World of Gods

Chapter 386: rest

The young fate warlock wanted to use a magic weapon, but suddenly closed his eyes.

Dark talent, lethargic.

The dark hellfire magma wrapped his body.

Not only this young Destiny Warlock, except for the middle-aged Destiny Warlock, most of the Golden Warriors and Golden Mage are in various dark talents.

People who suffer from numbness will lose their judgment of danger. Even if they are obviously burned by flames throughout the body, they will not feel pain and danger until they are burned to death.

People who are confused will forget to cast spells or use combat skills, walk around indiscriminately, do not know what to do, and slowly be burned to death.

Suddenly, several golden warriors and magicians killed themselves.

Endless anger and fear surfaced on each of them.

"Kill you!"

"You murderer!"

"You're actually resurrected, I'm going to kill your family!"


Their dark talent: illusion.

One of the most terrifying talents of dark talents.

"Unforgivable." The middle-aged fate warlock was wrapped in dazzling white light, unaffected by the hellfire magma, and he pointed to the **** unicorn.

The clear sky in the morning is bright and bright, even if there are stars in the sky, you can't see it.

But at this moment, everyone felt that the sky was dark and a doji star lit up in the eastern sky. Then, the doji star turned into a holy white flame and instantly crossed the space and hit the **** unicorn.

A white pillar of fire as high as ten floors fell suddenly.

Just like the flame waterfall.

The **** unicorn just snorted and his body was completely evaporated.

A deep black hole was left on the ground.

"Unfortunately, there is no way to be resurrected. If I am killed by Sacred Flame of Destiny, I can be resurrected. In the future, I will call Su Ye a teacher." Euclid sighed.

"That's what you said, I remember." General Fast said.

"What do you remember? I forgot." Euclid gave Fast a white look and continued to look at the Persian camp.

The **** unicorn was killed, but the last hellfire magma directly killed seven gold warriors and four gold magicians, as well as four gold warriors and six gold magicians who died in the illusion.

However, after looking at the gold and the sanctuary in the Persian camps, the Greek coalition forces did not choose to rush into the camps.

The magical crossbow of the Persian battleship exudes frost and cold light.

Even now, the total strength of Persia still exceeds that of the Greek coalition forces.

The Greek coalition navy has not yet arrived.

General Fast looked at this scene and whispered: "Unfortunately, if Admiral Demis's navy arrives, we will attack on both sides, and we can now cheer the final victory."

A golden general next to him sighed and said, "The nobles are still watching, and the city-states are still watching. Even if the first war is won, they are also worried about the annihilation of the navy. Fortunately, we still win in the second war, Tonight, the Greek coalition navy should depart from the port of Athens. "

"Aristocrats ... they are mad dogs who can only see the benefit in front of them. We won the two battles. They will definitely treat Persia as fat, and when the time comes ... I hope I think too much." General Fast looked quietly. Into the distance.

The Persian camp has gradually calmed down.

"I don't understand politics. If you use mathematical thinking to calculate, you will always think too little." Euclid looked at Su Ye.

"Yeah, when they think that Persia is a soft persimmon, they will certainly open the hands of others and pinch themselves."

"They will hold a hedgehog." Euclid disagreed.

"But it is not only the hands of the nobles that bleed, which is why General Mithyad would rather offend the mountain of war and fight the Persian army." Fast looked at the Greeks one by one on the battlefield.

"Someone is going to ignite the flames of Grey River Town." Euclid looked away from Suye and turned to the blue ocean, where the dense Persian warships gently undulated with the waves.

Fast looked at Suye and then to the Greek soldiers.

"Yes, the final victory will ultimately belong to us." Faster smiled faintly.

The smile on his face was exactly the same as that on the Greek soldiers.

Su Ye is counting the Spartans.

The six people were killed in battle, all of them died by a Persian attack.

Only twenty-four people remain.

Whether it is Commodus, Kastor or other Spartan fighters, there is no grief at all.

This is the fate of the warrior.

They did not die because of failure, but fell before victory.

"This battle, you have enough fighting skills." Commodus said.

Castor nodded.

"Are you sure?" Su Yedao said.

"Killing a fate warlock is the power of half of the generals. It is enough for you to defeat the four major legions, plus the warriors and magicians who died directly from the unicorn." Commodus's The tone is full of envy.

"I never thought that a bronze magician can earn military power so easily, even our demigod family ... No, you are already silver." Kastor's tone was also full of envy.

"I also feel honored for you." Su Yedao.

Commodus and Castor Qiqi rolled their eyes together, Su Ye's mouth was always so poisonous.

Kastor suddenly turned his head and looked at the coalition generals on the city wall. After a long silence, he sighed and said: "Next, you can't go, but you can use the excuse of magic to have a problem and rest for a while."

"Oh?" Su Ye looked at Castor with doubt.

"You know magic, you know battle, but you don't know nobles." Castor said helplessly.

Su Ye frowned for a while, then nodded and said, "I probably understand what you mean. But they will not be stupid to this extent?"

"The Persians lost two games in a row and looked as stupid, but are they really stupid?" Casto whispered.

"Yeah, they are not stupid, they are just kidnapped in the past, and they fight against the tide of the times with a rigid mind, but their mind always tells themselves that they are right. They think they are protecting themselves, but they cannot protect themselves, only Protecting his own ignorance. "Su Ye looked at the Persian camp and looked at the various tools that had been eliminated by the Greeks.

There is a generation gap of at least ten years.

"You lie down now." Casto whispered.

Su Ye nodded and said, "We will eventually win."

Su Ye said, take the self-made stretcher from the ruined space, put it on the ground, and wade up on his own.

"Let's go." Su Yedao said.

"Urak! What's wrong with you, Urak? Are you over-powered?" Castor shouted loudly, expressionless, but his voice was full of sadness and sadness.

"Ah! The next battle is up to you ... I'll do my best!" Su Ye closed his eyes after he said.

"You two ..." Commodus couldn't help crying.

Many people looked here, even the generals on the city walls.

The two Spartan soldiers rushed over, lifted the stretcher, and slowly walked towards the fortress with the team.

Euclid hurriedly cast a spell and ran over with a cyan breeze.

"What's wrong? Was it influenced by the power of fate?" Euclid asked.

"Fate can't affect me, nobles can." Su Ye squinted lazily.

The sun is quite dazzling.

Euclid remained silent for a while, then nodded.

"I see, you rest for a few days, and when the time is right, I will contact you." Euclid said.

"How is my military merit?" Su Ye asked.

Euclid glanced at the city wall and said, "As long as General Fast is in charge of military power, no one will deprive you of military power."

"What if General Fast has another appointment?" Su Ye asked back.

"They must first resolve General Miteaard." Euclid said.

"Well, yes, they are short-sighted, but not stupid X." Su Ye mixed a Greek swear word.

"But if they want military merit, they must get the consent of General Miteaard." Kasto whispered.

"Of course, there will be gains and losses, no one can take everything, General Mitea Yard will not work, nor will the nobles." Euclid said.

"Also." Casto whispered.

A team of people crossed the city gate, entered the fortress, and walked to the residence.

Su Ye's mouth suddenly raised a mocking smile.

Commodus, Kastor, and Euclid also looked at each other, all with similar sarcasm on their faces.

The Spartan soldiers remained unchanged.

"You Athenians, it's really interesting." Commodus could not help but sneer.

"We Sparta's unbelievable people were driven away by you, and now we still feel why he is not an Athenian on the walls. I didn't laugh with my belly, but I gave you face." Tiger head on plastron.

"To each other, you Spartan anti-magicians are just like anti-thieves." Euclidean said.

Casto Whisperer.

Commodus looked back at the city wall, looking at the backs of those nobles.

Su Ye opened his eyes slightly and saw a familiar figure.

The figure that had been smashed by the big wooden stick, and the light blonde curls.

Above the city wall, Andrea glanced at the marathon plain with gray-green eyes.

"I like it here. The cry of the soldiers is more pleasing than my harp." Andrea smiled.

"You are so humble that even the horn of the battlefield cannot compare with your harp. If the war ends before the Pitiah competition, you will surely become the harp champion this year. The music champion of the Junior General of Athens and the Pititia competition , UU reading you must have the favor of the sun god. "Said the young nobleman on the side.

"Chard, your praise makes me feel complacent. I just accidentally commanded a battle, and then I might kill a gold warrior or gold mage with a family magic weapon, and finally get the military power, which is probably the level of the commander. The teenage general is too exaggerated, I can't do it. "Andrea smiled on his face.

Chard sighed and said, "Speaking of military achievements, the silver magician named Urak is really **** luck, there is a magical magic servant, lucky to restrain the giant legion, and even accidentally killed a fate warlock. Those generals have been talking about him. Not surprisingly, he will become the youngest general in these years, second only to Aristotle. "

"Yes, this Spartan is still much worse than Aristotle. That famous fire-burning battle really shook the whole of Athens, which also led the military to pay more attention to the cultivation of magicians. Unfortunately, those Old stubborn people have been afraid of magicians. "Andrea said.

"I, a warrior, cannot understand your magician." Chard shrugged.

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