World of Gods

Chapter 26: Confess

"It's really useful to make money, but if it affects learning and cultivation, it pays off. The talent elf of the altar may not necessarily be what I want, not to mention, the possibility of me getting a powerful talent is very small, only ordinary talent. And, many talents I ca n’t directly improve my strength. I need enough cultivation and knowledge to turn it into a stronger one. "

所以 "So, even if I make money, I try to minimize time consumption, either hiring or cooperating with others."

"As for learning and cultivation ..."

Su Suye used the time of the second class to conduct a detailed comparative analysis. In the end, for the longer-term future, he bit his teeth and made an extreme choice.

"At least the next month, I will give up making money and practice. I will study knowledge madly, lay the foundation, and make up for the shortcomings. After one month, I know more about the world, and then make money, and I must do more with less. Only long-term benefits are benefits. Any short-term benefit can be a disaster, because once you are used to short-term benefits, you can't see or even give up long-term benefits. "

"I don't want to be a rat in a rice bowl!"

Wu Suye read the form again, and then read the text analysis below the form to make a formal determination.

Wu Suye knew in his heart that even if he didn't spend two classes to think about it, he would make the same choice.

But writing it down is equivalent to making a commitment, it is equivalent to clearing the subconscious, so that the brain has a sufficient sense of security, more willing and easier to do, without any confrontation.

After thinking about it, Su Ye added another line at the bottom of the page.

Without a record, nothing happened.

Su Suye looked at this line of words with emotion.

For many years, Su Ye has believed in his brain, he always valued his intuition, and always felt that he was very clever and thinks, but after continuously encountering a wall, he changed his way of thinking, instead of relying solely on his brain, but recorded things completely. Turn ideas into text analysis with a variety of methods.

As a result, Su Ye ’s understanding of everything has improved unprecedentedly, and life has changed as never before.

After the decision was made, Su Ye went on to study math last semester in the morning.

Qi Suye did not open the textbooks or notes. Instead, he chose a blank sheet of paper to extract memories out of thin air and draw a mind map.

In this process, Su Ye not only strengthened the memory of mathematical knowledge, but also classified it, and clarified the relationship between different knowledge points to form a complete process of input to output.

However, Su Ye forgot many knowledge points.

Su Suye is not only discouraged, but rather happy, because those who have forgotten are likely to not understand enough, but they think they understand.

Su Suye turned to look at the notes, read quickly, and focused on those forgotten knowledge points.

Later, Su Ye used the recall extraction method to extract knowledge points and supplement the mind map.

几个 Several rounds in a row, before the penultimate lesson, Su Ye finally completed the mind map of the full knowledge point of the math textbook last year.

Wu Suye felt that his brain had been squeezed out and stumbled.

与 此 At the same time, however, my heart produces a sense of accomplishment, satisfaction and joy that is far beyond ordinary.

Su Suye experienced this feeling of making herself comfortable.

Strengthen rewards.


The bell of the class rang.

Qi Suye sat in his seat, his eyes were dull and his energy was exhausted.

"Su Ye, are you okay?" Hult looked at Su Ye anxiously.

"It's all right."

After Wu Suye finished speaking, he struck up his spirit and walked out holding the magic book.

"where are you going?"

找 "Find a teacher and admit punishment."

Hort was puzzled. Seeing that Su Ye was in a bad state, he followed.

Palos glanced at the back of Su Ye and continued to study.

Su Suye quickly found the second-year teacher's house, which was divided into several rooms.

Qi Suye found Nidern's room, knocked on the door, bowed politely, and said, "Good teacher."

Danielle glanced at Su Ye in surprise and remembered what happened in the morning. He did not expect this student to be so polite, knocked on the door, bowed and said hello. Compared with Su Ye, the other students were almost Nordic.

"Um." Niedern nodded.

Qi Suye looked guilty and said, "Mr. Nidern, I have been guilty for being late in the morning all day, I can't listen to any class, and my heart is full of pain ..."

"Did you alleviate the pain when you hit Hutton?" Nidern interrupted Su Ye with a rather funny tone.

Su Suye froze for a moment, and said to you, a teacher, can you harm the students in this way?

Su Suye pretended not to hear, and continued: "So, I decided to punish myself and learn the style!"

Benedict looked blankly at Su Ye, even the fake eyes on the left flashed with doubt.

Su Ye continued: "Please punish me to serve my classmates. I have already thought about the punishment measures. Before leaving school every afternoon, I need to find a teacher to ask the key knowledge of the day's lesson, what should I review at night. At the same time, I also I want to ask what tomorrow ’s class will cover, and what knowledge should be previewed. Finally, I write on the magic blackboard what I want to review and preview today, and serve classmates! "

Nideen looked at Su Ye quietly without saying a word.

After a while, Su Ye tentatively asked, "What is your kindest teacher, Nidern, at Plato College?"

Then Nidern asked, "Is this what you came up with?"

"Yes, but I mainly punish myself and show the fairness and justice of Plato College, otherwise I don't want to do it." Su Ye showed helplessness.

Nidern was silent for a moment and asked, "Honestly, have you been studying drama and mainly acting all summer?"

"Teacher, please believe in your students!" Su Ye's eyes were firm.

There was a slight smile on the corner of Mr. Nidern's mouth, and he nodded, "Okay. I agree with this punishment. UU reads for a month. Whoever is late will accept such punishment after one month ..."

Wu Suye said decisively: "Please ask the teacher to punish me for at least one year! Only in this way can I keep the lessons in mind, and only in this way can other students take me as a negative example and understand the harm caused by being late."

Heiden stared at Su Ye for a while, nodded gently, and said, "Since you have such a spirit, I promise you."

Su Ye opened his notebook and said, "Today's class is a review of last year's content, which is complicated and cannot be reviewed, so there is no need to arrange class reviews. Then, teacher Nidern, which courses should we preview when we go home tonight? What ’s the focus? ”

Niedern did not read the magic book either, and he said, "Tomorrow I will have a basic magic class, a giant language class and a meditation class. The basic magic class must be previewed in advance. The magic characteristics of the four kingdoms, the basic spells of apprentice magic ... "

Nidern spoke at a steady pace, while Su Ye recorded quickly and ended quickly.

谢谢 "Thank you Teacher Niedern, I'm going to find another teacher now."

"No magic letter?" Niedern asked.

"That punishment is not effective!" Su Ye's answer was extremely firm.

Nidern nodded slightly, thoughtfully.

"I'll ask the other teachers who have classes tomorrow, goodbye."

Qi Suye bowed again and then turned away.

Wu Suye just stepped out of the office door and heard Niedern's voice behind him.

"Let's learn less drama later!" Niedern's voice was a little cheerful.

Qi Suye left quickly, but secretly said in his heart, what about a good serious and kind teacher? Where is it serious? Where is kindness?