Sauron smiled and said: "Reassured, I am not coming to plant hunting / glamorous, I am here to do business."

"Cut, who believes that?" The human man said: "All young and handsome men come to the pirate harbor with only one purpose, that is, hunting/yan, cloth."

Sauron did not explain.

Next, the men in the cabin began to talk hotly.

The dozens of young men here are all handsome guys, and most of them are already in the third time, the fourth time.

But even so, there are only two people who have been favored by the Rock Girl. But Sauron heard it, and one of them was bragging.

Therefore, only a few of the dozens of men here have been favored by the Rock Girl, and it seems that the competition is extremely fierce.

"Two days later, it was the day when the rock girl came ashore. By then, the entire pirate harbor would be completely crazy!" The human man said: "I estimate that this time the human kingdom adventurer, at least 2,000 people, hope Don't shoot your brains when you arrive!"

After all, the handsome guys in the cabin are already eager to try and get mad.


After sailing for a day and a night, the cargo ship finally reached the paradise of the legendary man, the pirate harbor.

Sauron discovered that this is not like a city at all, it is more like a chaotic and prosperous super market.

On the sea, there are countless ships moored, and Sauron is the first to see such a ship, a cargo ship, and a warship.

The houses on the island are very dense, but not high, because the wind here is very big.

The entire pirate harbor is not big, but the road is completely shoulder-to-shoulder, full of people of all kinds.

There are countless pirates with knives and knives, and there are also maritime traders who have a lot of poops. Of course, there are still *** that are indispensable.

Of course, a huge group, that is, the handsome guys of the human kingdom.

Or use another noun to describe it, that is, hunting / savvy, or adventurer.

On the ship, Sauron heard that there were two thousand adventurers. However, after going to the pirate harbor, Sauron discovered that it was far more than two thousand people.

As he saw young and handsome adventurers on the road, there were more than two thousand people, and they doubled.

Moreover, the business of the island's 妓/院 is completely indepressed, because the rock girl will come ashore tomorrow.

They are young and beautiful, passionate rock female virgins. With such delicious food, who can still see the glutinous powder in the spring building.

Moreover, there is a secret message circulating on the island.

Tomorrow, along with the Rock Girl, there is also the Princess of Rock Island. This legend is so hot that it is enough for the sea **** to dump the sea witch.

Suddenly, the entire pirate harbor is completely crazy!

As if it were a grand festival, everyone is waiting for tomorrow.

Tomorrow, the rock girl is on the shore! Moreover, you can also see the legendary sea witch.


Note: The first one is sent, and I ask for support.

(End of this chapter)