World of Gods

Chapter 1081: Kong City Crisis

   Kongcheng crisis, full rescue!

   Countless high-level combat power from all parts of the Magic Continent and even the Major League was transmitted to cities five hundred miles away from Kongcheng, and then sent a small number of scouts, and the rest assembled quickly.

   Night falls.

   Kongcheng, Suye Temple.

   The gods of the Magic League looked at a place a hundred kilometers outside the city in distraction and panic.

   Within one hundred kilometers with Kongcheng as the center, protected by the power of Kongcheng mage towers, no outsider can teleport to the nearby area.

   But it cannot affect one hundred kilometers away.

   A hundred kilometers away, there are thousands of densely populated large portals.

   The first to rush out was the main guards of 300,000 people.

   A large number of heroes and legends are mixed in the team, running faster than the sound.

  Divine and magical powers of various colors burst out, like a long rainbow river, pushing them to rush towards Kongcheng.

  In less than five minutes, they will be able to reach outside Kongcheng.

   After the main guards of the gods, there are a total of 600,000 mixed legends of various ethnic groups, forming a second torrent of divine power and magic power, rushing to Kongcheng.

   Other than that, there is no one, not even Sanctuary.

Canghong Mountain Range sighed and said, "This is the beheading operation that Su Shen mentioned before? Once our power reaches a certain level, they will definitely understand that passive beating will undoubtedly lose. We must suddenly come, desperately, and unfold. A devastating blow. But I didn't expect them to be so decisive and so fast."

The God of Oak Tree: "We have discussed before that the mage tower can be spread over thousands of miles with Kongcheng as the center, and the space shelter can be expanded to prevent the enemy from teleporting, but Su Shen refused. At that time, we all thought Su Shento was big. Now It seems that we are correct?"

The master of forging said: "Our reinforcements can't make it at all. They will inevitably use special magic weapons to block all the nearby spaces. When our reinforcements arrive, so many legends can already smash the entire Kong City. Su Ye had already prepared. For example, by secretly migrating the main body to the core area, they could quickly destroy Kong City, then leave safely, and even suddenly blockade and strike the next city."

Ares smiled and said: "It's the style of my mother Hera. I tried my best to make up a million legends at this time and gave a thunder blow. The success was very good, but it was unsuccessful. With such a powerful force, you can still escape safely. Even if the Magic Alliance is so tyrannical, it is impossible to intercept such a powerful force in such a short period of time. Su Ye, I guess you may escape this disaster, but at least you have nothing to do with Hera at the moment."

"There are indeed a lot of mage towers here..." The forest lord glanced at the mage towers in the city and said, "In order to prevent sneak attacks, there are a thousand of them, but before the Million Legends, they can sustain one or two rounds of attacks. , The third round is bound to collapse."

  Isis, the **** of fertility, frowned slightly and said: "We all know that Su God's body is here, but maybe Su God's body has secretly left and is already hidden somewhere in the central area."

"It seems that Hera has taken a hit. However, although our high-level industries are mainly in the core area, Kongcheng is still one of the five magical cities in the Magic League. Once it is destroyed, it will be a pain for us. . It’s not only on magical tools, but also on mentality and morale, which is why Hera chose here."

   "Hera is warning Su Shen, as long as we dare to attack her territory, she can send the main guards of the gods to come, and then make a surprise attack, which makes us feel uneasy."

   "I have nothing to do with Hera's actions, what about you?" Canghong Mountain asked.

   Hundreds of thousands of gods shook their heads. If the Magic Alliance can concentrate its strength, it can easily resist a sneak attack of this degree.

   But the problem is that I can’t concentrate so quickly.

   The gods silently watched the approaching millions of legends, getting closer and closer.

   When Million Legend arrived 20 kilometers away, it started to slow down slightly.

   The best attack distance of the main guards is ten kilometers.

   Too close is dangerous, too far is weak.

   The Million Legends are getting closer and closer, and they are about to arrive ten kilometers outside Kongcheng.

   Suddenly, under the blue-black sky, the dazzling brilliance rose from the underground, like a fountain of divine light with a diameter of ten kilometers, and like a magical volcano suddenly erupting.

   The Legend of Million is completely wrapped by the light rising up into the sky.

   Looking from a distance, the thick magical beam of light went up to more than 10,000 meters, illuminating the night sky.

  Red, green, blue, pink, orange, yellow...numerous lights intertwined.

   At the edge of the beam of light, dust was soaring, the earth collapsed, and big root-like cracks spread in all directions, forming huge rift valleys, and even the walls of Kongcheng cracked.

   The earth roars endlessly.

   A few seconds later, the divine light dissipated and the sky was covered with dust.

   Through the dust, the gods saw a large hole more than ten kilometers in diameter on the ground.

   Millions of legends disappeared, only a few hundred legends and heroes fleeing, each of them festered everywhere, colorful curses and poisonous rays of light constantly flickered.


   The eyes of the crystal tower of a thousand mage towers suddenly attacked, and more than a thousand blood-colored light beams swept in the air, killing all the last.

   Millions of legends, the whole army is wiped out.

   After that, the magicians in the city kept casting spells to deal with the spreading toxic power and cursing power.

   Except for Su Ye and a few magicians, all parties looked at the pit that was constantly venting poisonous smoke with a blank expression.

In the end what happened?

   Suddenly, the mirrors of the soul and shadow demon erupted out of various colors, and the light intertwined into a huge three-dimensional map.

The upper part of the three-dimensional map of    is Kongcheng, and the lower part is the underground of Kongcheng that extends in all directions.

   The gods saw with horror that countless passages were dug out of the ground between Kongcheng and Plato, and some places were almost completely hollowed out.

   There is no new big hole in the three-dimensional map at this time, and everything on the ground is intact.

   On the ground, millions of light spots move from south to north.

   The gods suddenly realized that this is the scene before, and those light spots are the legend of a million.

   And below the three-dimensional map, there are densely packed mushroom-shaped creatures.

  There are three thousand huge mushrooms more than 20 meters high. The gods took a closer look and found out what kind of mushrooms were there. There were three thousand mushroom-shaped scarlet mage towers.

   Around every mushroom mage tower, there are hundreds of millions of small green mushrooms that are half a meter high.

   These small mushrooms were originally rooted on the ground or the wall, but suddenly they popped out all at once, and the whole body suddenly flashed with colorful colors, exuding a dual aura of poison and curse.

   Hundreds of millions of small mushrooms jumped into the body of the big mushroom.

   The big mushroom hurried forward, entered the nearby teleportation array, and teleported to the bottom of the path that the Million Legend must pass.

   Soon, three thousand large mushroom mage towers were squeezed into the huge hollow, like soft steamed buns being crumpled into a ball.

   When the Million Legend reached the top of the three thousand big mushrooms, the three thousand big mushrooms suddenly formed a magic connection, melted together, and formed a super giant mushroom in the blink of an eye, and then exploded.

   Next, is the scene that the gods saw before.

   The splendid divine light soars into the sky, devouring millions of legends.

   "My body has always been here, and I deliberately let you know." Su Yedao.

   The gods sighed slightly, Su Ye deliberately reduced the scope of the space protection before, and deliberately weakened the protection power here, just for this day.

   These mushroom mage towers are the real ground defense force.

   "How many back-hands have you prepared? We don't believe that there is only this one." The words of the Canghong Mountains attracted the approval of the gods.

   "Let me think about it... At that time, more than 100 kinds of plans were planned and 47 sets were tried. Finally, four main plans and twelve backup plans were selected." Su Yedao.

   The gods rolled their eyes.

   "No wonder I always feel that the Magic League is a bottomless black hole. It has clearly embezzled so many resources in these years, but there is often an inexplicable shortage of resources. Every time you ask, you say that it is used for magic research." Canghong Mountain was helpless.

   Ares asked: "Why are there so many backup plans? In addition to the Magic Continent, which continent do you have a backup plan?"

   Su Ye said nothing.

   The forge master touched his beard and said, "I always feel that there are some psychic shadow monsters in Kongcheng that are not right. They don't seem to have a master, but they only appear occasionally. Obviously, you have the best chance of controlling them."

   "I'm very surprised. We have long discovered the continent where the Crimson Pope and the Magic Goddess are located. Why didn't the Crimson Pope and the Magic Goddess join the Magic League?" The lord of the black prison looked at Su Ye suspiciously.

   "You can honestly explain, are you sending a lot of resources to other continents to make your backup plan?" Canghong Mountain Range said.

Su Ye smiled and said: "As long as we can solve the enemy, there is no need for a backup plan. Since Hera starts the war ahead of time, I will fight it. This time, it will be the biggest war in the land of creation in two hundred years. Please everyone be prepared."

   The gods stunned, and immediately listened carefully.

   187th year of the creation calendar. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

   Many alliances headed by the Magic League declared war on the Hera League.

   Then, the Alliance of the Goddess of Wisdom attacked the Lord of the Abyss, the Lord God of mad warfare, who had been friendly with Hera.

   Hell Forging Alliance directly attacked the alliance where Vulcan, the **** of craftsmanship, was in, dragging down most of Vulcan's forces.

   The two masters of the Artisan Association started a civil war.

   The old Poseidon Alliance began a large-scale landing, involving the power of the sun god, the goddess of hunting, and the **** of commerce, reducing their aid to Hera.

   At the same time, the Magic League split up a small number of troops to attack Venus, the **** of beauty. There is the hostage Ares. Venus used the attack as an excuse to symbolically support Hera's 100,000 ordinary soldiers.

  Bacchus, as Ares said, he was not even ready to help Hera at all, but his hundreds of thousands of believers went to support him with the mentality to join in the fun.

   Demeter, the goddess of agriculture, not only failed to help Hera, but even started a close trade with the Magic Alliance to increase a lot of resources for the Magic Alliance to buy low-end magic tools.

   She still hates Zeus for sending her daughter out in order to win over Hades.

   Hestia, the goddess of furnace fire, has always been neutral, and she has faded out of Zeus for a long time. Hera has sent envoys many times, but she declined.


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