World of Gods

Chapter 30: How to become a god?

After sending, Su Ye heard many exhalations in the class.


Nidn's voice sounded and the dust settled.

"Very good, it's all done, I'm satisfied."

Everyone immediately discovered that Teacher Niedern had deliberately postponed for a period of time to ensure that all the students had completed their answers. Only then did they realize that it was a false alarm before, but to force them to write their first thoughts.

A few classmates lost their thoughts.

"I have received the answer, and now the groups sit in a circle, say your answer, and start the discussion."

Qi Suye got up and heard, moved a stool, and sat around the other six of the group.

Six people, look at me, I look at you, I don't know what to say for a while.

Paros held up the magic book and turned the page of the book to others, with only one word written on it.


Wu Suye glanced at Paros in surprise, but did not expect her to be almost the same as herself.

Then, a symptom of sympathy flashed in Su Ye's eyes, and it seemed that Palos could not speak.

Jimmy laughed: "I said first. My answer was to get around. I didn't know why I thought this at the time, anyway, I didn't dare to climb Mount Olympus, and if I met the gods, a thunderbolt would stab me. That's too bad. What about you? Rolon what did you write? "

Luo Luolong put down the war spear and sword in his hand, which made Su Ye and several others roll their eyes in their hearts.

"I wrote 'Leave'." He took out the magic book and showed it to everyone.

Hort also took out the magic book and said, "I wrote" Climbing. "I didn't think about it at that time. Since it was the words of Dean Plato, just listen.

"Brave!" Jimmy said.

Wu Suye said, "I wrote to find a way to climb." After speaking, he also held up the magic book.

洛 Palos' blue eyes blinked.

The rest looked at Su Ye and looked at Paros.

Jimmy's eyes rolled, he smiled and said, "Rick, how about you?"

微 Lek, with a pale complexion, reluctantly held up the magic book and said, "I only thought about what my sister was going to do. I didn't think of anything else. I just wrote it."

It only says "What about my sister?"

"Haha, I knew you would be like this," Jimmy smiled. "Albert, how about you?"

Slim Albert was a little embarrassed and said, "Don't you say it?"

"What do you say?" Jimmy said angrily.

Albert reluctantly held up the magic book with his skinny arm, which read "Escape".

Jimmy didn't hold back, laughed, and the little freckles on his nose almost jumped out.

Albert's sleeve slipped. Su Ye saw that his arm had many scars, but the next moment, Albert retracted his arm, covered his arm with his sleeve, flushed his face, lowered his head, and stopped talking.

Jimmy coughed, concealing his embarrassment, and said: "The answer to the seven of us was 'method' to leave 'and go around' to find a way to climb. ... what is being discussed now? "

Seven people look at me, I look at you, I don't know what to say.

也是 The people at the other tables, too, don't seem to know what to discuss.

The classroom fell into a weird silence.

Qi Suye didn't care about others, she thought quietly, the more she thought, the more her heartbeat became stronger, and she felt that she thought things seriously, so she stopped thinking.

At a glance, Jimmy said no one said, "I thought about it for a while, this should be the teacher using the name of Dean Plato to test the way we deal with difficulties."

"It should be like this." Su Ye said abruptly.

Jimmy glanced at Su Ye and analyzed it seriously: "Let me talk about my opinion. Everyone knows that Mount Olympus is in the northwest of Greece, where clouds and mists linger all year round and connect to the temple of Zeus in the divine realm. And God The temple of King Zeus is also the temple of the Greeks. How dangerous there is, I don't need to say more. If you know this, the problem is simple. "

Jimmy glanced at the crowd with a smile, confidently and confidently: "When encountering difficulties, Su Ye and Palos wanted to find a 'method'. They just wanted to solve the difficulties, and didn't want the difficulties to be solved. The Warrior Hott went straight on, I really do n’t want anything. Rick is more worried about his sister and completely ignores the difficulty itself. Albert is more powerful and does n’t have to think about it and runs directly. As for Roland and I, they are more powerful. We will evaluate the degree of difficulty. Do n’t risk your life and make the smartest move. ”

Everyone smiled and seemed to agree with Jimmy.

However, Su Ye and Palos' eyes suddenly met, and they quickly separated.

Both people saw a touch of indifference in the eyes of the other, it was a kind of indifference that knew the other was wrong and didn't need explanation.

"You talk, Hot." Jimmy smiled.

Hort scratched his head and said, "I think I'm really reckless. Now thinking about it, I still think that Su Ye and Paloss have a point."

"Oh? Su Ye, how about you? Your summer vacation has changed a lot." Jimmy smiled and looked towards Su Ye.

"I think you're quite good." Su Ye smiled.

"Do you still insist?" Jimmy asked.

"Of course." Su Ye said.

那么 "So, can you talk about why you don't think about whether the difficulties can be solved, but just the methods?" Jimmy's attitude is very kind.

Su Suye smiled a little, but did not expect Jimmy's level to be so high, she wanted to persuade people by asking questions, obviously she was learning Socrates, but her skills were a bit rough.

However, since the other party asked, Su Ye no longer covered up, saying, "Before discussing this matter, we must first ask a question, that is, is it our real goal to climb Mount Olympus?"

苏 At the moment Su Ye asked this, Nidern, who was listening to the discussion of the other groups, turned his head sharply, and UU read the book and looked towards Su Ye.

Jimmy froze for a moment, but for a while he didn't know how to answer, and the others fell into thought.

Luo Luolong held the war spear and said, "If in this issue, Mount Olympus is not our goal, there is no need to discuss it. Now we can only assume that climbing Olympus is the goal of each of us."

"Yes, it should be like this." Jimmy finished looking at Su Ye.

Wu Suye laughed: "If, I mean, if climbing Olympus is my goal, then of course I will find a way to climb first."

"Don't you consider the gods of Mount Olympus?" Jimmy asked.

考虑 "Consider, I will consider ways to avoid them, or to allow them to allow me to climb." Su Ye took his face for granted.

"You ..." Jimmy froze again.

Albert couldn't help but said, "But the gods can't let you climb, only **** can set foot there."

Wu Suye nodded and smiled. "You see, Albert proposed a way to climb and become a god."

Of the six at the same table, five were stunned and staring at Su Ye, just like lunatics and idiots.

Paros stared at Su Ye as well, but his eyes shone with a completely different light from others.

Albert narrowed his neck and said, "Look, let's change the subject. I'm afraid the Thunder Spear of the God King will come over to destroy the school."

In addition to Palos and Su Ye, the other five nodded together.

"It could be all Athens," Albert added.

At this time, Teacher Niedern came over and asked, "How does one become a god?"

Five at the same table felt that my mind was chasing into a pot of vegetable soup. Why did Teacher Nidern go crazy?