World of Gods

Chapter 109: Lord of Planes

"But your kind of painting, that strange technique, and possibly other magic techniques will make them salivate. I'm afraid they will grab you at all costs, forcing you to become their disciple and provide your research results. , Or even ... use magic to control you directly. The most extreme case is to directly extract your memory and kill you. "

Wu Suye sighed softly, the teachers were all the same, the means of intimidation was always so clever. However, it also shows that the world is far crazy than I thought.

Magicians are crazy.

"So, if you release new theories in the future, try not to directly involve magic. As now, they are all learned, memorized, and various small tricks you can observe. If you are not sure about some methods or theories, you can Probably tell me, I'll judge, if I can't judge, I will ask the teacher to judge. "

Wu Suye nodded again, thanking Neideen in his heart.

"In addition, there will be some turmoil in Athens in the future. You should not participate. Your main goal now is to prepare for the black iron trial. I ... forget it, let me tell you in advance, this time the black iron trial, there are The possibility of 80% will open up the divine power plane. The advantage is that you can get better experience and get richer beauty. The disadvantage is ... it is dangerous, not only internal danger. "

"If it's just ordinary black iron trials, it's usually just catching some Warcraft and eradicating some harmful guys. The most dangerous thing is to participate in low-intensity battles. The divine power plane will attract many Greek colleges to participate, and even mix foreigners. However, it is this danger that sharpens people most. In history, everyone who has stepped out of the plane of divine power has achieved higher achievements than his peers. "

"Unfortunately, I am not lucky enough. I only entered the 'Whale Country' by mistake when I was in the silver level. If I can enter a few more power planes, my success will be higher now. You see Aristotle, in I have been to the Divine Plane at least three times before being promoted to the sanctuary. "

"Well, you can start talking about the divine power plane."

Wu Suye nodded, but instinctively looked at the surrounding environment.

Except for special places, there are not many people in Athens at night.

This is a civilian area. Most people who travel are rushing to the road and stumble all the way.

A few people held torches, and the blazing flames and sizzling sounds of burning can always be the envy of everyone, even attracting some to follow.

富有 Those who are wealthy basically ride in horse-drawn carriages, either with torches or expensive magic lights.

Like Su Ye and Nidern are both mages, their vision is far beyond ordinary people, and it is not much different from walking during the day.

Seeing this scene, Su Ye came up with a business opportunity. He could transform the popular ceramic oil lamp in Athens into a horse lamp and use it outdoors. But after thinking about it, the difficulty and cost are a bit high. It is worse than magic lights. Reduce costs again.

Su Suye didn't see anyone paying attention to herself and said, "Teacher, when will the Divine Plane start, and I will be ready."

Niedern shook his head and said, "The divine power plane is uncontrollable, unlike the magic plane of the legendary mage, it is very controllable. In short, various factors cause no one to clearly determine the opening time, only Get an approximate time period. Moreover, there are many divine planes, but not all of them are suitable for your students to enter. Finally, you may not even be able to enter the divine planes and change to ordinary trials. "

"Then you can popularize the knowledge of the divine power plane, it should not be in the book at this stage."

Niedern said: "Okay. 'Plane' is a general term. You can understand planes as different worlds, including the human world and the divine world. Where there is an independent space, they can be called planes. . Some planes are very small, maybe only a few hundred meters in diameter, and some planes are even larger than the world on earth. "

"The divine power plane is a more peculiar one. It involves the power of the gods. It is unknown how it is formed. But each divine power plane contains powerful power. This power nourishes this plane and forms various Beautiful things. In short, the divine plane can give birth to everything. Of course, there are corresponding huge risks. "

"However, you must pay attention. Before you promote the legend, only enter the proven divine plane, never go to the unknown divine plane. Because the divine plane you think may be the devil's palace, or the domain of the devil Or even the trap of a legendary mage. If that plane already has a master, then congratulations, you will be played by the master of the plane, even if you are stronger than the opponent. "

"I don't want to seduce you, but every magician has had such a dream, encountering the Lordless Plane of Divine Power, and then becoming the Lord of the Plane, from which he gets a steady stream of beauty and strength. You can also think But I hope you can be more realistic. Stronger than Plato, in addition to the self-built magic plane, it is only the master of a seat plane. Of course, these legendary masters are all overwhelming ... resourceful and may hide their power. "

"Teacher Thucydides, for example, has always said that he is not the master of the plane, but I don't believe every word of him. Well, I'm not allowed to tell him this ..."

As the two walked and talked, Niedern taught Su Ye the knowledge of the divine power plane and recommended several books, some of which can be read directly from the magic book, and some needed to go to the college library To see.

Some people approached occasionally on the road. When they heard the conversation between the two people, they were scared away from it immediately.

I sent Su Ye home, Niedern looked at the door of Su Yejia, and said, "After tomorrow's discussion at the short workshop, remember to find the black bronze medal of the Plato Chamber of Commerce and hang it at the door."

"The kind of bronze medal ~ ~ seems to represent the asylum of Plato College and cannot be used indiscriminately."

"It's okay, you can't treat you with other people's use. Everyone keeps one eye open and one eye closed. Even if someone reports it, you can return it, and you'll need another one in a few days." Niedern said.

Wu Suye looked at Ni Deng's solemn and serious face for ten thousand years, totally imagining that this person could have such a big difference between his face and his heart.

Zhan Academy is so straightforward and cheap, how can you teach students in the future!

"Okay, thank you teacher, I will get one tomorrow." Su Ye happily accepted.

He watched Niedern leave and Su Ye went home to study.

At the end of the second night of self-study, Su Ye and Nidern came to the short artificial workshop again. It may be because of yesterday's wine. Blackbeard was particularly enthusiastic about Suye, and Suye cleverly avoided the "shoulder" of Blackbeard .

This time, Su Ye took out the drawn tableware map, and Blackbeard let the dwarf magician use plastic molding to make molds on the spot, and then made silver table knives, forks and spoons on the spot.




(Non-text content)

The Plato College Academic Affairs Office sent an emergency magic letter to each student:

The city of Athens shows signs of plague, and the symptoms are Class B, but Class A, which is the highest level of protective measures, is required.

We solemnly remind all classmates to wear masks when going out to minimize going out and contact with others. Even the grand Taro goddess celebration can only be spent at home.

Dean Larence, on behalf of all the faculty at Plato College, wished each student a peaceful and peaceful celebration of the goddess Taro.

On behalf of all the teachers and students of Plato College, Dean Larence thanked everyone who worked hard to prevent the plague during the celebration.