World of Gods

Chapter 1122: Stalker Rocky

Su Ye stared at Loki's eyes.

After a while, Loki nodded slightly.

"Then, I want to ask you, you want to be cared by them, you want to be loved by them like family members, but have you expressed your love?"

"I helped them build Asgard, and I helped them obtain artifacts. Is it hate?" Rocky smiled sarcastically.

"I admit that you helped them build Asgard, and that you helped them obtain the artifact. Now, I only ask you this question, and you only need to answer this question. You express your right to Odin’s brother correctly and clearly. Is your love? And, are you sure that he knows your brotherly love and gives you a clear answer?"

"Don't shirk responsibility for Odin here. I have done so many things, isn't it because of our brotherhood?"

"Now, I will continue to repeat the last question. I only want you to answer it accurately and clearly." Su Yedao.

"You..." Loki stared at Su Ye, staring at Su Ye.

Su Ye has a smile on his face and his eyes are full of friendliness.

Freya looked at Su Ye, shocked.

"I need you to answer my question accurately and clearly. Do you express your fraternity to the Nordic gods accurately and clearly, and are you sure they have received it?" Su Ye asked again.

Loki sighed and said: "I vaguely understand. Well, I don't care about other things, just talk about this question. I really didn't express my friendship with the Nordic gods in the right way, and even I didn't like it. You’ve been like this today, and you asked yourself deeply, what do I need, what should I do, and what I should do in the end. I understand, now I understand.”

Loki lowered her head slowly, her face covered with tousled greasy curly hair.

Su Ye slowly said: "So, now, I want to talk about the real problem between you and Odin. As far as I know, it was Odin who pretended to be an ancient frost giant to spy on the enemy. The giant squeezed you out. After all, although you used conspiracies and tricks well, your power was not awakened and you have been bullied. Then, as the ancient frost giants, the two of you entered the kingdom of the frost giants and forged a deep friendship. Blood honey, make an oath of blood and become blood brothers. Right?"

"Indeed." Loki had already lowered his head.

"In my opinion, Odin’s attitude has nothing to do with you, the survival of the Nordic gods, and the twilight. The real core problem is that Odin mistakenly thought that he was your blood brother for profit, but in reality, Above, he wanted to be your blood brother, and to be your blood brother. However, as time passed, he forgot."

"He forgot that you are his friendly blood brother, he forgot that you are his comrades who lived and died together, he forgot that he wanted to save you from the kingdom of the frost giants, he forgot, in addition to the Norse gods, in addition to guarding against the Nordics At dusk, he is still a brother. He forgot that he should tell you correctly and clearly like a brother that he loves you like a brother."

"He may sacrifice you for the Nordic gods, he may use you, he may make you suffer great suffering, but before that, he should tell you clearly and clearly that he loves you like a brother. you."

"But, he forgot, he didn't do it, he didn't express his brotherly feelings clearly and correctly, which resulted in you not knowing whether he treats you like a brother, so you desperately pleased him, desperately endured all the pain, thinking Let him say that he loves you like his brother. But you did not wait for that day."

"Until, you can't bear it, drunk crazy in the hall of the gods, and then indirectly killed the **** of light, and finally punished by the gods and expelled from the Nordic gods."

"The whole thing is like that parents don't know how to love their children, and they never tell themselves that they love their children correctly and clearly. The children mistakenly think that they are not loved and that the children will not hurt their parents, but they will hurt themselves and others for their entire lives. "

After Su Ye finished speaking, he looked at Loki quietly.

Loki lowered his head deeply, clutching his rotting and intact face with his left hand.

In the starry sky, there seemed to be stars falling.

Freya stared at Su Ye blankly, tears overflowing in her eyes.

After a long time, Su Ye took a deep breath and said, "Odin is full of deep guilt for you, because the moment he sees the end of the evening, he is full of endless self-blame. He thinks he has not been a good brother, he thinks if he With enough power to change you, you will not become his enemy with Northern Europe. However, he can only see part of the future, he cannot see the complete future, he does not know what happened, but he believes in fate, Believe in the final outcome."

"He is the king of the gods, the king of northern Europe. He has to protect the entire Nordic gods. If he falls into endless remorse because of you, the entire Nordic gods will fall into chaos. Therefore, in order to protect the Nordic gods, he chooses not to Treating you so seriously will lead to your behavior becoming more radical. He dare not face his own guilt. In order to protect himself, for the sake of the Nordic gods, he can only use a wrong but unknowing method to relieve his guilt, that is Constantly accusing you, ordering you, picking your mistakes, making him feel that you are wrong, that you are evil, and that you are endangering the entire Nordic spiritual system. Only in this way can he feel that he is not wrong, and that he will not be guilty and guilty. Self-blame for engulfing."

"So, the relationship between the two of you, your relationship with the Nordic gods, has fallen into an endless loop and ended in a complete break."

"Ho **** ho..." Rocky, who covered his face with one hand, laughed up to the sky.

He dropped his left hand and looked at Su Ye, everything recovered as before.

"However, the door of dusk has been opened, and even if I regret it, I will be broken into pieces. I can only go on like this!" In Loki's dark eyes, a dim light flashed.

"This is your freedom, and I have no right to stop it. But what I want to point out is that you stand in front of Odin like a mirror, and you will become the second Odin."

"So what?" Rocky raised his head proudly.

Su Ye shrugged and said, "I can only talk about it up to here. And we will continue to look for things at dusk."

"I can't let Odin get the Twilight Thing!" Rocky said firmly.

Su Ye glanced at Freya, who wiped away his tears, and said, "Don't look at me. I am only a legendary clone now. Even if the main body appears, there is nothing to do with him. He is not a stupid, big-handed Titan, he is The **** of tricks rarely fights head-on, and you can think that he is fighting with us all the time. So...this matter has to be solved by you."

The starry sky is quiet.

After a long time, Freya held her chest gracefully, bent over and lowered her head, and said, "I'm sorry, Uncle Rocky."

"Useless waste, knowing that you can't get the twilight thing, just use this method to treat me, it is better to go back to Northern Europe!" Rocky looked at the Nordic Eros coldly.

Freya lowered her head and said nothing.

Su Ye said: "Odin's mistakes are passed on to Loki perfectly."

Loki's sharp gaze flickered, Su Ye turned to look at the, it was the distant starry sky.

Freya whispered: "But I have promised Uncle Odin that I must take the Twilight Page."

Loki's gaze moved, and his face showed a slight different color, which was well concealed.

Su Ye smiled and said, "Loki, are you really going to stop us? Freya has confessed to you and called your uncle. You are not like the kind of hard-hearted person. Or, you can open the net and open it. Just close one eye. After all... The Twilight Page was not originally in your plan."

Loki looked at Su Ye's words in surprise, pondered for a long time, and shook his head: "I can't let the pages of dusk fall into Odin's hands."

Su Ye continued to persuade: "If what I expected is good, you come to find the Twilight Thing not for yourself, but to exchange for something, right? After all, you can't fight in the Twilight War while absorbing the Twilight Thing. Power, the thing of twilight, will eventually be cheaper for the last man. And you...I’m afraid you should choose to believe Odin’s prophecy and die with the Nordic gods. So, how about I sell you more war artifacts?"

"The magic cannons needed for the Nordic ground war are enough." Rocky said.

"If the Odin Legion had more magic cannons, you wouldn't be enough." Su Ye said.

"It's a big deal to dispatch the Warcraft Corps."

"Well, how about I sell you some low-level war artifacts? The effect of using them in the war is very good. We have done experiments."

"Can you now manufacture the lower war artifacts on a large scale?"

"It's not a large-scale one, because the main core still needs to be refined by myself or the **** craftsman. However, except for the core components, all other components are only semi-artifacts and can be mass-produced."

"How many?"

"Ten sets." Su Yedao.

"No, too little."

"I mean ten sets, not ten pieces. For example, one set is called Bright Gatling. As long as the magic power is enough, it can pour a large amount of demigod magic in a short time through 108 barrels. Of course, this is only a primary function. More advanced functions require the purchase of small magic brains to accurately control ten sets of artifacts."

"The role of magic brain is said to be very strong?"

"It's not very strong, but it can make the perfect combination of the demigod-level magic erupted by Bright Gatling, forming the effect of magic pouring, and achieve the power of the lower god-level." Su Yedao.

"So strong?" Loki was moved.

"We are studying the magical artifact of the median war." Su Ye smiled.

"Okay! I want 100 sets, but not now, but for the Twilight Battle!" Rocky said.

Su Ye reluctantly said: "You want to buy the future output and avoid flowing into the Odin Army. Okay, I promise you."

"I won't prevent you from getting the Twilight Page, but I still can't let Odin get the Twilight Page." Rocky said.

Su Ye sighed, and UU read www.uukā and said: "You deserve to be the **** of tricks. He can always benefit himself through conspiracy and tricks. Freya, what do you think?"

Freya sighed and said: "If it really falls into your hands, Uncle Odin won't blame me."

Su Ye looked at Loki and said, "Now you can rest assured? Even if we find the Twilight Page, we won't give it to Odin."

"I will always follow you little lovers." Rocky said.

"You also said that you are not stalking the mad demon?" Su Ye looked helpless.

"I will always follow." Loki finished speaking, showing a weird smile and slowly disappearing into the starry sky.

Freya sighed and said, "Let's keep looking."

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