World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 467: Four Six Six: Devil's Tears!娶索宁冰

Chapter 467, four six nine devil's tears!娶索宁冰! (Important)

"Find the demon emperor?" Boluo asked: "What do you find to destroy the emperor?"

"The tears of the devil."

Brahmin blinked and said: "You found the tears of the devil? The one of Ashlow?"

"Yes." Volt.

Borneo said: "I have been sent to tens of thousands of people who have been ill with Ji Xiuning. They have not found the tears of Devil's tears. Why can you find them?"

Volunting said: "Because they don't know enough about Ashlow, they think of him very complicated. He thinks that he will hide the important things of Devil's Teat in the most mysterious and complicated place. Luo is a casual person. Although he is extremely intelligent, he is too lazy to use his brain. No matter what, he has done a fever in his head, and he will hardly do any careful planning. I am undercover in him. When I was around, almost all the thoughtful plans were made by me."

Boluo nodded: "You keep going."

Volunting said: "And you Astro is a person full of destructive tendencies, no matter what, as long as he wants to do it, he will do it, and he will do it at any cost. And in the subconscious, he will hope for himself. Failed. So before he died, although he was bent on being a Hell Knight, it was also a desire for self-destruction. At that time, he had no real faith in the demon emperor. He was determined until he died. His own dark faith."

Bharat should have a voice: "You continue."

Volunting said: "So through these personalities, I judge that he will not hide the devil's tears in extremely complicated and extremely secret places. Of course, they will not be thrown directly at home, so that anyone can see them. Originally, according to His character will hide the tears of the devil in the woman's body. But unfortunately, this will still be discharged, so this program is ruled out. Then I thought, Astro has a feeling of dryness."

"The feeling of dryness?" asked Borneo.

"Yes, the feeling of dryness." Volt said: "Maybe related to his experience in the monster, although he is rich, but many times he likes to live at the bottom of the well, sleeping in the mud, as if enjoying it. The feeling of confinement and deep feeling, the feeling of suffocation. Not only that, once he was jealous of his sister’s husband, that is, the priest of the feast. So he gave the feast to the country’s country, so that everyone within a few dozen miles It was violently infected with the plague. Most of the places where he was poisoned at the time were in the well."

Boluo said: "So you judge, will Ashrow hide the tears of the devil in the dry well?"

"Yes." Volunta whispered: "From the ocean to the city of Rouran, thousands of miles away, he does not sleep, day and night, and he will not be able to go to the store, but to find a dry well. Just take a look at it. With his free-spirited character, he will probably hide the tears of the devil in a dry well. So when the bright faction racks its brains to find a complex and secret place, I will send people from the city. Follow the route of Astro, and search for every dry well all the way."

Borneo said: "You don't have anyone who uses the Temple of the Dragon."

"No." Volt said: "I am worried that I will be discovered by people of the light faction."

Borneo said: "It is a vain faction. They are not bright, just stupid."

The bright faction, the evil sect, is the name of Ji Xianning, who positions itself as righteous and defines the opponent as evil.

In the sectarians, the bright faction is called the vain faction, and defines itself as the ruling system.

However, many members of the sectarian faction feel that the sectarians are more prestige, and over time they are also referred to by the bright factions.

As a leader of the faction, Borneo does not want this. From the beginning, he defines the other as justice and his own side as evil.

"Yes!" Volunter said: "I am worried about being discovered by the vain faction, so I use people from the Fu family in the Fire City to find out. They don't know what I am looking for, just looking for something as mysterious." In the end, twenty days ago, they finally found the devil's tears in the dry well of a barren village in the city of Rouran, 1,350. At that time, they had just lost and had not assassinated the wrath. king."

Back the time to twenty days ago!

At that time, Fang Qingyi and Suining’s mother and daughter were imprisoned in a secret room under a tall tower in the temple.

Dagu Guan Gao Yin went to see Volunteer, asked her to rescue the baby (Saurun's parents), and Volunteer agreed at the time.

Because of the great defeat, Soren's strong rise, Volunteer looking for the tears of the devil did not gain, in order to avoid Sauron's revenge, Volunteer intends to rescue the baby, and Suo Lun to ease relations.

Therefore, Volunteer went to the underground secret room to meet with Suining, and took the baby away.

However, just as she was holding her baby out of the Chamber of Secrets, a person entered and said a word in her ear.

Volunteer returned and returned the baby to Suining and said that she could do nothing to save the baby.

When I heard this sentence, Voltling's body was trembling, it was extremely exciting, and it was extremely exciting.

Because, what the person said is: What you want, found in the dry well, is a tube of blue water droplets.

This is the tears of the devil!

Volunteer found the tears of the devil before everyone, and with the tears of the devil, you can find the demon emperor.

Her Volunteer has made a great contribution. What else can she fear at this time? What did Sauron count?

Therefore, Volunteer chose to return the baby to Suining, thoroughly and Sauron turned his face and completely draw a line.

Boluo said: "You found the tears of the devil, why didn't you hand it over?"

Volta said: "Because I want to hand it over to you, I have never had a chance."

No, Volt is lying.

Devil's Tears is the biggest bargaining chip, and Volunteer certainly wants to maximize the benefits!

Just like a person fighting a landlord, catching a king bombing, and other good cards, he certainly not only wants to win, but wants to blow more times and turn the bottom points several times.

Then, from the assassination of the king, forcibly ascending the throne, Fang Qingyi revealed the secret of the blood of the devil, and suddenly shocked the world.

On behalf of the Guangming faction, Ji Xianning immediately seized the opportunity to set off a big case and tried to completely defeat the evil sect.

Volunteer suddenly seized the opportunity of Tianda, and she would wait until the most desperate and most dangerous moment of the entire evil school. At that time, she saved the entire faction with her own manpower.

What a great contribution to this? It is entirely possible to maximize the benefits.

What I didn't think of was that the confessed confession actually had her name, and she was arrested at the Yanjing Temple.

And in the whole thing, the father, the Marquis de Vue, participated more and knew more, not only the tears of the devil, but also the secrets of the demon emperor.

Moreover, Sauron has found Fuxi.

The father’s most loved one is this grandson. If Sauron threatens with Fuxi, Fuer is likely to compromise the confession.

Therefore, before Volunteer was arrested, Fang Qingdi and Ji Mengbai were shot to kill his father, Hue.

Of course she did not say why she wanted to kill Fue, but said that killing him might save the entire faction.

After being arrested in the Yanjing Temple, she was tortured for a while, and then the sectarians tried to destroy Volt in order to prevent her from biting, and even used the lynching to burn the scorpion.

As a result, it was discovered that Volunteer turned out to be a flameless person.

Of course, this has nothing to do with the tears of Volunteer's Devil, and it has nothing to do with her plan.

This involves another secret of the Temple of the Dragon.

At this time, Volt is more certain that he has another important mission, but this mission does not know.

And it's critical that her original looks are not like this, but almost exactly the same as her daughter, Sonning Ice.

However, after Suning Bing grew up, she was forced to face up by the Dragon Temple and replaced her face.

Just like a face like Sonin Ice in the whole world, only one person is allowed.

"Where is the tear of the devil?" asked Boluo.

Volt said: "In my body, I will give it to you."

Then, Volunteer began to use the force to squeeze the tears of the devil from the back door.

At this time, even if Bo Luozhen also glimpsed, she actually hides the tears of the devil in such a place?

"Give you." Volt.

Boluo stunned and did not reach out.

Volunting said: "You can rest assured that there is no trace of filth in my body."

Borneo said: "You have to collect the tears of the devil, don't give it to anyone except me!"

Then, his influence slammed away.

The surrounding sky illusion has completely disappeared without a trace, and it has become a gloomy ghost!

It turns out that everything just happened is a illusion, and the leader of the evil sect, Borneo, only communicated with the spirits and Volunteers, instead of actually going.

Suddenly, Volunte was shocked.

This brahma should be a thousand miles away from her, but she can communicate with herself with her mental strength, which is strong enough to go against the sky.

Every sky priest is so powerful?

One day, do you have the same ability.

Just at this time...


The wall of the ghost prison suddenly exploded, and there was a huge crack.


Then dozens of people flew in.

That's right, it's flying in!

This completely subverts the imagination of Voluntein. Is there anyone in the world who will fly?

How can it be?

How can someone fly in this world?

At the moment the wall burst, Volunteer used the fastest speed to re-enter the tears of the devil back into the body.

These dozens of people flew to the side of Volunteer and began to hover and surround.

Volunteer saw it clearly. These people are very different from humans. The nose is very pointed, the ears are long, and there are only two toes.

Some people have tails behind them, while others don't.

Asked by a flightr headed by "Volody?".

"Yes." Volunteer trembled.

"Follow us." The flight leader headed.

Then, they directly untied all the bundles and imprisonment of Volunta, and asked her to fly out.

Volunteer is a big man, who is this group of people? Where are they going to take with themselves?

Moreover, she is waiting for the arrival of the sky priest Brahmin.

"Who are you? Where are you going with me?" asked Volunt.

"The Dragon Temple, the demon star pavilion!"

Volunteer felt that the secret of his identity should be uncovered, and his secret mission should be uncovered.


Tianshui City Government House!

"A world!"

"Two worship high church!"

"The husband and wife are worshipping!"

"Send to the cave!"

In the atmosphere of incomparable joy, in the eyes of countless people.

Soren and Princess Sissi, Yannai completed the real wedding.

The most exciting, it is Yannai!

She finally got what she wanted, finally married her most beloved man, and finally put on her wedding dress and became a bride.

At this point, she regretted some more, why did she hand over to Soren so early, otherwise it would be perfect to stay in the bridal chamber night of this evening.

In the church, she couldn't help but tears of joy, and the whole body was trembling.

Endless happiness surrounds her.

The other happiest and happy person is Sonin Bing.

Her brother Soren was finally married.

At this time, she was very divided, and she also regarded Sauron as a real Sauron, becoming a relative and a younger brother.

On the other side, Sauron was treated as Lanling, her favorite man, but as if she was the closest brother.

So, is this man a lover or a younger brother?

She is completely unclear, and she does not want to distinguish.

Love has reached the deepest point, and it is impossible to distinguish clearly. Whether this is love or family.

Countless guests came to toast with Suning Bing, because she is the only elder who is the so-called elder, even though she is only her sister.

Sonin ice, which has never been drunk, has not been rejected at this time. After a while, he drank more than a dozen cups.

The beautiful face is printed with a magnificent blush, which is especially beautiful.

"Well, our lady can't drink." The night was shocked and helped Suoning ice back to the room.

As for the night horror, she can't count on it. She is a child at all. At this time, she has a table with A Shi Yuanzhang, Yan, Yan Xueer, and has a good time.

Back to the room, Soning Bing, did not notice, the night was feathering her clothes.

“Do, do?” Sonin’s ice is ashamed and powerless.

The night was just a laugh, and Soon’s ice was only left with pockets and pants.

Then she was replaced with a new one.

The big red dress, Feng Guan Xia, actually dressed her as a bride.

Not only that, but also the red hi word in the room.

Also lit a red candle!

Finally, a red hijab was placed on the Sonin ice, and in her ear: "The bride, you are here waiting for the groom to come, yes, our groom is called Lanling!"

Suddenly, Sonin’s heart beat like a thunder, and he wanted to say something wrong, but he couldn’t say it.

She felt unable to breathe and felt dizzy.

Unparalleled happiness, incomparable joy, incomparable uneasiness.

Really, really?

In this way, she is very excited, in the excitement, wearing the bride's service, sitting here waiting.

Soon, the door was opened.

"Who." Sonin shuddered.

"I, Lan Ling." Soren Road.

Sonin Ice Road: "You, what are you doing?"

Soren Road: "Come on with my bride, Soning Ice Cave!"


Note: The first four thousand words are sent, please support, please ask for the monthly ticket, thank you!

(End of this chapter)