World of Gods

Chapter 167: Hot pot-Diaotian-Xia

Palos hesitated for a while before she said, "I want to know, how did you defeat them? I only heard the sound at the door, not the process."

Su Ye laughed. "Then you heard that I was looking for an excuse at first, did you think I was going to run?"

Palos looked up at Su Ye, his eyes filled with sincerity, saying "Su Ye, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you then. Thank you, I shouldn't doubt you, because you have been particularly good."

Su Ye smiled. "You understand why I said that then?"

Palos thought for a while, nodded, and said, "One is to lower their vigilance and make them think you are really scared and want to leave. The second is ... according to the distance between you, you should induce them to approach you. .According to the sound, you can first re-create the old magician, and then use magic instruments and magic to solve other people. Your magic should be very fast ... No, it should be particularly fast, as fast as less than 03 seconds, otherwise those dark Iron warriors and old mages can't possibly react. Your fireball fire is also particularly powerful. I saw the traces of the scene. Your fire must have a talent for spreading. Even the black iron warriors burned like that, at least there was adhesion. And burning talent. Even, you should have more power I can't see. "

Su Ye shook his head in his heart. This group of Xueba is really a one-on-one with a brain, knows everything, and the key judgment is still very strong. Fortunately, he has already figured out a countermeasure.

"Think again. Did you miss something?" Su Ye smiled mysteriously.

Paros frowned slightly, then looked back from Su Ye's shoulder probe and three flame goblins.

"You mean, this Fire Goblin King has so many talents, not you?" Palos asked

"OK, you are not stupid." Su Yedao.

Paros suddenly realized, "Oh, I'm stupid! I'm not a magician. I forgot one thing before. The normal Fire Goblin King can't release fireball. If you can release it, you should be a legendary miracle servant. Right? But I ’ve only heard of such strange servants, I do n’t know much. No wonder, if he is a miracle servant, it is not surprising that he has so many talents. "

"A good analysis. I can make you say so much, I have a great sense of accomplishment today." Su Ye laughed in his heart. Diaotian didn't expect to have the ability to hide his talent before, anyway, as long as his fireball and diaotian The landing point is the same, and ordinary mages can't see who has added talent to fireball.

Once the status of Diaotian is established as a multi-talented powerhouse, in the eyes of the enemy, Diaotian will become the primary target, and his master will be ignored instead.

"Huh!" Palos didn't expect Su Ye to induce himself to talk more and turned his head.

Su Yedao "You are OK when you say a word or two. If you say too much, your voice is a little trembling. Is it nervous to talk to everyone?"

In the world in Palos' heart, she became taller and bigger again, constantly poke Su Ye imagined in front of her with her fingers, while complaining quickly, complaining that you are annoying! If it weren't for my life-saving benefactor, I would have spoken to you with a false voice. You are not content, and you still ask? However, if you have good intentions in your heart, you don't care.

Palos hesitated for a moment, and honestly said "Yes."

Su Ye smiled and said, "I have been nervous when I went out to meet people. It ’s much better to slowly contact the outside world. I feel like you do n’t want to attract bees and butterflies? Your voice is so nice and people are so beautiful If you talk and laugh often, the boys must be around you every day. "

"My voice is not good." Palos' voice was full of resistance.

Su Ye asked in amazement, "Where isn't it good? You don't like this pure and sweet voice? You like that charming and mature voice? I don't think you're quite rich inside."

Paros knew that Su Ye was making fun of himself, glared at him, and looked into the distance.

The sky fell in her eyes, and the originally bright blue eyes gradually darkened, turning into gray-blue as the sky.

She whispered "We don't need such a voice, Pandion's!"

There was a needle in her voice that made her eardrums hurt and her heart hurt.

Su Ye remembered the legend of the demigod family. The demigod family is completely different from the other nobles below. The demigod family bears a great mission. Every member of the immediate family has undergone extremely rigorous training, regardless of gender.

Su Ye nodded and said, "I can hear what happened to you. Most of us are the same, we can't feel the pain of others, and even feel that the pain of others is nothing, but everyone feels like More painful than others. I will not advise you, I can only say that I like your voice, it sounds good, and I want to keep listening. "

Paros bowed her head and didn't answer.

Su Ye calmly said, "Really, I just think your voice sounds good. You can rest assured that I am not interested in your people and only like your voice. In the future, you talk to me more, maybe I will like you . "

In Palos's heart, the giant yelled at the little Su Ye under his teeth and yelled at the princess, which was very touching, but why are you making fun of this princess again!

I'm going to be angry!

But the giant Palos quickly became silent and let down his head. You never lost in a quarrel in Greece. The princess will not quarrel with you!

"You are cursing, too," Paros grunted.

Su Ye smiled and said, "The curse is that now there is a table named Su Ye who needs your voice."

Paros still thinks that Su Ye is talking nonsense, but I don't know why, I think Su Ye's words are actually a little bit sincere.

Although Su Ye was joking, he never relaxed his vigilance and often looked around.

As the **** became steeper and steeper, Su Ye's pace began to slow down.

"You take a break." Palos' soft voice flowed like Su Ye's ears.

"It doesn't matter, if I get tired, I will stop. If you really feel that I'm tired, talk to me more." Su Yedao.

Paros reluctantly said, "You are serious and serious in school, how you get here is like being a person."

Su Ye smiled and said, "It looks like my image in your heart is very tall before."

Paros took a deep breath and called out helplessly. He almost moved himself to tears at the arbitration before, but now it is like this.

Don't want to ignore you!

"Don't you think it would be boring if you look the same in school and in private?" Su Ye asked.

Palos stunned ~ ~ Do you have a cold face when you are at home, at school, or even chatting with friends? "Asked Su Ye.

Palos began to faint again, and she had a scene of her past experience in her mind. After growing up, she faced classmates and teachers at school, parents and servants at home, and faced other nobles and even her own maids at the noble party This is how it looks.

Only when you are alone, do you occasionally relax.