World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 705: Seventy-seven: Awaken the ghost ghost! C

Chapter 705, Seventy-seven, wake up the ghost and ghosts! Cover the sky!

Outside Rakshasa City!

The air regiment of the Prince's House, the seventeen demon coalition forces, a total of 200,000 expeditionary forces, are gathering.

Really cover the sky, the real endless.

These huge scenes have not been seen for two or three thousand years.

Twenty thousand airborne coalition forces were laid out, hundreds of miles in length.

On the ground, there are tens of thousands of werewolf warriors and 50,000 wolves.

The blood wolf king originally only promised that the small Rakshasa king sent out 10,000 werewolf warriors, and the result also brought 50,000 wolves.

The Werewolf Warrior, like the Centaur, can be used as a cavalry or as an infantry, with almost no less combat power than a Centaur.

The wolf rider is a pure giant wolf. They have no wisdom, can't use weapons, and rely on claws and teeth to bite, so they are considered beasts.

In other places, no one can command the Wolves Legion, except for the Blood Wolf King.

He is the absolute supreme leader of the Werewolf and the evil wolf. His words are undoubtedly the supreme will.

Ten thousand werewolf warriors, the lineup of 50,000 wolves, looks absolutely creepy and full of devastating power.

Although the expeditionary army that the small Rakshasa sent to the local defense line was only 260,000, it was a tyrannical force.

Blood Wolf King, as the commander of this expeditionary army.

He is not only in his own family, but also has great prestige in the entire Yaozu coalition.

It can be said that these demon people can be killed by the blood wolf king in the past ten years.

"Respected little Rakshasa, what do you want for the upcoming war?" asked the blood wolf king.

Originally, the little Rakshasa King should personally command this army.

However, he could not do this because his duty was to defend the city of Rakshasa. Moreover, the Prince of the Terracotta Warrior does not want him to go to the local defense line.

King Roar Shaw said: "Take the footsteps of the united front of the Mozu Empire, don't let his blitzkrieg work. At least delay the ten days, let the main army of the Mozu Alliance have time to support. Be sure not to let the land The brakes will kill the family within a few days!"

Is the goal of the small Rakshasa King to send this powerful expeditionary force to the Terrac is to win?

No, he is not so naive, winning is impossible to win.

It is just a blitzkrieg that blocks the King of Heaven, and avoids one of the most terrible results, that is, the extermination of the Terran in a few days.

Don't say a few days, even a month.

If the Heavenly King and the Princess of Diner have destroyed the Terrass in a month, the consequences are fatal and desperate.

Then the morale of the entire Mozu Alliance will collapse in an instant, and the Lanling is also a disaster.

The Prince of Rakshasa concluded that the King of Heaven and Digne will definitely use the blitzkrieg strategy. They have no time and no power to turn this war into a protracted war.

Because the Temple of the Dragon and the Emperor of the Magic are in the north.

Once it has become a protracted war, it may be a disaster for the entire united front of the Mozu Empire.

Then why did you choose the Terraan as the first target of the Blitz?

There are two reasons. The first reason is that the Terrach family is the strongest in the Mozu Alliance. Only the short-term extinction of the Terraan family can only destroy the entire southern wilderness and destroy the resistance of other Mozu.

The second reason is that the terrain of the Terraan family is the flattest, and most of the areas are flat.

Originally, this was only the idea of ​​the Little Rakshasa King, but since the Tiansha King’s massive increase in the Rizal border, the Little Rakshasa King has completely confirmed this.

This is definitely the sound of the King of Heaven and the Princess of Digne.

Today, the Rizal border has gathered more than eight million Mozu Alliance main forces, and all kinds of defenses are completely impregnable.

If Tiansha Wang chooses the Raksha family as a breakthrough direction, how can it be possible to implement a blitzkrieg when facing the millions of troops on this line of defense? It will definitely be a long-lasting battle, which is the most unfavorable for the Tianlu.

Therefore, the small Rakshasa King firmly believes that the main direction of the Tianshuwang and Dini Princess must be the Terra.

Moreover, it is the main force of the attack with the witch national warrior, the winged warrior, and the demon warrior in the Tianshu field.

This strategy is not very clever, and the little Rakshasa is also repeated again and again.

However, the six devils never believe that the king of the Tiansha King will not use it, but will hand over the offensive to the witch country, the winged people, and the demon.

Moreover, on the border of the Tianlu and the Luosha, the Tianlu people have gathered more than six million troops, and the Tiansha Wang is in charge, and the Prince is guarding the Tianshu City.

The Six Devils believe that the place where the Heavenly King is in is the real main force.

The little Rakshasa King said that the real coach of the Mozu Empire united front is Princess Digne, not the King of Heaven.

The six devils feel even more ridiculous. How can Tiansha Wang hand over the power to a daughter?

Therefore, this strategy is really not very clever, but Tiansha Wang is too willing to pay the money to act, fully use the six million main army of the Ministry as a bait, and hand over the heavy responsibility of the attack to Princess Dnie and the foreign army.

The six devils are preconceived, and how can they believe what the Prince of Rahsha said.

"Blood wolf king, please remember these words very much, don't want to win, save power, delay time, until the main force of the Mozu Alliance arrives, don't let the Terrass be destroyed within one month is the highest strategic goal." The little Rakshasha used the simplest words to end the goal of this war.

"I know." The blood wolf king.

The little Rakshasa King sighed: "I didn't think that the task of guarding the Alliance of the Devils ended up on the head of the Yaozu. Let's go, save power, don't die too much..."

The blood wolf king's huge body is very deep, and he is deeply worshipped by the little Rakshasa.

Then, it slammed open huge wings and flew high.

Yes, this blood wolf king has wings and will fly.

"The expeditionary army departs and travels to the local temple!"

One order.

The whole earth began to tremble and roar, and the 10,000 werewolf warriors on the ground, 50,000 wolves, rushed toward the west side of the Terran.

In the air, 200,000 air regiments, like moving black clouds, flew toward the Terrass.

This army, marching thousands of miles a day, can be described as fast.

The prince had been looking up at the expeditionary army westward. The dark clouds of the group were getting farther and farther and farther away, and finally disappeared into the field of vision.

The teacher of the little Rakshasa King, the elder Lu Hao appeared behind him and sighed: "His Royal Highness, this expeditionary army will go back, you can no longer look back. Whether you are right or wrong, you can't look back. ”

Xiaoluowang Wangdao: "Teacher, I have never thought about going back."

Elder Lu Hao sighed: "Your father has looked down on the earth for too long and forgot to look up at the stars, so his vision and mind have been banned. I hope he can repent and not let the Luosha people get devastated."


Eternal curse of the world.

Lanling raised the ring of the ghost king and shouted loudly: "Where is the Ghost King Guards? I command you in the name of the Ghost King, come to loyalty to me!"


No one cares about Lanling!

Within the horizon, countless troops are still desperately strangled.

Either kill others or kill yourself.

As if everything is to die.

Death has become the biggest victory.

So wherever the vision is, blood is everywhere, there are corpses everywhere, and broken limbs are everywhere.

There are all kinds of death methods.

The body is broken, the knife is divided, the heart is cut, the head is cut, and there are countless.

No matter how shouting Lan Ling, no one cares about him.

He and the hook went forward and tried to wake up the soldiers.

However, the pupils of these people are completely scattered, without any sense of wisdom.

Everyone instinct is killing, killing others and killing themselves.

Death has become the ultimate goal.

"Master, these people are crazy, completely crazy!"

Lan Ling nodded. These people were completely mad and completely awake.

In this way, Lanling stood here and watched the army die.

Yes, maybe hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of troops, madly killing each other,

Finally, the death is clean.

The body, covered with the entire ground, tens of miles of corpses.

Countless, the real corpse is bloody.

The whole world of eternal curse has completely fallen into silence!

Then, Lan Ling sat here waiting.

One hour, two hours, three hours, six hours, twelve hours...

The whole day has passed.

A strange scene appeared.

The corpses all over the place were all resurrected.

Whether it is the brain, or the heart is gone, or it is broken.

Even the broken body, completely restored to form a complete body.

One soldier after another is resurrected.

Thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands...

In the end, all the eternal life, all resurrected, intact.

Lanling quickly took advantage of this opportunity to wake up the soldiers, pick up the ring of the ghost king, and once again summon this powerful army.


The other party still has no reaction, the pupil is still scattered, and there is still no gods, such as walking dead.

Then, yesterday's scene began to stage again.

This army began to kill and fight again.

They frantically kill others and kill themselves.

They cut their heads, pierced their hearts, split themselves in half, and split others into two.

The bloodiest battle, once again staged.

Hell once again reappears, and the corpse is **** again, repeating itself again.

Lanling sees it, fighting is not their goal, and death is their goal.

They are eager to die and yearn for death.

However, they can't die, and they can only die for up to twelve hours.

So they pursued the death of these twelve hours.

As soon as the resurrection comes, kill yourself and kill others in the first place. Then everyone died and enjoyed twelve hours of death.

This is the curse of eternal life.

This is a monochrome, emptiness, eternal world.

In this world, there is nothing to eat, nothing, the only thing is eternal life.

There is no change in this world.

No goals, no change, no feelings, no food and drink, nothing.

This kind of eternal life is a complete torture, and it is 10,000 times more painful than death.

The Ghost Empire Guards Army has lived for three thousand years in this world of eternal curse.

One year, two years, three years, maybe it can be tolerated.

For three thousand years, this is really painful and too tortured.

Therefore, this army was completely mad and completely turned into a walking dead.

Only a madman, only a walking dead, will not be painful, will not be lonely.

In this eternal world, death is the highest enjoyment and highest goal.

However, they can't die if they want to die. After a maximum of twelve hours, they will be resurrected.

Therefore, their only goal is to kill themselves, even if the death of twelve hours is good.

Death... is the highest enjoyment.

Therefore, this army is unawake.

At least, it is impossible to wake up by the ring of the ghost king.

Although this army is going to the sea to find the Hell Sea, looking for the eternal curse of the world, is to revive the Ghost Empire, in order to loyalty to the ghost king.

However, the torture of the eternal curse of three thousand years is enough to destroy all will and all ideals.

This army is so easy to go crazy, and it has finally become a walking dead, free from the pain and loneliness, the curse of eternal curse.

Once you wake up, you must once again suffer a hundred times more pain than death.

So how can they be awakened?

Need to wake up this army with another key.

Gossip: "Master, Rakshasa, the four ghosts?"

These five people are the highest level of the ghost king empire, the absolute confidant of the ghost king.

These five people are very, very powerful, and Lanling can't feel their energy.

How to wake up this eternal cursed army may need to find these five people, because these five are the leaders of this army.

Next, Lanling began to explore the world of this immortal curse, looking for the Luosha ghost mother, looking for the four ghosts.

Lanling held the ring of the ghost king and began to look around.

However, nothing was achieved.

This world of eternal curse is not boundless, and the area is about three hundred square kilometers.

And it is a completely flat nothingness, without any obstacles.

However, Lanling searched every place of the world of eternal curse, but there was no trace of the Luocha ghosts and the four ghosts.

Are they not in the world of eternal curse?

This is impossible. Without their leadership, this Ghost Empire Guards Force cannot appear here at all.

"Master, there is a missing space in front of it."

Lan Ling closed his eyes and felt the energy.

Sure enough, in the corner of the world of eternal curse, I found a missing piece, about a dozen square meters.

This space seems to have been stolen.

Then, Lan Ling discovered that it was blocked by a virtual energy wall.

Someone in the world of eternal curse, uses a wall of energy to isolate a separate space.

So how do you get through this energy wall?

Lanling took out the ring, and suddenly the energy wall cracked open a hole, and Lanling and Hook went inside.

In this closed and isolated space, Lan Ling saw five people.

To be precise, it is five stone sculptures.

The enchanting, beautiful and beautiful Raksha Ghost.

There are also four horrible ghosts.

These five people, once the top of the Ghost Empire, are the absolute confidants of the Ghost King.

Now, all petrochemicals have become sculptures.

"Masters, they can't bear the loneliness of the eternal curse, so they have petrified themselves, so they are protected from the boundless suffering." Gossip: "Then, wait quietly for the arrival of the ghost king and wake them up."

So how do you wake up these five people?

Lanling touched the sculpture of the ghost king's ring.

However, there is no slight reaction.

Lan Ling could not help but frown.

Suddenly, he sang a scene in the ruins of the ancient magical country. He used the blood to resurrect the witch sculptures.

So, he pierced the heart, and then gently dipped the dagger of the blood of the roman, the face of the sculpture of the Luoquan ghost.

A trace of magic blood, penetrated into the sculpture of the Raksha Ghost.

Then, a scene of miracles appeared.

The Luosha ghost mother recovered from an inch and an inch, and turned from a sculpture to a white one.

Just one minute later!

Luosha ghost mother, opened his eyes and sat up with a tender body!


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(End of this chapter)