World of Gods

Chapter 369: Reality and truth

Euclid solemnly said: "What does it mean to be too wasteful? Insulting geometry! Geometry is a great philosophy and the foundation of magic, even if it is not used, or even conceived in the mind, there is irreplaceable meaning and value. .Practical? It's really insulting geometry. We can only explore the deeper truths if we reject the narrow thinking of 'pragmatism'! If we are based on practical and sensory judgments, we will be bound by the so-called practical constraints in front of us, like walking randomly in the night. ! We need a light like truth to guide our sight! The logic should be rearranged. "

Suye's helplessness is a kind of extraordinary thinking of ancient Greek philosophers. They believe that the real world seen by their eyes is not important, and the world of truth touched by thinking is more important.

In their view, everything in reality is tricks and tricks, not enough, only the truth world of ideas and theories is eternal.

In the eyes of those masters, the reality in front of them cannot change these truths of idea theory, but truth can easily determine reality.

In the eyes of Greek philosophers, geometry was originally not related to mathematics. Even the Pythagoreans who called "everything counts" regarded mathematics as part of philosophy.

In the eyes of philosophers and magicians, there is only magic and philosophy. Others are branches of philosophy and magic, and do not need to care too much.

The value of this kind of thinking is very counter-intuitive and anti-experience, and it feels very wrong, but Su Ye knows that this is one of the important reasons for human's transcendental development.

"Teacher, you are right, don't violate the correct logic, you should use common sense to control common sense, and don't use common sense to control truth. Truth can explain everything, but common sense is just an example of truth, and it can never replace or equate truth. For example, geometry is Truth is useless! "Su Yedao said.

Euclid's eyes brightened, his smile regained, and he nodded, "Okay, very good! Useless, I like this very much! Sure enough, it's an excellent member."

After that, Euclid carefully wrote in the magic book.

Su Ye coughed and said, "I mean, in your spare time, you can do some games to train your mind. For example, design a beautiful toothbrush that conforms to geometry and let others know the beauty of geometry. At the same time, You can also get some funds to continue to study geometry and form a virtuous circle. "

Euclid pondered for a few seconds and said, "I don't care if other people can understand the beauty of geometry, but if it only takes a little time, I can continue to study geometry, and I am willing to do it. However, I will give the best Plan, and then go to Archimedes, he likes to do this kind of thing. Huh! "

Euclid unabashedly dissatisfied with Archimedes.

Su Ye was about to speak, and Euclid continued: "Don't make the same mistake as Archimedes. He over-pursed to analyze the real world in front of him, and then pursued the truth in reverse. This method is not wrong, but may mislead us. Of course, Archimedes knew that he was only pursuing the truth, and everything in the real world was just a means, but others might not be able to distinguish the order. Most people just thought that Archimedes discovered technology through reality, and then Discovering truth from technology and reality is Archimedes' thinking with the pursuit of truth. His focus on reality is only a means, not an ultimate goal. "

"Teacher, you are right, I must have this kind of positive order logic thinking." Su Yedao.

"Positive logic? Okay." Euclid wrote down carefully again.

Other warriors only felt pain in their heads. Is this the daily life of the magician? Washing a mouth and washing a face can extend such a profound truth?

Only Castor and Commodus listened carefully and thought hard.

Although I don't understand.

Not long after, the two Spartan soldiers carried back to the dark wooden barrel.

Su Ye looked at it, it was barley porridge, mixed with some other coarse grains and a little bit of bacon, with light green olive oil floating on it.

Several Spartan warriors frowned lightly. Although they had n’t eaten this barley porridge before, this one was too thin to sustain a high-intensity battle.

"This food is too little. Everyone eats the food that I store, but try to save as much as possible. After all, I don't have much." Su Ye said, taking out some meat, including ham, bacon, and fish.

The soldiers' eyes were shining, and they each took enough meat to eat.

After eating, Su Ye and others walked out of the small courtyard and looked around.

There are temporary tents everywhere on the open ground, and some are magic earth houses built by the magician of gold, which can be used for more than ten days.

Compared with the Spartan fighters, most of the fighters' armor is older, the skin color is not so healthy, there is no look in the eyes, but it is not desperate, but it seems to look away from everything in front of it and become indifferent.

The whole fortress is a mess, some people are still drinking gruel porridge, some people are slowly cutting their own dried meat, some people are starting to practice combat skills, some are sitting quietly, and some young Everyone was excited, talking about the upcoming battle.

Those older soldiers looked at the young soldiers with complicated eyes.

Everything seems to repeat itself.

A short time later, a herald came over and respectfully handed Su Ye a wax plate and a bronze dagger.

After Su Ye thanked, he took the wax board to read.

It turned out that this was an appointment order personally issued by the legendary warrior coalition general Mitiyad personally, allowing Su Ye to lead the Spartan soldiers to act on the plane without violating the higher military orders. After that, various secret codes, various military sequences, and a list of commanders were added.

Suye put away the wax board and waited quietly.

I saw many heralds coming and going from place to place, continually issuing orders, chaotic and orderly.

At around eight o'clock in the morning, the fortress was illuminated by the sun.

The fortress room was still dark, the ground was still muddy, and the soldiers were still covered in smudges.

However, the world seems to have a little more vitality.

Su Ye led thirty Spartan warriors and Euclidean out of the north gate.

The morning sun melts away the mist in the distance, the salty sea breeze blows slowly from the east, and the distant sky is blue.

At the edge of that blue sky, the Persian camp was like a black demon cow crawling on the coast.

A line of neat or messy Persian soldiers is slowly coming out of the camp, looking from afar, like moving dark fields.

Su Ye blinked and saw that in the Persian camp, flying snakes flew leisurely. Those flying snakes had black wings and red crimson. When breathing, thin flames appeared from the nose and mouth.

Each flying snake is seven or eight meters long and has a thin waist.

Those flying snakes with blood vessels of anger snakes and fire dragons form the ace army of anger snakes.

In the camp, many Persian magicians are meditating, and a magic lamp is suspended in the air, vomiting magic.

Su Ye looked carefully at the team that kept pouring out of the Persian camp.

Just like what is stated in the book, a large number of soldiers were as if they had just stepped out of the farmland. They had thin yellow skin, muddy and dusty legs and feet, wore ragged clothes, and held rough spears.

Some spears are not even polished, thin thorns stand on it.

I thought they would be listless, but unexpectedly, there was a fierce light in their eyes, and even a slight contempt.

Suye thought about it, perhaps Persia occupied the island of Ubeya. These soldiers were still immersed in the victory of the past. They did not take the Greeks into consideration. At the same time, they must have been inspired. As long as they occupy Greece, they will get generous. Of remuneration.

When a large number of light infantry came out, a team of brightly armoured soldiers walked out.

These new soldiers are neatly equipped, mostly wearing high-quality leather armor, with shields and spears, and a few people, like Spartan warriors, carry shining spears behind their backs, and the spearheads that reflect are like stars in the daytime.

A few of these soldiers even wore better protected metal armor.

These are the main force and regular army of Persia, directly under the king of Persia, commonly known as the king's army.

After the King's Army, a team of warriors in dark red armor walked outwards like a human can. Each human can is engraved with a bright red scimitar on the left chest.

These undead troops marched forward in unison, like puppets.

Suye looked back at the warriors on the Greek side.

The warriors on the Greek side consisted of people from multiple city-states, and they could be regarded as colorful, but all Greek warriors, even the most sloppy and poorest warriors, also had old leather armor.

Most of the soldiers have metal armor, or metal breastplates, or metal armor, which is a strong contrast to the opposing Persian army.

Greek warriors do not have too many yellow-skinned people, most of them are well-balanced, and their average height is significantly higher than that of the Persians.

After a simple verification, Su Ye brought people into the Chinese army, while Euclid was separated from the crowd.

Su Ye is standing on the spot, observing the situation of the Chinese army, and discussing with the experienced soldiers in the team.

Commodus and Castor said nothing, and their battlefield experience was not as good as those of ordinary Spartan soldiers.

Soon, the commander of the Chinese army, the herald of the veteran general LaMarcus, found Suye and gave some suggestions, hoping that this Spartan team could help stick to the Chinese army and only leave the Chinese army during the pursuit. Go to the flank.

"Obviously, this General LaMarcus can't look down on our squad." Kasto whispered.

"We don't care about other people's attitudes, we just need ourselves." Su Yedao.

"Do we want to contact those gold mages ~ ~ Commodus Road.

Su Ye followed Commodus's eyes and looked at the place where Euclid was, and saw more than ten gold mages and Euclid together, talking and laughing.

Those golden wizards are all over the age of forty, and even have old magicians with white hair, who are euphoric to Euclid and Yan.

"No, Euclidean will help us in secret. Now if we get too close to Euclidean, we will be noticed by interested people. Next, we mainly protect me, and I mainly use traps to delay the Persians." .

Time passed slowly.

Among the Persian armies, the heraldsmen on horseback continued to give orders, and the ranks of the king's army and the undead army were gradually neat.

At the same time, the generals of the Greek left, center and right began to use the magic beard to speak.

Both sides lined up.

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