World of Gods

Chapter 1057: Gumo Junkyard

There are a large number of ancient magic materials, human magicians can experiment as much as they want, and research all kinds of weird results.

Among all the magicians, only the legendary mage Little Thales has the same direction.

Nearly a hundred years have passed, and he still keeps his original intentions and insists on studying the Biological Mage Tower. He stubbornly believes that if the magician can't absorb the essence of the Ancient Demon and develop the Biological Mage Tower, he will eventually be swallowed by the Ancient Demon!

Little Thales believes that what he has to deal with is not the ancient demons in the territory and now, but the ancient demons that evolve at a super high speed outside the territory.

Not to mention ordinary people from various countries, even magicians do not understand Little Thales.

After all, time is too long.

Although the by-products of Little Thales’s research have played a great role in humans, and the ancient magic magical device is also very powerful, everyone still thinks that the concept of the biological mage tower cannot be realized.

The Biological Mage Tower is simply a bottomless pit. The resources, the manpower needed, and the various needs that have been swallowed have surpassed the limits of the sea country and even the magic association.

Had it not been for Su Ye's support, the Biological Mage Tower Research Institute would have been disbanded long ago.

Many magicians have quite a bit of criticism towards Little Thales, thinking that he has slowed down the development of the entire mankind. With Little Thales’s intellect and abilities, it could have been used in other fields to make humans grow faster.

Little Thales is consistent, filtering all negative information from the outside world, and studying the biological mage tower.

After the Teleportation Array Research Institute was established, batches of magicians, nobles, and friends approached him, hoping that he would participate in the research of the Teleportation Array, but Little Thales only threw the new research results to them and sneered: " The teleportation array is also worthy of being compared with the Mage Tower?"

He continued to study the biological mage tower in the helpless eyes of the magicians.

Fortunately, the Hai Kingdom and the Han Kingdom have never stopped studying the ancient demons and accumulated a lot.

Now the vast majority of high-level magicians are changing hands for research, and they quickly get started, and the research process is advancing by leaps and bounds.

There are always one or two small clever legendary magicians who just go to a dead end and seek Su Ye cheeky.

Su Ye does not give results, but only talks about principles and methods.

After all, the legendary masters are legendary masters. Even if the masters of the land of creation have a weak foundation and slow development, they are still legends, and they will soon be able to comprehend the content taught by Su Ye and solve problems.

Once a few key points were broken, the whole research was like a broken bamboo.

The 107th year of the creation calendar.

The morning wind blew through Kong City, passing the city walls, and entering the large black granite indoor large square on the left side of the temple.

In the indoor square, hundreds of high-level magicians stood at the door excitedly, looking at the strange round platform with a diameter of ten meters in the center of the large square.

The gods also watched quietly. They didn't expect that the teleportation array here was so different from the normal magic teleportation array.

The normal Teleportation Array and Teleportation God Array are both a huge platform.

But the ancient magic teleportation array consists of three layers, like a huge cake.

It's just that the things that make up the cake are a bit horrible.

On the edge of the first layer of the cake, bones were polished to resemble sharp teeth as long as a ruler, which pierced from the ground and pierced into the sky.

A blue barking ball of light emerged from the tip of each white bone.

The second layer of the cake is a black and green carpet of flesh and blood. The flesh on the top is squirming gently, occasionally gurgling blood bubbles appear.

The third layer barely looks like a magic circle, with a dense magic circle painted on it.

However, some of the gods who understand the magic array are dizzy.

Because this is completely different from the ordinary magic array.

This is the Flesh Magic Array, although it has been renamed the Biological Magic Array by Su Ye.

The transmission array mainly requires eight sets of components, which are energy storage system, power system, energy pathway, space analysis, space positioning, space stability, connection system and the most important space transmission system.

One of the eight systems is indispensable, and without one, it may become an arbitrary teleportation array or a self-exploding array.

But the problem is that humans lack the advanced materials needed for the eight system components!

The gods had long suspected that this was deliberate by the will of the infinite plane, and that they didn't want life to develop too fast.

However, mankind finally found a substitute from the ancient demon.

And it is quite a detrimental alternative method, the ancient demon's flesh and blood alternative method.

The current ancient magic materials are not much stronger, and they cannot support the teleportation array for a long time.

However, the magicians thought of a loss trick, replacing part of the structure of the teleportation array with the flesh and blood of the ancient demon. Every time the teleportation array was used, the ancient demon was used to restore its strong nature, directly injecting magic power and adding the ancient demon flesh and blood to ensure the ancient demon. The teleportation array quickly recovered.

Although it is a bit cruel to the ancient demons, this is the only way.

"Start the first ten-kilometer-level item transfer test!"

I saw a legendary master walking up the stairs and placing a charged magic wand on it.

"Start Teleportation Array!"

Zi Zi Zi...

The three-layer cake was all shiny, the teeth shone, the flesh and blood carpet squirmed, and the blood vessel-like magic lines continued to shrink and expand.

A ray of blood rose up, like a translucent earthworm, wrapping a magic wand.


A strange sound flashed, and blood flashed.

The magic wand disappeared.

All the magicians took a deep breath and quietly looked at a shadow magic mirror beside the magic circle.

Inside the mirror is a clearing in Kongcheng. On the clearing stands an ordinary brown wooden frame with a circle drawn on it.

Suddenly, a red light flashed one meter from the side of the wooden frame, and the magic wand appeared out of thin air.

With a slap, the magic wand fell to the ground, not on the wooden frame.


Almost all the magicians cheered excitedly.

Only a few magicians wrinkled their brows. The time was at least 0.2 seconds slower than expected. The straight-line distance was more than one meter, and the height was a full half meter, and the magic wand's surface was obviously rippling, indicating that the teleportation array was even It succeeded, but there is a huge gap from perfection.

The gods looked at this historic scene and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Finally can build a teleportation array."

"The magician is really amazing. We gods really can't do this kind of thing."

"Our gods can do it, but we can't teach others."

"Yes, if Vulcan is here, at most a few years, he can knock out a teleportation array with a hammer, but without high-level materials, his followers may not knock it out for a thousand years."

Su Ye said: "The ancient magic teleportation array needs too many ancient magic, we have to work like a solution."

The gods suddenly instinctively worried for the ancient demons.

"What do you want to do?" Canghong Mountain Range was most curious.

Su Ye said in a serious way: "Any intelligent individual or individual must continue to do three things. One is to continuously absorb positive matter, energy and information from the outside world, and the other is to continuously expel negative matter, energy and information to the outside world. The third is to continue to maintain the first two. This is the internal and external exchange of self-organization theory."

Canghong Mountain Range did not have a good air: "I can understand that, first, we have to hunt more ancient demons, and study more ancient demons. Second, make the remains of ancient demons that cannot be used in the teleportation array or inside. Turn it into a magic weapon and sell it to outsiders. Third, we must always hunt ancient demons, keep researching, and dump the garbage outwards, forming a virtuous circle?"

"This is what you said, not me." Su Ye said.

The gods couldn't laugh or cry.

Canghong Mountain could not help but smile and said, "Then how do we continue to absorb positive matter, energy and information from the outside world?"

"One is direct acquisition. We can be responsible for hunting ancient demons in nearby countries. We need not only ancient magic materials, but also their resources, but also their respect. The second is unequal exchange. We can feed the ancient demons in our territory. Demon a large amount of cheap, surplus food, turning the food into higher-value ancient demon."

"Then how do we continuously expel negative matter, energy and information?" Canghong Mountain Range continued to ask.

"First, make the leftovers into magic tools and sell them to outsiders."

"I seem to have heard this sentence." Canghong Mountain Range said.

"Secondly, transport all our domestic garbage and all the parts that can be eaten by the ancient demon to the Flesh Tower Nest. We can even set up an ancient demon garbage dump outside the city to build a road or route to the ancient demon territory. Let the ancient demons eat trash."

The gods looked at Su Ye stupidly, and an unbelievable picture appeared in their minds. In a dump as high as a hill, tens of thousands of small bony tigers were rummaging for edible garbage. Suddenly, a group of garbage trucks came, dumped the garbage and ran away. The little bony tigers screamed in excitement and rushed to the new garbage dump to feast on. After eating and drinking enough, return to the territory and send energy to the Nest of Flesh Tower.

"You devil..." Canghong Mountain murmured.

Su Ye continued: "The ancient demons have powerful evolutionary capabilities. The more meat they eat, the faster they digest meat. They eat more trees, and the faster they digest trees. If they eat more rubbish, they can digest **** faster. The faster it comes, in this way, the garbage problem left over by the rapid growth of mankind has been perfectly solved. It is said that the cow eats grass and squeezes milk, but compared with the ancient magic, it is simply a rice bucket!"

"You are a clone of a certain evil god, no, which evil **** is your clone?" Canghong Mountain was weak.

The **** of the oak tree was dumbfounded: "Su God, they are ancient demons, not picking up rubbish. One day, they will resist."

"You underestimate the magician. One day, the magician will completely transform the ancient magic into a garbage disposal plant. If that day the ancient magic wants to rebel, then the magician will kill the ancient magic. , On the corpses of the ancient demons, create a batch of new ancient demons waste treatment plants without wisdom." Su Yedao.

"I don't want to say that magicians are lunatics, but can't you magicians do some human affairs? Evil gods can't do this kind of thing! I get along with you magicians a lot, and I always have something that I can't tell. Frustration is like, no matter what happens, you always feel that you are stupid at first, but in the end we must find that we are the stupid." Canghong Mountain Range said helplessly.

"You can rest assured that as long as the ancient demons have higher value, we will not treat them as garbage disposal plants. It is just a concept at present. If, I mean, if we have thoroughly studied the ancient demons, except for some special willingness to cooperate. The ancient magic, we will let the remaining full-time responsible for the garbage disposal." Su Yedao.

"Okay, let's not talk about rubbish... Let's not talk about ancient demons, how do you deal with it... No, how do you target the Lord of Despair." Canghong Mountain felt that his tongue was not at his disposal.

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